IBPS RRB Office Assistant Syllabus 2021 : IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam Pattern, Syllabus, and Selection Process have been explained here. IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Pattern consists of Prelim and Main exam which will be conducted online.
- IBPS RRB Clerk Prelim exam will be conducted on 1,7,8,14,15th August 2021 and the Main exam will be held on 3 Oct 2021.
- The prelim exam is qualifying in nature for shortlisting the candidates to the Main exam. The candidates who qualify in the prelim exam by scoring the minimum cut off scores will be able to appear in the Main examination.
- Candidates qualified in the Main exam will be allotted provisionally to the participating RRBs. Final selection will be made on the basis of marks obtained in the Main exam only.
Candidates appearing in IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Multipurpose) exam must aware of exam pattern, syllabus, selection process, etc.
Important Dates
The dates given below pertain to IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2021.
IBPS RRB Clerk Description | Dates |
Prelim Call Letter | July 2021 |
Preliminary Examination | 1,7,8,14,15th August 2021 |
Preliminary Exam Result | Sep 2021 |
Main exam call letter | Sep 2021 |
Main Exam | 3 Oct 2021 |
Main Exam Result | Nov 2021 |
Document verification | Nov 2021 |
Provisional Allotment | January 2022 |
IBPS RRB Office Assistant Exam Pattern 2021
IBPS RRB Office Assistant exam will be held in 2 stages,
- Prelim Exam
- Main Exam
IBPS RRB Clerk Prelim Exam Pattern
- IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelim exam will be an objective type test consists of 2 tests/sections – Reasoning and Numerical Ability.
- IBPS RRB Clerk Prelim exam is qualifying in nature.
- Each section will have 40 MCQs, each of 1 mark. Total questions in Prelims will be 80 for 80 marks.
- Candidates will get a composite time of 45 minutes to solve questions in both tests/sections. For every incorrect answer, 1/4th of allotted marks (0.25 marks) will be deducted as a penalty.
- All the MCQs will be in both English and Hindi.
- To qualify in prelims, candidates will have to score minimum cut-off marks in each section. Sectional and overall cut off marks will be decided by the IBPS.
Name of Section | Language | Total Number of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
Reasoning | Hindi, English | 40 | 40 | Composite time duration of 45 min |
Numerical Ability | Hindi, English | 40 | 40 | |
Total | 80 | 80 |
IBPS RRB Office Assistant Main Exam Pattern
- IBPS RRB Office Assistant Main exam will be for those candidates who qualify in prelims.
- The main exam will be an objective type test consists of five sections/tests – Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, Numerical Ability, Reasoning, and English or Hindi Language.
- Each section/test will have 40 MCQs, and the total number of questions in Mains will be 200 for 200 marks.
- Candidates will get a composite time of 2 hours to solve MCQs present in all sections/tests.
- For every incorrect answer, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty. No marks will be deducted on leaving a question unanswered.
- To qualify in mains, candidates will have to score minimum cut-off marks in each test/section. Sectional and overall cut off marks will be decided by the IBPS.
- Main exam marks alone will be considered for final merit.
Section | Language | Total Number of Questions | Maximum Marks | Time |
Reasoning | Hindi, English | 40 | 50 | Composite time duration of 2 hrs |
Numerical Ability | Hindi, English | 40 | 50 | |
General Awareness | Hindi, English | 40 | 40 | |
A. English Language (or) B. Hindi Language | English (or) Hindi | 40 | 40 | |
Computer Knowledge | English, Hindi | 40 | 20 | |
Total | 200 | 200 |
Read : IBPS RRB Office Assistant Results 2021
- All questions in Prelims and Main will be of Multiple Choice Type.
- Negative marking will be there for the wrong answer, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty.
- The choice of language is optional. Therefore, the candidates have to choose any one of the languages from English and Hindi.
IBPS RRB Office Assistant Syllabus
IBPS RRB Office Assistant Syllabus of Prelim and Main exam is explained below.
