AP VRO/ VRA Result 2021 for the written test will be released by the Revenue Department of the Government of Andhra Pradesh after few weeks from the recruitment examination for the various posts of VRA (Village Revenue Assistant) and VRO (Village Revenue Officer). The recruitment process ends with the release of the written test result followed by document verification and appointment to the vacancies in each district by the committee headed by the District Collector.
Before the release of the AP VRO/ VRA Result, the answer key of the written test is made available on the CCLA website of Andhra Pradesh. The total number of vacancies is released district-wise in the state of AP for filling VRO and VRA Posts. Once the official notice is released with district-wise vacancy details, the recruitment will be held as per schedule.
The state government of Andhra Pradesh recruits eligible and interested candidates for the posts of VRO and VRA. Candidates who appeared in the written test can download the answer key and raise objections with suitable material before the last date specified.

AP VRO/VRA Results 2021
Shortly, AP Revenue Department under CCLA will release the result of AP VRO/VRA 2021 on the official website @ccla.ap.gov.in. Every year, lakhs of applicants appear in the Andhra Pradesh VRO/ VRA exam. The result will be released only after a few days from the VRO/VRA exam. The candidates who have appeared for the test can check the results from the official website.
Most of the reports are saying that the AP VRO/VRA result is expected to be out one or two months after the exam. However, it is difficult to say about the exact date as the CCLA, AP has not made any announcement about the result date. But it is confirmed that soon after the release of the result of the AP VRO/VRA recruitment exam, the selection process including document verification will begin.
The AP VRO/VRA result for all the appeared candidates will be released online only on the official website of the AP Revenue department. The result of the AP VRO/ VRA recruitment written exam will be followed by the release of the merit list after document verification. This merit list holds importance in the selection of candidates for the posts. Once the result is released, candidates can easily see the result via using the link which will be available on the official website.
Andhra Pradesh VRO/VRA Result Date 2021
Andhra Pradesh Revenue Department has not issued the date of result for the Village Revenue Officer and village revenue assistant. However, after the written examination, the result will be declared in a month. For the result declaration for the written exam, the authorities of AP will prepare the district-wise merit list along with the cut-off. So, the district-wise merit list will be released on the official website.
In fact, the meritorious candidates will receive the appointment orders issued by the district collectors after the document verification. In the same way, the Revenue Divisional Officer will issue the VRA appointment orders. To keep you updated on the AP VRO and VRA results, keep a check on the official website of the commission.
How To Check AP VRO/VRA Result 2021?
The announcement will be made only via AP’s CCLA website. So, it is essential for the appeared candidates to check the result from the website of AP CCLA. But, if you have any doubt about checking the result online, then check the steps mentioned below:
- Open the official website of AP CCLA
- You will arrive on the homepage
- On the homepage, you will come across various tabs and links
- Search for the link ‘Results’
- On finding the relevant link of AP VRO/VRA result 2021, click on that
- A page will open and the candidate has to enter the important details such as Registration ID and DOB
- After submitting these details, the candidate will see AP VRO and AP VRA result 2021
- On the page, you will have the option to save and print. Take the printout of the result.
AP VRO/VRA 2021 Cut Off
The authorities will release the cut off for the written exam of Andhra Pradesh VRO/VRA. It is essential for the appeared candidates to score the minimum cut off marks otherwise, they will not be considered for the next round of the selection process.
The merit list is also prepared on the basis of the scores obtained by the appeared candidates in the written recruitment exam. Candidates can visit the official website and can check AP VRO/ VRA district wise and category wise cut off.
AP VRO/VRA Answer Key 2021
AP VRO/ VRA Answer key of the written test will be released by the AP Revenue department on its website after one or two days from the examination. Candidates can visit the official website and click on the AP VRO/ VRA 2021 Answer key to download the answer key. Candidates check the score they obtained by comparing it with the answer key released by the official authorities of CCLA.
AP VRO/VRA 2021 Document Verification
Soon after the release of the result, document verification will be conducted by the Committee headed by the District collector for VRO posts. It is conducted for the selected candidates on the basis of the merit list. The candidates have to present all the original documents which include personal and academic documents. If the selected candidates failed to attend this round, then the selection of that candidate will be canceled.
Document Required During Verification
Following documents are required to be presented during the document verification round:
- Community certificate, if applicable
- SSC/DOB certificate
- PwD certificate, if applicable
- Educational Certificates