Download CSIR NET 2021 Admit Card : The National Testing Agency will issue CSIR UGC NET 2021 admit card for the December session. NTA will release the CSIR NET Notification for the December session and the exam will be held on 16th December 2021. The CSIR UGC NET Admit Card will be released on the official website of NTA @
CSIR NET 2021 Admit Card Release Date
NTA will release the admit card around 15 days before the date of the examination. So, candidates can check the official website for the availability of e-admit card in the 1st week of December 2021. Candidates will be allowed to appear in the CSIR NET test only when they carry the admit card.
How To Download Admit Card?
- Candidates will have to visit the official website of NTA CSIR NET
- On this website, they will have to look for the link that shows CSIR-UGC NET Admit Card 2021
- They will be taken to a page that prompts them to enter their application number
- On entering the application number and Date of Birth, they will have to click the submit button
- On submission, they will be taken to the page that contains their e-admit card
- The admit card will have to be downloaded by the candidates
- They should carry it to the examination center without fail.
Date Of CSIR NET Exam 2021
The notification has been issued by CSIR stating that the test will be conducted on Sunday the 16th of December 2021. The test will be conducted in two sessions. The timing for the morning session is from 9 am to 12 Noon and the evening session will be held from 2 pm to 5 pm on this date.
The examination is conducted as the first step for the selection of candidates for the Junior Research Fellowship and lectureship positions in UGC recognized universities in India.
Exam Centres
The examination is planned to be held in 27 centers across India. Candidates can get to know the center name and code from the information bulletin issued by CSIR.
Candidates are provided with the option to choose any of the 27 centers from the drop-down menu when they fill up the application form for CSIR NET 2021 online. Even though the change in exam center is not allowed, candidates are permitted to send a request in writing for a change in the center before the 30th of October 2021 to the email ID:
CSIR reserves the right to cancel any of the 27 centers if it is found that a sufficient number of candidates have not applied or even for administrative reasons. For candidates, who have applied for the canceled center, the concerned center close to them will be allotted at the discretion of CSIR. For attending the test no candidates will receive any sort of TA/DA.
Documents To Carry To The Exam Centre
Candidates will have to carry the downloaded e-admit card to the examination center. Also, they will have to carry a photo identity card along with the admit card. Here are the options accepted:
- Voter ID Card
- PAN Card
- Driving License
- Aadhaar Card
- Photo ID issued by any PSU/Central/State Government
- ID card issued by any college/university
Details on CSIR UGC NET Admit Card 2021
The admit card will have details about the candidate; his/her roll number, name, photograph, and signature. It will also have the details about the venue of the test. A candidate can find the following details in his/her CSIR UGC NET 2021 Admit Card. It is the responsibility of the candidate to check whether the details corresponding to the following sections in the admit card is correct to the best of his/her knowledge:
- Name of the Candidate
- Roll Number
- Exam Centre along with the complete address
- Date of time of the test
- Test session details
- Category to which the candidate belongs
- Reporting time to the examination center
- Signature and photograph of the candidate
- Name of the examination
- Information and instruction for candidates
Read : CSIR UGC NET 2021 Results
Important Instruction For Candidates
- Candidates should reach the examination center in advance. It is mandatory that the candidate should carry his/her admit card along with any of the photo ID from the list mentioned above.
- Candidates should make sure that the admit card is not damaged or torn in any way. Candidates are recommended to make sure that they preserve the admit card until the recruitment process is completed.
- During the examination and even before the examination, candidates should not write anything on the admit card.
- Candidates should remember that they should download the admit card from the official website of CSIR 15 days before the date of the test.
Candidates will not get the admit card delivered to their postal address. Also, they should preserve the admit card as they will not get any duplicate e-admit card at the examination center. They can download the admit card until the day of the examination. CSIR will not be responsible for any delay on the part of the candidates.
Also, it is important to remember that the mere fact that an E-Admit card has been issued to an applicant does not mean that CSIR has finally accepted his/her candidature. It is important that the particulars in the E-Admit card and the signature and photo of the candidate should tally with the actual candidate appearing for the test. Otherwise, the candidate will not be permitted to take up the test.