RRB MI Results 2021 [Answer Key, Cut Off] :RRB Ministerial and Isolated categories results for each stage of the recruitment test will be published on the official website of the respective Railway Recruitment Board. Once, the results are out, candidates, who took up the test will be notified about the availability of the result on the official website.
Candidates can visit the respective RRB website and can download the pdf file containing the roll numbers of selected candidates (Stage wise/ Final) of RRB MI recruitment. They can provide the Registration number and Date of Birth to check the scorecard/ marks obtained by them.

Important Dates From Result To Allotment
RRB MI 2019 Result will be released in Jan 2021/ Feb 2021. RRB MI actual result date will be notified to the candidates to their registered Email ID and mobile phone number and will be notified on the official website in due course of time.
RRB MI Answer Key
RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories answer key for the recruitment will be released on the official website of the appropriate zonal website. Candidates will find a link to the answer key right on the home page of the website of the appropriate RRB.
They will also be notified on their registered mobile number and Email about the availability of the answer key. When they click on the appropriate link, they will be taken to the answer key for the appropriate part of the CBT. They can download the answer key to judge their score by reminding the answers they gave at the actual test.
How To Check RRB MI Results?
Here is the process to check RRB MI results
- You will have to visit the website of the appropriate zonal website of RRB
- For instance, in case, you have applied through the Chennai RRB, visit the Chennai RRB website@ http://www.rrbchennai.gov.in/
- On the respective website, you will find a link called “Results” right on the homepage as one of the top menu.
- Click on the said link
- If you intend to check the CBT result, you will have to click on the appropriate link that shows CBT or click on the relevant stage link to check the result of the particular stage or Final result
- When you click, you will find the list of roll numbers of candidates, who have qualified for further selection process/ Final appointment
- You should follow the same process to check the results for the other tests as well
- For instance, if you have taken the Shorthand Skill Test, you will have to click on the suitable link to know the list of qualified candidates
- The same process should be followed to know the result for each stage of the recruitment including CBT, SST, TT, PT, and TST as applicable.
Details On RRB MI Scorecard
Finally, after all the tests, the final scorecard will be published by the RRB. It will have the following details:
- Name of the candidate
- Registration number
- Marks secured in each test
- Final score
- Overall ranking
RRB MI Merit List
For the junior stenographer position, the merit list will be prepared on the basis of the aggregate of marks obtained in the Computer-based test and the stenography skill test.
For the Junior Translator position, the merit list will be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained by candidates only in the CBT test. However, candidates, who do not secure more than 60% in the translation test, will be disqualified.
For the posts of Assistant Mistress/Junior School or PTI/TGTs/PGTs the merit list will be prepared by giving the weightage of CBT and TST in the ratio of 85:15.
For Music/Dance primary teachers, PGT/TGT Art Master posts, the merit list will be prepared by considering the weightage of CBT, PT, TST in the ratio of 60:25:15.
Document Verification
Based on the performance of candidates in the CBT, followed by SST or PT/TST or translation test as applicable, candidates equivalent to the number of vacancies for each position will be called for document verification based on their options and merit. Further, candidates equivalent to 50% of the number of vacancies for different positions will be invited for the Document Verification process. Nevertheless, these additional candidates will be considered for empanelment.
In case two or more candidates secure similar marks, their merit positions will be determined based on age criteria, where the older candidate will be given preference. If the age is also similar, then the alphabetical order of the first letter of the name shall be considered for tie-breaking.
The appointment of the selected candidates is subject to their passing the required medical fitness test. It will be conducted by the RRB/Railway Administration. Also, they will be placed only after the final verification of community and educational certificates and verification of antecedents and character of the candidates.
RRB MI Cut Off 2021
As most candidates know, the cut-off is the minimum qualifying mark fixed by RRB. According, the qualifying percentage for different categories for the CBT is as follows:
- Unreserved – 40%
- EWS – 40%
- OBC, SC – 30%
- ST – 25%
For the categories mentioned above, there shall be relaxation by 2% for PwBD Candidates if there is a shortage of PwBD candidates against the vacancies reserved for them.
For the other stages of recruitment, the cut-off will be notified by the RRB from time to time.
Previous Year Cut Off
The previous year cut-off for some positions for different categories is listed below:
Head Cook for document verification
- UR – 41.33%
- SC – 35.67%
- OB – 30.67%
Chief Law Assistant For The Interview & Document Verification
- OB – 50%
- SC – 48.67%
Staff and Welfare Inspector (Document Verification)
- OB EX – 66.67%
- UR EX – 60.33%
- UR – 60.33%
- OB – 59.67%
- SC – 59.33%
- ST – 41%
Candidates are recommended to regularly visit the website of the appropriate zonal RRB to know the cut-off and other updates.