Download MHT CET Admit Card 2021 : Directorate of Technical Education of Maharashtra will release MHT CET 2021 Admit Card in April 2021. MHT CET Call Letter 2021 will have the information like candidate’s name, roll number, registration number and address of exam centre allotted. The admit card can be downloaded only online, it will not be sent by post. The Government of Maharashtra conducts Maharashtra Common Entrance Test.

MHT CET Admit Card Release Date
Since for the year 2021, the dates for MHT CET has not yet been released. However, it is expected that the admit card for MHT CET 2021 will be released on the fourth week of April 2021.
Procedure To Download MHT CET Admit Card
- Visit the official website or click here
- Enter application number and password
- Once you enter the details, admit card will show up on the screen in PDF format
- Review the details on admit card
- Download it and take two printouts. Keep them safe until the admission process is completed.
In case an aspirant forgets the password, he/she can follow the below steps to download the admit card
- Select ‘forgot password’ option which shows up at the end of the log-in page
- Answer the security question by entering application number, mother’s name and date of the password.
- Just reset the password and log-in.
Details On Admit Card
Candidates will find the details corresponding to the following sections in the admit card. Before downloading, they should ensure whether the details are correct by all means
- Application number
- Roll number
- Subjects opted in MHT CET
- Father’s full name
- Student’s full name
- Medium
- DOB (Date of Birth)
- Disability certificate (if any)
- Exam schedule and centre
- Mother’s maiden name
- Things to carry in an exam with admit card
Instructions For MHT CET Exam
Few important instructions for the MHT CET exam 2021 are mentioned below
- Please carry the original ID proof with the admit card to the exam centre.
- The name should be the same on photo Id proof and admit card.
- Necessary documents have to be provided to the authority to verify the details on admit card.
- Black ink ballpoint pen should be used to spot the answers.
- Mathematics tables like log sheet etc. will be provided with the question paper. So, no need to carry log book are similar things to the exam hall.
- Please visit the examination centre before 45 minutes.
- Once the exam centre is confirm edit cannot be changed in any situation.
Documents To Be Carried To The Examination Centre
Please carry any one of the below id proof with the admit card for the exam:
- Indian Passport
- PAN Card
- Voter ID Card
- Passbook with a photograph on it
- Driving License
- Photo ID Proof given by a Gazetted Officer or people’s representative on company’s letterhead with a photograph on it
- Recent Identity Card issued by a recognized College or School.
- Aadhaar Card with a photograph
- Candidates are also required to carry Disability Certificate in original (if any) with admit card.
MHT CET 2021 Frequently Asked Questions
Q. If The Details On Admit Card Are Wrong, What Can Be Done?
A. Please contact the concerned authorities as soon as possible i.e. DTE Maharashtra and get the information corrected.
Q. Do I Need To Carry Anything Else Except For The MHT CET Admit Card?
A. Carrying a valid identity proof is compulsory along with the admit card.
Q. Before Admit Card Is Generated When Can I Check Whether My Signature and Photograph Are Correct?
A. Once you successfully register for MHT CET 2021, you will have to upload your signature and recent passport size photograph. You will see that they are displayed on the acknowledgement form.This form will be available once you make the online payment for MHT CET.