RMSA Assam TET 2021 [Apply Online, Application Form]: Assam TET Notification 2021 for recruiting 16000 vacancies will be released in the month of July 2021. Assam TET as the name implies is a state-level Teacher Eligibility Test, conducted by the Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhijan shortly called RMSA, which is a Government of India Mission. For the year 2021, it is officially announced 16000 vacancies of teachers will be recruited through Assam TET. However, the actual notification is yet to be released.
The test will be conducted for 200 marks in total, which includes 100 marks for General Studies & Current Affairs and 100 for Pedagogy and General English. To qualify in the exam, candidates will have to qualify in both papers separately. Assam TET written exam will be likely conducted in September 2021.
- Important Dates
- Notification
- Eligibility
- Age Limit
- Application Form
- Apply Online
- Fee
- Exam Pattern
- Syllabus
- Selection Process
- Admit Card
- Result
- Cut Off

Assam TET Important Dates
Even though the actual dates are not yet out, here is a table to show you the tentative dates, in case, you have planned to apply for Assam TET.
Event | Tentative Date |
Release of ATET Notification | July/Aug 2021 |
Starting Date to submit applications | 02 Sept 2021 |
Closing Date to Apply | 17 Sept 2021 |
Date to download Admit Card | 30 Sept 2021 |
Date of Assam TET for both | 20 Oct 2021 |
For the latest updates, you can visit the official website of RMSA. Even, employment newspapers and online portals will help you know the exact dates as soon as the official notification is out.
Assam TET Notification 2021
Assam TET Notification 2021 will be released in the month of July 2021 for recruiting eligible teachers in schools across the state of Assam. You can expect the Assam TET notification release to happen under the section called TET at the official website of Assam TET at rmsaassam.
Assam TET application form can be submitted online and the exam will be conducted in the month of September 2021. Eligibility details are to be checked before applying online for appearing in the Assam TET examination.
Assam TET Eligibility
The Assam TET eligibility requirement and particularly, the educational qualification required will differ based on whether you wish to apply for the lower primary teacher position or upper primary teacher position.
To apply for TET in Assam, you should be a citizen of India. Also, you should be a resident of the state.
Age Limit
You should not be a person of less than 18 years and more than 38 years as of the 1st of January 2021 to apply for TET. However, you will get a relaxation of another 5 years on the upper age limit, in case, you belong to ST (H), ST (P), ST, and SC categories as per the norms of the Government of Assam.
Even, the upper age limit can be relaxed for candidates working under the scheme of Strengthening and improving of the quality education in the state on a contractual basis for the utmost 5 years and are ready to participate in the instant TET.
Educational Qualification
Graduate Teachers In Secondary Schools
- For a graduate teaching position in secondary schools, you should be a graduate in B.Com/B. Sc/ B.A. with at least 50% of marks with B. Ed/B.T. Ed from a recognized university.
- In addition, you should check the educational qualification requirement based on the subject to which you wish to apply. For instance, it will differ based on which you wish to apply for the Hindi Teacher position, classical teacher, etc.
Post Graduate Teacher In Secondary/Senior Secondary Schools
- You should have at least 50% marks in your PG degree in arts/science or commerce from a recognized university with BT/B. Ed. No other degree other than arts, science, and commerce will be considered.
However, if you do not have BT/B. Ed, but have a PG in arts, science, or commerce, you can also apply for TET for higher secondary teachers, but should participate in the interview if you succeed in TET.
Assam TET Application Form 2021
The Assam TET application form will be made available only through online mode. If you have planned to take up the TET, you can fill up and submit the application through the website of RMSA at www.ssa.assam.gov.in. Make sure that you are completely aware of the last date to apply so that you do not miss out.
But, before applying, you should make sure that you meet the eligibility requirement stated by all means. Remember that you cannot submit the application after the last date to apply and even if you are able to apply, the application will not be accepted after the last date.
Assam TET – How To Apply Online?
- Visit the website of RMSA at ssa.assam.gov.in
- You will find many links with drop-down menu symbol just below the full form name of RMSA
- The links include home, schemes, UDISE, etc.
- One of the links is “TET”
- This link will have a symbol of a drop-down menu next to it
- When you click on the dropdown menu symbol, you will find two links and they are higher secondary TET and secondary TET
- When you click on the appropriate link, you will be taken to a page, where you will find a link called “Apply online” if the application process is open
- You will have to fill up the details asked in the application
- You will have to upload your photograph and signature as per the instructions in the notification
- Also, you should pay the appropriate application fee as per the instructions
- You should make sure that your application is complete in all aspects before you click the submit button. Otherwise, your application might be rejected
- Remember to take a printout of the confirmation page that you will get on the screen after applying. Also, take a printout of the submitted application.
