APPSC Group 1 Syllabus 2021 (Prelim & Main) : Candidates looking for the APPSC Group I examination 2021 scheme of examination and revised syllabus pdf have landed on the right page. APPSC has released Group 1 Syllabus on its official website. We have explained in detail about APPSC Group-I syllabus and scheme of examination here and you can download the latest official syllabus pdf from below.
Download APPSC Group 1 Prelim Latest Revised Syllabus
Download APPSC Group 1 Main Latest Revised Syllabus
APPSC Group 1 Exam Pattern 2021
APPSC Group 1 scheme of examination and revised final syllabus has been published on the official website. Check here to know about the latest exam pattern and syllabus.
APPSC Group I examination will be held in three stages.
I. Screening Test/ Preliminary Exam
II. Main Examination
III. Interview
I. APPSC Group 1 Prelim Exam Pattern 2021
- Firstly, there will be a screening test which is also known as preliminary examination.
- There will be two papers and each paper will have objective type questions. Each MCQ in Paper 1 & Paper 2 will be of 1 mark.
- Questions in Paper 1 will be from the subject- General Studies & MCQs in Paper 2 will be from the subject- General Aptitude.
- As per the latest rules, for each incorrect answer, a candidate will lose 1/3rd of the marks assigned to the question as negative marking.
Paper No. | No. of MCQs [each MCQ will be of 1 mark] | Subject name |
I | 120 | General Studies |
II | 120 | General Aptitude |
Download the complete syllabus of APPSC Group 1 prelims 2021 from the above-given link.
II. APPSC Group 1 Main 2021 Exam Pattern
Candidates qualified in the screening test/ Preliminary (objective type) shall be called for the main examination. There will be several papers.
- The Main exam will have an English language paper, Telugu language paper and Paper I, Paper II Paper III, Paper IV, Paper V.
- Each paper contains 150 marks for 150 min duration.
- General English paper will be of qualifying in nature. English language paper is compulsory for candidates. General English will have 10 questions for 150 marks.
- Telugu paper will be of qualifying in nature and compulsory. Telugu Language paper will have 13 questions for 150 marks.
- Paper I to Paper V will be on different subjects and marks will be counted for ranking. The total marks of these papers will be 750.
APPSC Group 1 Main Exam Papers | - |
English language paper (Qualifying) | Each paper is for 150 marks and has 150 minutes time duration |
Telugu language paper (Qualifying) | |
Paper-I : General Esssay | |
Paper — II: History, Culture and Geography Of India And Andhra Pradesh • History and Culture of India • History and Culture of Andhra Pradesh • Geography: India and Andhra Pradesh | |
Paper III: Polity, Constitution, Governance, Law And Ethics • Indian Polity and Constitution • Public Administration and Governance • Ethics in Public Service and Knowledge Of Law | |
Paper — IV : Economy and Development of India and Andhra Pradesh | |
Paper -V : Science and Technology |
III. Interview
Candidates who perform well, qualify in qualifying papers and score above cutoff marks in the main examination including all Papers will be selected and called for the interview.
The interview will be for 75 marks. It will be a personal interview or oral test expected to be held in the commission’s office or any other centre prescribed by APPSC.
Day, date, time & venue of interview will be informed to shortlisted candidates through an e-call letter. Marks obtained by candidates in interview shall be further used in the process of final selection.
APPSC Group I Syllabus
APPSC Group I Syllabus of Prelim and Main exam is given below.
Group I Prelim Syllabus
APPSC Group I Syllabus of Prelim syllabus is tabulated below.
Paper No. | Subject name | Topics /Syllabus |
I | General Studies | History & Culture, Geography, Indian and Andhra Pradesh Economy and Planning, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International Relations etc. |
II | General Aptitude | Current Events of Regional, National and International Importance, Science and Technology, General Mental Ability , Administrative and Psychological Abilities |
Group I Main Syllabus
APPSC Group I Main Syllabus 2021 is given below.
English Language Paper
The first test will be of General English and it will be of qualifying in nature. English language paper is compulsory for candidates. General English will have 10 questions for 150 marks.
Type of questions to be asked in the English Language paper are given below:
- Essay – 20 Marks [should be in word range 200 – 250 words]
- Letter Writing – 10 Marks [in about 100 words]
- Press Release / Appeal – 10 Marks [in about 100 words]
- Report Writing – 15 Marks [in about 150 words]
- Writing on Visual Information – 15 Marks [in about 150 words]
- Formal Speech – 15 Marks [in about 150 words]
- Precis Writing – 15 Marks [in about 100 words]
- Reading Comprehension – 15 Marks [short-answer type questions]
- English Grammar – 20 Marks [MCQs]
- Translation – 15 Marks [of about 150 words]
Telugu Language Paper
The second test is of Telugu and it will be of qualifying in nature and compulsory. Telugu Language paper will have 13 questions for 150 marks.
Type of questions to be asked in Telugu Language paper are given below:
- Essay – 20 Marks [should be in word range 200 – 250 words]
- Elaborate – 10 Marks [in about 100 words]
- Precis Writing– 10 Marks
- Comprehension– 10 Marks [short-answer type questions]
- Formal Speech – 10 Marks [in about 150 words]
- Preparation of statements for publicity media – 10 Marks [in about 100 words]
- Letter Writing – 10 Marks [in about 100 words]
- Debate Writing – 10 Marks [in about 150 words]
- Application Writing – 10 Marks [in about 150 words]
- Report Writing – 10 Marks [in about 150 words]
- Dialogue Writing or Dialogue Skills – 10 Marks [in about 150 words]
- Translation (English to Telugu language) – 10 Marks
- Grammar of Telugu – 20 Marks
Paper I – General Essay
In this paper, there will be 3 sections. It is mandatory for an examinee to write 3 essays, 1 from each section. Each section contains 3 topics. Each essay should be in about 800 words and carries 50 marks, maximum marks will be 150.
