ATMA 2021 Notification will be released in March 2021 and the last date of registration is May 2021. AIMS Test for Management Admissions will be held in the month of May 2021. ATMA 2021 will be organized and conducted by the Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) in several test centers across India. It will be an online test to be held on May 27th, 2021 for admissions to the Post-graduate programs in Management like PGDM, PGDBA, MBA, MCM, and MCA for the academic session 2021-22.
- ATMA 2021Apply Online process starts from March 2021 and interested candidates can register for ATMA 2021 up to May 20th, 2021.
- It is a national level test for admission to the PG programs in Management – MBA, MCM, MCA, PGDM, and PGDBA.
- ATMA scores are accepted by nearly 200 high ranking institutions for taking admission of candidates into the above courses along with other postgraduate management courses.
Before submitting the ATMA online application form, candidates are required to know important details about ATMA 2021 like date of release of official notification, eligibility conditions, application form, process, fee & mode of payment, examination pattern & syllabus, selection procedure, examination dates, admit card, result, etc.
ATMA 2021 Official Notification
ATMA 2021 Official notification or E-bulletin 2021-21 will be released in March. Candidates can download e-bulletin from ATMA’s official website. E-bulletin has the important dates, important instructions to apply, nature of the test & marking etc.
Download ATMA Notification 2021 Pdf
AIMS test for management admissions (ATMA) is recognized by ministry of HRD and AICTE. To know about the participating institutes, click here.
ATMA 2021 Important Dates
Examination name | AIMS Test for Management Admissions (ATMA) 2021 |
Conducted by | Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) |
Conducted for | Admissions into PG courses like MBA, PGDM, PGDBA, MCA etc |
Date of commencement of registration | March 5th, 2021 |
Close of Payment gateway | May 20th, 2021 @ 5:00 PM |
Date of Closure of Registration | May 21st, 2021 @ 10:00 AM |
Last date for Reprint of filled-in Application Form | May 22nd, 2021 @ 10:00 AM |
Downloading of Admit Cards | May 24th, 2021 @ 10:00 AM |
Online test date & time | May 27th, 2021 (between 2:00 to 5:00 pm) |
Results | 5th June 2021 |
Apply online @ | |
ATMA 2021 Eligibility Criteria
Candidates who want to apply for ATMA 2021 should have passed in any graduation course with at least 50% marks from a UGC recognized university.
Candidates who have completed CA are also eligible to apply for ATMA 2021. Final year students can also apply.
ATMA 2021 Application Fee & Mode Of Payment
All the candidates who want to apply for ATMA 2021 should have to pay a fee of Rs. 1298 /- inclusive of GST as their registration fee. 25% concession in registration fees will be given to women candidates and 50% concession will be provided to candidates belonging to North Eastern States of India.
All the candidates should have to pay their applicable registration fee online by using a debit or credit card. Registration fee, once paid, is non-transferable and non-refundable.
ATMA 2021 Application Form & Process
To apply for ATMA 2021, firstly, candidates should have to pay applicable registration fee. After payment, candidates can fill application form. The entire process is explained below:
- Go to ATMA’s official website or click here
- On homepage, you will see important dates, exam time table etc
- Find and click on ‘Instructions for registration’ tab
- Read all the instructions carefully
- Now, click on ‘Online Payment’ tab
- You will see a new page having a fee payment form
- Fill all the details very carefully to proceed for fee payment
- After filling up the required details, now, click on the ‘Proceed for Fee payment’ tab
- Select your payment preferred method
- Provide your card details and click on ‘Pay Now’ tab
- After making payment successfully, you will get an auto-generated Personal Identification Number (PID) on your mobile by SMS as well as email
- Save PID for future reference
- Now, proceed further to fill the registration form by clicking here
- You will see an online registration form for ATMA 2021
- Enter the required information such as your personal ID code, name, address for communication, state/UT, city, pin code, date of birth etc.
- Upload scanned image of your photo and signature
- Enter your qualification and contact details
- Provide your post qualification experience details
- Enter preferred test city choice
- Verify all the entered details
- Now, click on the ‘Click here to register for ATMA exam’ tab
- After completing online registration process, instantly, you will get a password through SMS and email
ATMA 2021 Exam Pattern & Syllabus
There will be total 180 multiple choice questions spread over six sections-
- Analytical Reasoning Skills- I
- Verbal Skills-I
- Quantitative Skills-I
- Verbal Skills-II
- Analytical Reasoning Skills-II
- Quantitative Skills-II.
Each section will have 30 questions to be solved in maximum 30 minutes. So, total number of questions in ATMA 2021 question paper will be 180 to be solved in maximum 180 minutes. For each correct answer, a candidate will get one mark and for each incorrect answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted. Syllabus is given below:
Analytical Reasoning Skills | Find the odd one out, visual reasoning, data sufficiency, Syllogism, number series, statement-conclusion, coding – decoding, arrangement of letters, blood relations, analogy etc. |
Verbal skills | Synonyms & antonyms, jumbled sentences, reading comprehension, grammar, word meaning, sentence completion etc |
Quantitative skills | Series, logarithm, set theory, ratio & proportion variations, inequalities, time, speed & distance, percentage, profit & loss, time & work, pie chart & bar graph, mensuration, probability, basic arithmetic, algebra, series, functions etc. |
ATMA 2021 Admit Card
ATMA 2021 admit cards will be available from May 24th, 2021. Admit card will be available in online mode only @ ATMA’s official website. To download, a candidate has to follow few below given simple steps:
- Open ATMA website
- Find and click on the ‘Admit Card’ section
- You will see a new page having a login form
- Select the exam date
- Enter your PID and password in their respective field
- Click on the ‘Log In’ tab
- You will see your ATMA 2021 admit card
- Print it on A4 size paper
- All the candidates who want to appear for ATMA 2021 should have to carry their admit card.
- Without admit card, candidates will not be allowed to appear for the test.
- Candidates must follow instructions for the test printed on their e-admit card.
ATMA 2021 Exam Date and Centres
ATMA 2021 will be held on May 27th, 2021 in the following test centres- Navi Mumbai, New Delhi, Ahmedabad (Gandhi Nagar), Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar, Nagpur, Nashik, Pune, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Kolhapur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai and Raipur, Ranchi and Thane.
ATMA 2021 Result and Score Card
ATMA 2021 results will be announced on 5th June 2021. After official result announcement, participated candidates can check their results online @ After checking results, candidates will have to download their ATMA 2021 score card from by using their login id and password.