AP Police constable apply online 2021 process for filling up application form will start on the official website @ slprb.ap.gov.in. AP police recruitment 2021 for the vacancies of Police Constables, Warders, and Firemen will start from September 2021. The AP Police Constable registration of online application will commence from September 2021 and the last date of registration will be October 2021.
AP police constable notification 2021 will be released to recruit suitable candidates on 11356 vacancies available in various units and departments of the A.P. Government. Local candidates of Andhra Pradesh who are dreaming of doing a police job must apply to any vacancy available against AP constable notification 2021.
Before applying online against AP police notification 2021, candidates are requested to get details below regarding AP police constable eligibility conditions. Checking conditions is necessary before submitting an online application. While checking conditions, you must consider post code nos. as mentioned below
Post code nos. | Post name | No. of vacancies |
01 | PC (Civil) | - |
02 | PC (AR) | - |
03 | PC (APSP) | - |
04 | Warders (Male) | - |
05 | Warders (Women) | - |
07 | Firemen | - |
Total | 11356 |
AP Police Constable Important Dates
Particulars | Dates |
Online registration starts from | September 2021 |
Online registration ends on | October 2021 |
Submission of fees | September/ October 2021 |
Admit card for Stage I exam [preliminary written test] | 10 days before test |
Stage I exam [preliminary written test] will be on | Dec 2021 10 AM to 01:00 PM (3 hours) |
Admit card for Stage II exam [PMT / PET] | To be notified |
Stage II exam [PMT / PET] shall be on | To be notified |
Call letter for final written examination | To be notified |
Final written exam will be on | To be notified |
Declaration of final result | To be notified |
AP Police Constable 2021 Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit [As on October 01, 2021]
- For Post Code nos. 01, 02 & 03 – A candidate must be 18 years old but not have attained the age of 22 years. But if the candidate is a local resident of A.P. and presently working as Home Guard for at least 365 days then the upper age limit for him/her is 30 years.
- For Post Code nos. 04, 05 & 06 – A candidate must be 18 years old but not have attained the age of 30 years.
Age Relaxation
The upper age limit prescribed above will be relaxable as under.
Category | Age Relaxation (in years) |
Backward Class or a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe | 05 |
PH | 10 |
AP State Government Employees | 05 |
Ex-service men, NCC & Retrenched temporary employees (in state census department) | 03 |
Minimum Educational Qualification [As on October 01, 2021]
Below we have mentioned post wise minimum educational qualification
- For Post Code Nos. 01, 02, 03 & 06 – Candidates should have passed class 12th or equivalent examinations from a recognized central or state board. Candidates having higher qualification than the prescribed qualification are also eligible to apply for AP police constable recruitment 2021
- For Post Code No. 04 & 05 – Applicants should have passed intermediate or its equivalent examination from a recognized board
Medical Standards
Candidates who wish to apply for any post available against AP constable notification 2021 should be medically fit and free from any type of ailments or defects like flat foot, Varicose veins, Hammertoes, decayed teeth, fractured limbs, Knocking-knees, pigeon chest, etc. Persons with physical disabilities are also not eligible to apply for AP police constable recruitment 2021.
Note – For further details on AP Constable eligibility conditions, please refer to AP police upcoming notification 2021
AP Police Constable 2021 Application Form
After checking AP Police Constable 2021 eligibility conditions, interested candidates can send their applications online mode only in the prescribed format to be made available on the website slprb.ap.gov.in from September 2021 at 10 AM to October 2021 at 1700 hours.
How To Fill Up AP Police Constable 2021 Application Form?
- Open AP SLPRB official website or just click here
- On the homepage, you’ll have to find and click on the icon/tab ‘Recruitment’
- A new webpage will be displayed having links to apply to various ongoing recruitment events
- Click on the ‘Click Here’ link given under the ‘Submit Application’ column and against advt. no. ‘Rc.No.215/R&T/Rect.2/2021’
- You will see a new page having ‘General Instructions’; read all the instructions before proceeding further
- Also, read and accept declaration statements
- Then click on the tab ‘Submit & Continue’
- A new page will be displayed having ‘payment details’
- If you want to make payment online then click on the tab ‘pay amount using Debit Card / Credit Card / Net banking to Fill Application Form’
- On clicking the said tab, the payment page will be opened
- If you are a local candidate of A.P. then select option ‘Yes’ otherwise ‘No’
- Select ‘Community’
- Enter your name then select date of birth [both should be as per SSC or equivalent certificate]
- Type your SSC or equivalent roll/hall ticket no.
- Enter your mobile number
- Then click on tab ‘Pay Amount’
- Select the option through which you want to make payment online
- Enter the details of the selected option
- Then click on the tab ‘Make Payment’
- After making the payment successfully, transaction no. shall be displayed on the screen; please note it down to use in future
- You can also make the payment offline through Mee Seva/AP Online Centers
- After making payment online / offline, open the same web page in order to fill and submit the final application form
- Select option through which you have made payment [AP Online / Mee Seva / E Seva / Payment Gateway]
- Enter your ‘Payment Transaction No. / Reference No.’ (aka Transaction ID)
- Enter your name as written on SSC or equivalent certificate
- Enter your SSC or equivalent roll/hall ticket no.
- Type your mobile no.
- Click on the tab ‘Submit & Continue’
- You will see a fresh Online Application Form for posts against notification no.-/R&T/Rect.-/2021, dated- Nov 12, 2021
- Select option ‘Yes’ if you have applied for the post of SI & Equivalent rank against notification no. 216/R&T/Rect.2/2021, dated- September 2021, otherwise select option ‘No’
- Enter your father’s / husband’s name
- Enter your Mother’s name
- Select Gender
- Enter your SSC or equivalent roll/hall ticket no. then a select year of passing SSC or equivalent examination
- Upload scanned copy of SSC or equivalent certificate; the file should be in ‘JPG’ format with size less than 250 KB
- Select your education qualification
- Upload scanned file of community certificate (only for BC, SC & ST)
- Select option ‘Yes’ if you are an ‘Ex-servicemen’ otherwise ‘No’
- Scan and upload files of your photo & signature (both files should be in ‘JPG’ format with size less than 50 KB)
- Write your identification marks
- Then enter your mobile no. and email ID
- If you have ‘Aadhaar Card’ then select option ‘Yes’ and enter your card no. otherwise select option ‘No’
- Select the medium of exam [Telugu OR English OR Urdu]
- Provide your preferences for writing Preliminary Written Exam
- Select post(s) to which you want to apply for
- Provide your preferences for appearing in PMT / PET after you qualified in Preliminary Written Exam
- If you are a local candidate of A.P. then select the option ‘Yes’ otherwise select the option ‘No’
- Write your ‘Address for Communication’; the address should be complete along with the PIN
- Check all the filled details carefully before submitting the application form
- Then click on the tab ‘Submit & Continue’
- Now your ‘Application Submitted Successfully’
- You will also see your Registration no.; note it down carefully for future reference
- Also, download and print your final submitted application by clicking on the link ‘Click here to download filled in Online Application Form’
AP Constable Apply Online Link
AP Constable Application Fee
All the local candidates of AP of SC and ST category are needed to pay an amount of Rs. 150/- towards the application processing and examination fees. Fees for other local candidates of AP is Rs. 300/-.
Mode Of Payment
Candidates can pay the prescribed fees through both modes – online and offline. To pay fees online, they will have to use a credit/debit card or internet banking service. In case, you want to pay fees through offline mode then you will have to visit any AP Online / MeeSeva (e-Seva) centers. Both modes of payment shall be available up to October 2021.