Topics for the General Essay
- Reflective topics
- Cultural and historical aspects
- Issues related to civic awareness
- Current affairs
- Socio-environmental issues
- Socio-political issues
- Socio-economic issues
Paper II – History, Culture and Geography of India and Andhra Pradesh
Paper-II will be also divided into three sections. The maximum marks in Paper-II will be 150.
- Section A will have questions on ‘History and Culture of India’. Mostly, questions will be from the following topics – Rise of British rule in India from 1757 to 1856, Shivaji and Rise of Maratha Empire, Indian Nationalism in three phases, Pre-Historic Cultures in India, Independence and Partition of India, India after Independence, Integration of the Indian States, Indian Constitution, Economic policies, Foreign Policy Initiatives etc.
- Section B will have questions on the ‘History and Culture of Andhra Pradesh’. Questions will be specifically from Ancient, Medieval & Modern History as well as Culture of Andhra Pradesh. There will be also questions on Role of Andhra leaders, Andhra Movement etc.
- Section C will have questions on the ‘Geography of India and Andhra Pradesh’. Questions in this section will be asked from units/topics such as – Physical Features and Resources of India and Andhra Pradesh, Economic, Social, Fauna and Floral Geography, Environmental Geography etc.
Paper III – Polity, Constitution, Governance, Law and Ethics
This paper will have questions on the following subjects/topics
- Indian Polity and Constitution – Salient features of Indian Constitution, duties/functions of the Indian Union and the State governments, structure, functioning etc. of Parliament & State Legislatures, Structure & functions of Judiciary in India etc.
- Public Administration and Governance – Meaning, Nature and Scope of Public Administration, Good governance and e-governance, Government policies, Development processes etc.
- Ethics in Public Service and knowledge of the law – Ethics and Human Interface, Human values, attitude, Concept of Public Service, Ethical and moral values in governance etc
- Basic Knowledge of Laws in India – Nature and salient features of Constitution of India, powers of the judiciary, executive and legislature, Civil and Criminal laws, labour law, cyber laws and tax laws.
Paper IV – Economy and Development of India and Andhra Pradesh
This paper will have questions on the following subjects/topics.
- Challenges of Indian Economy – inflation and oil prices, growing NPAs and capital infusion, insufficient financial resources and deficiency of capital, nature, causes, consequences and solutions of problems related to the major challenges of Indian Economy etc.
- Agricultural development in India & Andhra Pradesh – Role of agriculture in economic development, green revolution, Swaminathan commission, Rainbow revolution, Contribution to SGDP etc.
- Resource Mobilization in Indian & Andhra Pradesh – budgetary resources, tax revenue and non-tax revenue, Monetary and fiscal policies, Physical resources, energy resources, Water disputes with neighbouring states etc.
- Inclusive growth – Public Distribution system and DWCRA, Public and partnership for inclusive growth, Integrated Rural Development, Poverty alleviation and employment, social welfare schemes etc.
- Government Budgeting in India and AP – Structure of Government budget, Types of budge, Highlights of current year’s union budget and its analysis, Budget constraints
- Industrial policy and development – Industrial Policy of the AP Government, Manufacturing policy, Problems of core industries, Contribution of Public Sector to industrial development in India, Disinvestment and privatization, Start-up programme, Make-in India etc.
- Infrastructure in India & Andhra Pradesh – Transport infrastructure, Communication infrastructure, Digital India, Issues of finance, ownership, operation and maintenance of all kinds of infrastructure, Transport, Energy and ICT infrastructure etc.
Paper V – Science & Technology
This paper will have questions on the following subjects/topics-
- Indian Space Programme – activities and achievements of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), past, present and future Space projects/programmes of India, Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Satellite Programmes of India and its uses in different fields such as Education, Health, Communication technology, weather forecasting etc.
- Salient features of Nuclear Policy of India Development of Nuclear programmes in India, Nuclear Policies at the International level and India’s stand on them.
- Energy policy of India – Energy demands, Indian Energy Sciences, Conventional energy powers, Thermal, renewable energy resources, Solar, wind, Bio and wasted based, energy policies Geothermal and Tidal Sources, energy Policies in India, energy security etc.
- importance, advantages and challenges of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), IT Development in AP and India, Government of India Policy on Information Technology (IT) etc.
- Human diseases-microbial infections, common infections and preventive measures, basic knowledge of infections- tuberculosis, malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, viral infections like Chikungunya, HIV, Encephalitis, bird flu-preventive measures during outbreaks. Introduction & basic concepts of genetic engineering, introduction to immunity, production of modern vaccines etc.
- Applications, nature & scope of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology in India, Genetic engineering, Biodiversity, fermentation, Immunodiagnosis techniques etc.
- Issues related to Intellectual Property Rights in the field of Science and Technology. Promotion of Science in AP and India.
APPSC Group 1 Notification 2021 | APPSC Group 1 Hall Tickets 2021
APPSC Group I Selection Procedure 2021
The final selection of candidates on the posts of APPSC Group – I services will be done on the order of merit. A merit list will be prepared after taking scores obtained by candidates in both written examination and interview.
Total marks of the exam will be for 825. Prepared merit list will be further used for the selection to the available posts. Prelims exam is of qualifying in nature and marks obtained in prelims will not be considered for final ranking.
APPSC Group 1 Apply Online 2021 | APPSC Group 1 Results 2021
For more information on Main examination syllabus & pattern, please refer to official notification. The Main (Conventional Type) Examination is expected to be held in the month of March 2021 at the following four centres only- Ananthapur, Tirupati, Vijayawada & Visakhapatnam. An applicant can select any of the given centres.