MHT CET 2021 Syllabus [Exam Pattern] : The MHT CET Exam Pattern encompasses physics, chemistry and mathematics sections. It is an entrance exam through which admissions will be open in the first year degree in the field of Agriculture / Engineering / Technology and Pharmacy. As far as the MHTET syllabus for the test is concerned, questions will be completely based on State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary education.
For the examination that can be tentatively conducted in the month of May, candidates can expect the notification to be released on the second week of February 2021. Candidates can prepare for the MHT CET from the past question papers and also from other sources. When preparing, candidates will have to study 12th class syllabus with few portions of 11th class syllabus. Earlier MHT CET is based completely on Class 12th syllabus of HSC Board of Maharashtra. Now, students have to study Class 11th syllabus too.
MHT CET 2021 Exam Pattern

Brief Structure
In the MHT CET question paper, about 80% of the questions will be from Class XII Syllabus of Maharashtra, while remaining 20% of the questions will be from class XI Syllabus. The questions will be given from Maths, Physics and Chemistry from 12th class. MHT CET 2021 exam will be conducted approximately in the month of May 2021. The entrance exam will be held for 2 papers – Paper I for Mathematics (90 minutes) and Paper II (90 minutes) for Chemistry and Physics.
Detailed View
- MH CET has 2 papers; each paper will be for 1.30 hours. Paper I and Paper II will be for a weightage of 100 marks.
- Paper I will have total 50 questions, while Paper II will have 100 questions, 50 questions each would be from Chemistry and Physics.
- The correct answer on Paper I will be given 2 marks, whereas for Paper II 1 would be given.
- Paper I will be held in English language only, while Paper II will be held in Marathi/English/Hindi languages.
- Each objective question would carry the same marks.
- If more than 1 answer is given for a question, it would be considered as wrong and no marks will be given for it.
- Paper I will be from 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.
- Paper II will be from 12.30 p.m. to 02.00 p.m.
- Aspirants have to attempt all questions
- The exam will be conducted in different exam centres of Maharashtra in the 2nd week of May 2021.
Paper | Topic | No. of questions | Marks | Total |
Paper I | Chemistry | 50 | 1 | 50 |
- | Physics | 50 | 1 | 50 |
Paper II | Zoology | 50 | 1 | 50 |
- | Botany | 50 | 1 | 50 |
Paper III | Maths | 50 | 2 | 100 |
MHT CET Syllabus 2021
MHT CET 2021 syllabus is from Chemistry, Physics and Biology (Zoology and Botany)and Mathematics subjects. The syllabus is from class 11th & 12th classes. Please view the detailed syllabus below.

Class XI
- Scalars and Vectors, Force, Measurements, Friction in Solids and Liquids, Ray Optics,Magnetic Effect of Electric Current, Refraction of Light and Magnetism.
Class XII
- Sound Waves, Projectile Motion, Thermal Properties of Matter, Electrostatics,Electromagnetic Waves Circular Motion, Current Electricity, Gravitation,Rotational Motion, Elasticity, Oscillations, Wave Motion, Surface Tension, Stationary Waves, Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation, Electrostatics, Wave Theory of Light, Interference and Diffraction, Magnetic Effects of Electric Current, Magnetism, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic Inductions, Atoms, Electrons and Photons, Semiconductors, Molecules and Nuclei and Communication Systems.
Class XI
- States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Redox Reactions, Nature of Chemistry Bond Surface Chemistry, Hydrogen, s-Block Elements, Techniques in Organic Chemistry and Basic Nature of Chemistry Bond Principles, Alkanes.
Class XII
- Periodic Table, Structure of Atom, p-Block Elements, Chemical Equilibrium, Aromatic Compounds, Alkenes, Alkynes, Energetic and chemical thermodynamics, colligative properties and solutions, solid state, Chemical Kinetics, Electro-chemistry, General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements, Group 15 elements, d and f Block Elements d-Block Elements, p-Block elements, Halogen Derivatives, Coordination Compounds, Phenols, Alcohols and Ether Alcohol, Ketones, Aldehydes and Carbo-oxylic Acids, Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen. Biomolecules Carbohydrates, Chemistry and Polymers in Everyday Life.
Class XI
- Trigonometric Functions of Compound Angles, Straight Line, Factorization Formulae, Sets, Circle and Conics, Relations and Functions, Sequences & Series, Probability.
Class XII
- Locus, Measurement of Angles, Linear In-equations, Vectors, Determinants, Logarithms, Matrices, Complex Numbers, Binomial Theorem and Mathematical Induction, Permutations &Combinations, , Differentiation, Limits, Integration, Mathematical Logic Statements, Statistics, Matrices, Trigonometric Functions, Pair of Straight Lines, Conics, Circle, Vectors, 3D Geometry, Plane, Line, Linear Programming Problems, Differentiation, Continuity, Applications of Derivative, Integration, Applications of Definite and Binomial Distribution.
Class XI
- Biochemistry of Cell, Diversity in Organisms, Plant Growth & Development and Water Relations & Mineral Nutrition.
- Animal Tissues, Organization of Cell, Human Respiration and Human Nutrition.
Class XII
- Structure and Function of Cell, Structural Organization in Plants and Plant Physiology and Diversity of Living world.
- Structure and Function of Cell, Structural Organization in Animals and Human Physiology and Diversity in the Living world.
MHT CET 2021 Exam Date
As the notification for MHT CET has not yet been released, it is expected that MHT CET 2021 will be tentatively conducted on the second week of May 2021.
MHT CET 2021 Selection Process
Selection of candidates for counselling process will happen based on the merit they have secured in the written test. The counselling procedure will be conducted by Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) Maharashtra State and will be held in June 2021 after the declaration of the MHT CET Result. The MHT CET qualified candidates are required to submit online application form of CAP for admission into B. Tech courses. The Selection procedure and Seat Allotment process will start once the merit list gets released.
All those candidates who have qualified the MHT CET Exam are eligible to attend the Counselling. The Counselling would go through Online Only. After completion of the online Counselling process, the college will provide them with a confirmation letter.
Important Dates After Submission Of MHT CET Application 2021
Event | Dates |
Admit card | 4th week of Apr |
Entrance exam | 2nd week of May |
Result | 1st week of June |
Counselling | 1st week of June |
MHT CET 2021 – Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What Courses Are Offered Through MHT CET?
A. Engineering, pharmacy and Pharm.D courses
Q. Can Other State Candidate Applying MHT CET 2021?
A. Yes, other state candidates can apply for this exam.
Q. What Is MHT CET Exam?
A. The MHT CET is an annual entrance exam conducted by the Government of Maharashtra.
Q. When Will MHT CET 2021 Results Be Declared?
A. MHT CET Results will be declared on or before June 3, 2021.