Download AMUEEE Admit Card 2021 : AMUEEE 2021 admit card would approximately be released in the fourth week of April. Please log-in using course chosen and application number to download the admit card. Candidates’ full name, application number, exam centre details and timings will be present on admit card. Admit card is mandatory to attend the exam.
AMUEEE 2021 Admit Card Release Date
Candidates, who have applied for the AMUEEE 2021 before the last date stated by the Aligarh Muslim University can download the admit card from the official website. They can expect the admit card for the B. Tech and B. Arch course entrance test to be released in the second week of April 2021.

Process To Download AMUEEE 2021 Admit Card
Candidates submitting the application before the last date as specified by the AMU along with the official notification can follow the process given below to get their admit card:
- Visit the website:
- Below update tab select the link of AMUEEE 2021 Admit Card.
- You will be directed to a login page.
- Choose your course and enter your application ID.
- AMUEE2021 Admit Card will show up on the screen.
- Download it and do not forget to take a print of the document.
Before you download the admit card, it is better to make sure that your personal details and other details given in the admit card are correct to the best of your knowledge.
Candidates without hall ticket are not allowed to attend the exam. Every candidate should carry their photo id proof like Aadhar card, pan card, driving license or any other valid photo identity card along with Admit card.
Details On AMUEEE 2021 Admit Card
Candidates are recommended to make sure that the details corresponding to the categories given below are correct before they download the admit card:
- Full name
- Roll number
- Category
- Phone No.
- Photo Id
- Email address
- Exam centre
- Reporting time
- Signature
- Application Number
- Thumb impression
Instructions To Be Followed
- Admit card is mandatory to attend the AMUEEE 2021 exam. Candidates will not be permitted in without Admit card.
- Admit card will be verified by the invigilator during the exam.
- All the instructions mentioned on AMUEEE 2021 admit card should be followed in the exam hall.
- Details should be verified first before downloading and taking a print out of the admit card.
- Admit card should be kept safe till the admission process is completed.
- A passport size photograph should be attached in the given space, after taking a print out of the admit card.
Discrepancy In AMUEEE 2021 Admit Card
If you find any discrepancy in AMUEEE 2021 admit card, please inform the respective department for correction. The contact details are mentioned below:
Office of the Controller of Examinations
Administrative Block, AMU
Aligarh – 202002 (UP) –India
Documents Needed To Carry To Exam
When you visit the examination centre to take up the AMUEEE 2021 entrance test, you will have to carry the following documents:
- Printed admit card
- A valid photo identity
Make sure that no other documents or electronic gadgets accompany you to the exam centre. They will not be permitted into the hall even if you take them.
AMUEEE Admit Card FAQs
Q. Is There Any Reservation for Seats?
A. Yes, there is 50% reservation for the Muslim candidates as Aligarh Muslim University is a Muslim Minority Institution. Of course,candidates from other religion are also admitted.
Q. Till When Should I Maintain The AMUEEE 2021 Admit Card?
A. Must keep hold of the AMUEEE admit card till the admission process is completed. You should make sure that the admit card is not tampered or torn in any way. Keep it safe without any discrepancies until the admission process is completely over.
Q. Is The Admit Card Available In Offline Mode?
A. The admit card is available in online mode only. So,you cannot expect the admit card to be delivered to your home. Even, you cannot get it in person from the exam centre. So, to avoid last minute rush, keep checking the official website of AMU and download the admit card as soon as it is released.