Quantitative Aptitude
- Decimal Fraction
- Number System
- Simple Interest
- Partnership
- Averages
- Time and Work
- Ratio and Proportion
- Permutation and Combination
- Case Studies
- HCF and LCM
- Profit and Loss
- Compound Interest
- Percentages
- Simplification
- Time and Distance
- Probability
- Charts and Graphs
- Averages
- Syllogism
- Odd man out
- Blood Relation
- Direction Sense Test
- Ranking and Time
- Series Test
- Statement and Conclusion
- Figure Series
- Decision Making
- Statement and Arguments
- Figure Series Test
- Number
- Coding-Decoding
- Alphabet Test
- Analogy
- Causes and Effects
- Assertion and Reason
- Statement and Assumption
- Sitting Arrangements
- Word Formation
- Statements and Action Courses
English Language
- Jumbled Words
- Spotting Errors
- Fill in the Blanks
- Commonly Misspelled Words
- Comprehension
- Idioms and Phrases
- Cloze Tests
- Jumbled up sentences
- Phrase Substitution
- One-word Substitution
Hindi Language
- Fill in the Blanks
- Paragraphs
- Vyakaran
- Mistakes
General Awareness
- Countries/Currencies
- Current Affairs
- Indian and International Economy
- Books and Authors
- Banking Terms
- Social Function of Banks
- Repo and Reverse Repo Rate
- Fiscal-Monetary Policies
- Marketing
- Awards and Honors
- Agriculture
- Finance
- Sports
- History of Banking
Computer Applications
- Software and Hardware Fundamentals
- Computer Fundamentals
- Networking
- History and Future of Computers
- Database
- MS Office
Download IBPS RRB Clerk Syllabus 2021 Pdf
IBPS RRB Office Assistant – Exam Date
IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelim exam will be conducted on 1,7,8,14,15th August 2021. The Main examination will be conducted on 3 October 2021. The dates for the preliminary and main examination for office assistants have been released by IBPS in the annual calendar.
Read : IBPS RRB Office Assistant Admit Card 2021
Selection Process
- The entire selection process for the post of Office Assistant is comprised of Preliminary Examination and Main Examination. It is a two-tier process.
- The candidates who want to participate in the selection process need to appear in the prelims. It is a mandatory criterion for the Main exam that the applicants must have passed/ scored above the cutoff in the Prelims exam otherwise the applicants are not eligible to appear in the main exam.
- Therefore, the candidates will get shortlisted for the Main exam on the basis of marks scored by them in the IBPS RRB Preliminary exam.
- However IBPS RRB Office assistant prelim exam is of qualifying in nature, the marks scored in prelims will not be considered for final ranking.
- To qualify for the provisional allotment, the candidates are required to get prescribed cut off/ score in the main examination. Only then, they will have chances to get the provisional allotment.
- Once the entire process of selection will be completed, the candidates will get the allotment to various Regional Rural Banks on the basis of the merit as well as preference filled by them.
- The merit list for the final selection will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by candidates in the main exam.
IBPS RRB Clerk 2021 Pre Exam Training (PET)
Regional Rural Banks will provide pre-exam training to candidates who belong to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes/ Minority Communities/ Ex-Servicemen /Person with Benchmark Disabilities. If you wish to avail of the facility of pre-exam training then you should fill a column at the time of filling the online application form by selecting the appropriate option.
You should also note that there will be no charge for this training, but you have to arrange for travel expenses to the pre-exam training centers along with boarding and lodging, etc.
IBPS RRB Clerk Exam 2021 FAQs
Q. What will be the number of questions in IBPS RRB Clerk Prelim?
A. There will be a total of 80 MCQs in the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelim exam.
Q. Is it necessary to qualify in both the tests/sections of prelims?
A. Yes. Candidates need to secure minimum marks in each test/ section. Marks obtained in both sections will be included in the overall cut-off.
Q. When IBPS RRB Office Assistant prelims will be held?
A. IBPS RRB preliminary examination for Office Assistants will be held on 1,7,8,14,15th August 2021.
Q. What will be the conditions required to appear for IBPS RRB Clerk Main examination?
A. Candidate must have to qualify for the preliminary examination by securing the minimum cut-off marks in both tests/sections.
Q. What is the date of the IBPS RRB Clerk Main examination?
A. IBPS RRB Clerk’s Main examination will be held on 3 Oct 2021.
Q. What are the type of questions in the IBPS RRB Prelim and Main examination?
A. Objective type questions.
Q. Is there negative marking in prelims?
A. Yes, 1/4th of assigned marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
Q.What will be the time duration of the IBPS RRB Clerk Main examination?
A. There will be a composite time duration of 2 hours.