Assam TET Fee
The Assam TET application fee for all candidates is Rs.400. However, the relaxation of the fee for the reserved category candidates will be notified along with the notification. You cannot claim back the fee once paid even if you cannot attend the examination for any reason. You can pay the application fee using internet banking, debit, or credit card. The application fee can be paid only through online mode and not offline.
Documents Needed
- When applying, you will have to keep your class X certificate and the educational qualification you acquired thereafter.
- Further, you should have your credit/debit card details to pay the application fee.
- Also, you should keep the scanned copy of the photograph and signature ready in your system as you will have to upload them as per the specification you will find in the notification.
Before the issue of Admit Cards, the RMSA will verify the original documents. So, if you have provided any wrong information in the application, your candidature will be canceled immediately.
Assam TET Exam Pattern 2021
The pattern of the Assam TET will differ based on whether you wish to apply for a graduate teacher position or a postgraduate teacher position. For both, there will be two papers with each carrying 100 marks, thereby making a total of 200 marks. Here are the tables to show you both patterns:
For Graduate Teachers in Secondary Schools
S. No. | Subject | No. of Questions | Marks |
1 | Child Development & Pedagogy (compulsory) | 30 | 30 |
2 | Language I (any one - Garo, Nepali, Karbi, Assamese, Bengali, Hindi, Bodo, Manipuri, Hmar) | 30 | 30 |
3 | Language II (English Compulsory) | 30 | 30 |
4 | Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
5 | Environmental Studies | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
For Post Graduate Teachers In Secondary/Senior Secondary Schools
S. No. | Subject | No. of Questions | Marks |
1 | Child Development & Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
2 | Language I (any one - Garo, Nepali, Karbi, Assamese, Bengali, Hindi, Bodo, Manipuri, Hmar) | 30 | 30 |
3 | Language II (English Compulsory) | 30 | 30 |
4 | Social Studies (for Social Studies teacher) OR Mathematics and Science (for Mathematics and Science teacher) OR any one from above (for any other teacher) | 60 | 60 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
For both tests, the questions will be in MCQ format. Candidates securing more than 60% of the qualifying marks in the chosen paper will get a TET certificate. The qualifying percentage is 55% for reserved category and physically disabled candidates. The certificate will be valid for a period of two years from the date of issue.
Assam TET Syllabus 2021
For Graduate Teachers in Secondary Schools
Part I – General Studies & Current Affairs
General Studies – 80 Marks
- Secondary education in India and Management of Schools
- Environment
- Mental Ability & Reasoning
- The economy of India with a special emphasis on Assam
- Geography of India with a special emphasis on Assam
- General Science and Technology
- Constitution of India and Indian Polity System
- Culture and History of India with special emphasis on Assam History
Current Affairs (20 Marks)
- Matters of national, international, and state importance
- Economic and political developments
- Technological and scientific advancements
- Sports
- Games
- Literature
- Art
- Culture
Part II – Pedagogy & General English
Pedagogy (75 Marks)
- Psychology of Adolescence
- Educational Psychology
- Teaching-Learning Process and Pedagogy
General English (25 Marks)
- Composition
- Remedial Grammar
For a detailed syllabus, you can visit the notification page once it is out.
For Post Graduate Teachers in Secondary/Senior Secondary Schools
Paper I (Common For All Candidates) – Pedagogy, English, Basic numerical and Assam and its people
Part I: Pedagogy (20 marks)
- Psychology of Adolescence
- Educational Psychology
- Teaching-Learning Process and Pedagogy
Part II: General English (40 Marks)
- Composition
- Remedial Grammar
Part III: Basic Numerical (20 Marks)
- Mensuration
- Probability & Statistics
- Trigonometry
- Commercial Arithmetic
- Geometry
- Algebra
Part IV: Assam and its People (20 Marks)
- Geography of Assam
- History of Assam
Paper II: Option A
Part I: Business Studies (20 Marks)
- Business Finance and Marketing
- Functions and Principles of Management
Part II: Accountancy (30 Marks)
- Accounting for Non-Profit Organisations
- Accounting for Partnership firms
Part III: Salesmanship & Advertising (20 Marks)
- Sales Organisation
- Publicity and Advertising
Part IV: Banking (15 Marks)
- Employment of fund
- Negotiable Instruments
- Non-Bank Financial Institutions
- Meaning and Types of Financial Markets
- Reserve Bank of India and Financial Markets
- Commercial Banking in India
Part V: Insurance (15 Marks)
- General Insurance
- Miscellaneous insurance
The questions will be at a higher secondary level for all the papers.
