Download IB Security Assistant Hall Ticket 2021 : IB Security Assistant/ Executive admit card 2021 will be released by MHA a few days before the commencement of each stage of the exam namely Tier 1, 2 and 3. Before the commencement of each stage, the MHA will release the admit card of that particular stage on the site @ as well as the official website of MHA @ The ministry will also send updates about the admit card/call letter on the respective email ID of the candidates.
Candidates will have to download their admit cards themselves from the above mentioned websites. The ministry is not liable to send any admit card by post to the communication address of the candidates.

IB Security Assistant/Executive Admit Card 2021
IB Security Assistant/ Executive 2021 exam will be conducted in stages and for every stage, a separate call letter/admit card will be issued. The Ministry of Home Affairs will first release the admit cards for Tier 1 and Tier 2 followed by the call letter for the Tier 3 exam. The ministry will release the admit cards a few days before the commencement of each stage and candidates need to follow the websites as well as their email ID for any new update/news.
All the candidates successfully filling the application form and clearing all the eligibility requirements will be able to download their admit card/call letter from the mentioned addresses. Candidates are hereby notified that the admit card/call letter is one of the most important documents required for appearing for the exam and must be carried by all the prospective candidates.
No candidate without his/her admit card shall be given entry into the exam hall. Therefore, candidates must timely download and keep a print of their e-admit cards before arriving at the exam centre.
How To Download Admit Card/Call Letter?
The steps for IB Security Assistant/Executive admit card download 2021 is as follows.
- Visit the official website of MHA @ or visit for a direct link to download admit card
- Once the website is opened, look for the link that mentions ‘IB Security Assistant/Executive admit card 2021’
- Click on that link or the direct link mentioned above
- The admit card download page will appear on the screen
- Enter the mandatory details such as registration no and date of birth
- Then click on ‘search’
- The admit card will be flashed on the screen
- Check all the details and then download it.
Note: Before downloading the admit card, candidates must check all the details such as name, roll no, registration name, category, gender, photo, signature, etc. Candidates must inform the ministry immediately in case of any sort of error/discrepancy/mismatch and get it rectified to avoid any hassle at the exam centre.
Details On IB Security Assistant Admit Card
Candidates can access all necessary details from their admit cards related to their exam, venue, timings, centre, etc. The admit card also comprises certain personal information like the name of the candidate, category, date of birth, gender, scanned photo and signature, etc.
The details mentioned on the admit card at a glance.
- Candidate’s name
- Father’s name
- Date of birth of the candidate
- Day and date of the exam
- Venue Details of the exam
- Reporting time at the centre
- Category of the candidate
- Candidate’s scanned photo and signature
- Instructions/guidelines to be followed at the exam centre
Note: All these details must be checked and examined properly by the candidate before coming to the examination centre and inform the ministry immediately in case of any error/mismatch.
Instructions/Guidelines That Are To Be Followed
The following guidelines must be followed by each and every candidate appearing for the exam.
- Candidates are prohibited from bringing in any electronic gadgets, mobile phones, calculators, Bluetooth devices, smartwatches or any other electronic equipment. If found with such items, such candidates shall not be allowed to proceed with their examination.
- No costly item or possession such as jewellery, or any other costly possession is be brought inside the exam venue. The safety of such items will not be the responsibility of the ministry. The candidate himself/herself shall be responsible for the safety of such items.
- A candidate found/caught cheating/impersonating any other candidate/asking someone else to impersonate him/her in the examination shall be permanently debarred from giving the exam and his/her candidature will stand cancelled.
- Candidates are required to behave in a very gentle and reserved manner inside the exam venue. Candidates who behave in an illicit/inappropriate/indecent manner shall not be tolerated and the exam will be cancelled. He/she shall not be allowed to proceed further.
- Candidates must verify all details mentioned in the admit card and must also enter details in their application form carefully. In case any error/mismatch crops up, the ministry must be immediately informed. Any error/mismatch that comes up during checking at the exam centre shall not be accepted and the candidature of the candidate can be cancelled.
- Keeping their own convenience in mind, candidates are hereby advised to visit their exam centre at least a day before the commencement of the exam to avoid any last moment rush/problem/hassle.
- Candidates are supposed to enter the exam centre at the exact reporting time mentioned on the admit card. Any candidate who arrives late, shall not be allowed entry into the exam centre.
All these instructions/guidelines must be carefully and wholeheartedly followed by all the prospective candidates for smooth and safe conduction of their exam. Candidates who fail to follow them shall stand responsible for any sort of inconvenience (if any) that crops up later.
Documents To Be Carried To The Exam Hall
Candidates must carry the following documents positively while arriving at the exam venue.
- Copy of the admit card
- A government approved photo ID proof copy as well as original (PAN, Aadhar, Voter ID, Driving License, etc)
- Recently clicked photograph matching the one in the admit card (coloured photo preferred)
IB Security Assistant Admit Card FAQs
Q. Will The Ministry Accept Request For Change In Exam Centres?
A. The candidates shall be given the option to fill in their preferred choice of SIB/exam centre while applying. The ministry will try its level best to allot centres under that SIB/Exam centre according to the convenience of the candidate. If by chance, due to unavailability of seats in a particular centre, a candidate is allotted some other centre, in that case, the decision of the ministry shall be the final one. No request for change shall be entertained.