Download LIC Assistant Admit Card 2021 : LIC Assistant 2021 Preliminary exam admit card will be released on 15.10.2021 at the official website of LIC. Candidates need to download the LIC Assistant Preliminary hall ticket 2021 in order to enter the examination hall. LIC will release a notification for the recruitment of Assistants in different zones located throughout India.
The recruitment process will be conducted in 2 stages, preliminary examination followed by the main examination. The candidate has to qualify for both the examination in order to get selected for the post of LIC Assistant. The candidate should also know that before joining he/she would have to undergo a pre-recruitment medical examination.
Candidates who have secured the minimum qualifying marks in the preliminary examination will be called for the main examination. Here also the candidate has to download the LIC Assistant 2021 main examination admit card/ hall ticket from the official website of LIC. The candidate should know that the admit card is a mandatory document without which the candidate will not be allowed to enter the examination hall.
In order to download the LIC Assistant 2021 admit card, the candidate has to enter the registration number, password, and correct security code. The candidate will be informed about the release of the admit card through the registered mobile number and registered email ID.
Activity | Date |
Last date to apply online and payment of fees | 01.10.2021 |
Prelim Admit Card Start Date | 15.10.2021 |
Prelim Admit Card Last Date | 22.10.2021 |
Date of Prelim online examination | 21.10.2021 and 22.10.2021 |
Main Admit Card Start Date | To be notified later |
Main Admit Card Last Date | To be notified later |
Date of online Main examination | To be notified later |
LIC Assistant 2021 Admit Card
Candidates who have applied for the LIC Assistant 2021 will receive notification about the admit card on their registered mobile number and registered email ID. The candidate should make a mark that the LIC Assistant 2021 admit card would be scrutinized at all levels of the examination hence the candidate should have a clear printout of the admit card wherein the examination authorities can verify the details on the admit card.
LIC Assistant 2021 Preliminary Admit Card
LIC Assistant 2021 Preliminary examination is going to be conducted on 21.10.2021 and 22.10.2021. The admit card will be available on the official website of LIC from 15.10.2021 onwards till 22.10.2021. The candidate should download the admit card by entering the registration number, date of birth, password, etc.
The candidate should carefully go through the details on the admit card as well as the instructions given on the admit card. If the candidate found any discrepancy on the LIC Assistant 2021 admit card, he/she should immediately inform the LIC officials regarding the same.
LIC Assistant 2021 Main Exam Admit Card
After the LIC Assistant 2021 preliminary examination, the LIC authorities will release the result on the official website. Those candidates who have secured more marks than the cut-off established by the officials are declared eligible for the mains examination.
The result for the preliminary examination as well as the date of the main examination is expected to be declared in the month of November-December 2021. The successful candidates can download the LIC Assistant 2021 Mains examination admit card from the official website by furnishing details such as Registration Number, Password, Date of Birth, etc.
Pre-Exam Training for OBC/SC/ ST/PwBD Candidates
Candidates belonging to OBC/SC/ST/PwBD can avail of the facility of Pre-Examination training conducted by the LIC authority. Eligible candidates must register themselves at the P&IR department of the divisional office after the completion of the online form. The candidate will get a maximum of 3 days after the last date of submitting the application form to register. The officials of LIC will inform the candidates about the date and venue of the training.
How To Download LIC Assistant 2021 Admit Card?
Candidate can download the LIC Assistant 2021 admit card by following the steps given below:
- Go to the official website of LIC or click here
- Click at the tab named LIC Assistant Admit Card 2021 (Prelim/Main)
- A new window will pop up
- Enter Registration number/Roll number
- Enter the password/ date of birth
- Enter the correct captcha
- Click on the submit button
- A new window will pop up
- Candidate can see his/her admit card on the screen
- Validate the details on the admit card
- Click on the link print
NOTE: The same procedure will be followed in the case of the LIC Assistant 2021 Main examination admit card. The only difference is that only the eligible candidates can download their admit card.
Details On LIC Assistant Admit Card 2021
The admit card of LIC Assistant 2021 will contain information about the examination and the candidate. The major information on the admit card is the examination center, date of examination, reporting time of examination, name of the candidate, etc. Along with the information, the candidate shall find the scanned photograph of himself/herself with the signature. Major details in the LIC Assistant 2021 admit card is as follows:
- Name of the candidate
- Registration number of the candidate
- Roll number of the candidate
- Password for the candidate
- Gender of the candidate
- Scanned photograph and signature of the candidate
- The venue of the examination
- Date and time of examination
- List of Do’s and Don’ts to be followed during the examination
The same shall be available for both the preliminary and main examination of LIC Assistant 2021.
Instructions For LIC Assistant Exam 2021
The candidate should follow the instructions given below for both the preliminary and main examination of LIC Assistant 2021:
- The candidate should not carry any electronic devices such as phone, calculator, etc., to the examination hall
- The candidate should upload a clear photograph in the application form and also paste the same into the admit card
- The candidate has to undergo biometric of the left thumb hence proper care should be taken in this regard
- After the reporting time specified in the call letter, candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall under any circumstances
- Candidates are advised not to carry any food items with them in the examination hall
- Candidates are advised not to indulge in any unfair means during the examination process which may result in the cancelation of the candidate’s application
- Candidate should beforehand validate the documents for the examination by himself/herself for convenience
- It is advisable that the candidate should visit the examination venue a day prior to the day of the examination
Documents To Be Carried To Exam Venue
Following are the documents that a candidate has to bring to the examination hall of LIC Assistant 2021 preliminary examination as well as main examination:
- Valid Admit Card/Hall Ticket with respect to date and session of the examination
- Original photo identity proof
- Clear photocopy of original photo identity proof
- A candidate can bring the following photo identity proof:
- PAN Card
- Passport
- Driving License
- Voter’s Card
- Bank Passbook with a photograph
- Photo ID proof issued by Gazette officer on official letterhead
- Photo ID proof issued by college/university/government authorized organization
- E-Aadhar card and Ration card will not be regarded as valid photo identity proof.
LIC Assistant Admit Card 2021 FAQ’s
Q. When Will The LIC Assistant Admit Card Will Be Released?
A. The admit card will be released on 15.10.2021 for the preliminary examination of LIC Assistant 2021.
Q. What Are The Documents Required For The Entrance To The Examination Hall?
A. The candidate has to bring the following documents in proper condition:
- Valid Admit Card/Hall Ticket with respect to date and session of the examination
- Original photo identity proof
- Clear photocopy of original photo identity proof
Q. Do We Have To Bring The Color Print Out Of The Admit Card Of LIC Assistant 2021?
A. It is not necessary to bring the color print out of the admit card but details on the admit card should be clearly visible.
Q. After The Release Of The LIC Assistant 2021 Admit Card, Can A Candidate Change Request For Change Of Examination Center?
A. Once the admit cards are released, a candidate cannot change the venue of the examination. The LIC officials shall give you the center according to the choices filled in the application form, hence proper care should be taken during the full filling of the application form.
Q. When Will The LIC Assistant 2021 Main Examination Admit Card Be Available?
A. The examination date for the LIC main examination is yet to be declared by the LIC officials but is expected to be held in November – December 2021.