Option B: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology
Here candidates have the option to choose any 2 of these four:
Part I – Physics (50 Marks)
- Energy bands in solids
- Alpha – Particle Scattering Experiment
- Photoelectric Effect
- Wave Optics
- Reflection of light
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Electromagnetic induction
- Concept of Magnetic Field
- Electric Current
- Electric Charges and their conservation
- Periodic Motion
- Kinetic Theory of Gases
- Heat, temperature, thermal expansion
- Elastic Behaviour
- Kepler’s Law of Planetary motion
- Centre of mass of a two-particle system
- Work done by a constant force and a variable force
- Concept of Force
- Motion in a Straight Line
- Units of Measurement
Part II – Chemistry (50 Marks)
- Chemistry in Everyday life
- Biomolecules
- IUPAC Nomenclature
- s-,p- & d-block elements & their compounds
- Basic Concepts of Chemical Kinetics
- Basic Concepts of Electrochemistry
- Basic Concepts of States of Matter
- Equilibrium
- Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics
- Chemical Bonding
- Periodic Classification of Elements and Periodicity in properties
- Atomic Structure
- Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Part III – Biology (50 Marks)
- Human Physiology
- Plant Physiology
- Cell Structures and Functions
- Structural Organisation in plants and animals
- Diversity of Living World
- Ecology
- Biology in human welfare
- Biotechnology
- Reproduction
Part IV – Mathematics (50 Marks)
- Probability, Sample Space, and Related Terms
- First Order Derivatives
- Equations of a line in different forms in two-dimensional coordinate geometry
- Trigonometric Ratios of Compound angle
- Arithmetic Progression, combination, permutation, and Geometric Progression
- Quadratic Equations and Complex Numbers
Option C: General Studies & Current Affairs
- Events of Current Importance
- Major Tribes Of North-Eastern India
- International Institutions
- National Institutions of India
- Music, Dances, festivals, and Fairs of India
- Climate Change
- Bio-Diversity
- Economic Geography of India
- Physical Geography of India
- Economic Planning in India
- Right Issues
- Constitution of India
- National Symbols
- India’s Freedom Movement
Assam TET Selection Process
To qualify in Assam TET Examination, candidates must secure at least 60% of marks, while relaxation of 5% is applicable on these marks for candidates from PWD/OBC/MOBC/ST/SC Categories. The level of physical disability should be at least 40% for PWD candidates. Also, it should be certified by a competent medical authority.
Notwithstanding the least prescribed marks secured in the TET Test, the number of candidates declared as qualified in TET will be utmost double the number of vacancies of teachers. Candidates passing in TET will get a certificate. This certificate will be valid for a period of two years from the date of issue. Candidates will have to separately apply for government teaching positions within the two years for which the TET certificate is valid. Based on their application, an interview will be conducted for their final selection for the teaching position.
Assam TET Admit Card 2021
The Admit Cards for Assam TET will be issued to the candidates, who have successfully applied only after the verification of certificates. The date and venue of certificate verification will be notified on the official website of RMSA after the applications are received from the candidates. In the same announcement, the government of Assam’s Education Department will announce the date and time from and to which candidates can download the Admit Cards from the official website of RMSA, Assam.
How To Download Admit Card?
Here is the process you will have to follow to download the admit card for ATET 2021:
- Go To the website of RMSA
- Click on the TET
- You will find many links among which you will find the link for Admit Card for TET as well if the admit card is out
- Click on this link and provide the registration details or any other details requested by the system
- It will take you to the page that contains your admit card
- Make sure that the details in the admit card are correct in all respects
- Download the ATET admit card to your system and take a printout.
Assam TET Result 2021
Once the result for the Assam TET is out, you will find the link to the result page right on the homepage of the RMSA at ssa.assam.gov.in. The result page will have the details about the candidates shortlisted from the written test.
How To Check Result?
- Visit the Assam RMSA website and click on TET
- Click on Higher Secondary/ Secondary TET
- Click On Assam TET Result
- Download pdf/ Enter required details to get the result
- Take Print out for further reference
Assam TET Cut Off 2021
The cut-off is nothing, but the minimum qualifying mark specified by the RMSA for candidates to clear the Assam TET. It is 60% for the general category candidates and 55% for candidates from the reserved category. Candidates securing more than these percentages will get the TET certificate. Using this certificate, candidates can apply for a teaching position in government schools in the state of Assam within two years. After two years, they will have to take up the test again.
Assam TET FAQs
Q. When will Assam TET 2021 Notification will be released?
A. Assam TET notification 2021 will be released in July 2021.
Q. When will Assam TET written exam held?
A. Assam TET written exam will be held in September/ October 2021.
Q. What is the application fee of Assam TET?
A. Assam TET application fee for General candidates is Rs. 400/-.
Q. How many vacancies are notified through Assam TET 2021?
A. 16000 vacancies of teachers are notified through Assam TET 2021.
Q. What is the age limit to apply for Assam TET?
A. Age limit must be between 18-38 years as on 1st of January 2021, however, 5 years reservation will be given to reserve category candidates belonging to Assam.
Q. What is the official website of Assam TET?
A. Assam TET official website is ssa.assam.gov.in.