RRB Paramedical 2021 Recruitment [Vacancies, Apply Online, Exam Date] : RRB Paramedical notification 2021 will be issued by Railway Recruitment Board. The total number of vacancies under paramedical staff is 1937 positions among which staff nurses are required in higher number at 1109. Railway staff nurse 2021 apply online process will commence in August 2021 and candidates can submit the application forms till September 2021.
The written test for this recruitment will be conducted for 100 marks in total and the number of questions will be 100. The test will be conducted as a computer-based test and there will be a negative marking of 1/3rd for every wrong answer in the computer-based test. The test is shortly referred to as CBT.
- Vacancies
- Important Dates
- Notification
- Eligibility
- Application Form
- Apply Online
- Fee
- Exam Pattern
- Syllabus
- Selection Process
- Admit Card
- Result
- Cut Off
- Salary

RRB Paramedical Vacancy 2021
RRB Paramedical vacancies post wise list is given below.
- Lab Assistant Grade-II – 82
- Lady Health Visitor – 02
- ECG Technician – 23
- Speech Therapist – 01
- Radiographer – 61
- Pharmacist Grade III – 277
- Physiotherapist – 21
- Perfusionist – 01
- Optometrist – 06
- Lab Superintendent Grade III – 25
- Health & Malaria Inspector Grade III – 289
- Extension Educator – 11
- Dialysis Technician – 20
- Dental Hygienist – 05
- Staff Nurse – 1109
- Dietician – 04
RRB Paramedical Important Dates
A table here gives the RRB Paramedical categories important dates that candidates will have to remember:
Notification | August 2021 |
Starting Date For online registration | August 2021 at 10:00 hrs |
Closing of online registration of application | September 2021 at 23.59 hrs |
Closing of offline payment | September 2021 at 13.00 hrs |
Closing of online payment | September 2021 at 22.00 hrs |
Closing of online submission of application complete in all respects | September 2021 at 23.59 hrs |
Computer Based Test | Nov/ Dec 2021 (tentative) |
- RRB Paramedical Apply Online 2021 | RRB Paramedical Syllabus 2021
- RRB Paramedical Admit Card 2021 | RRB Paramedical Result 2021
Candidates applying can get to know the dates for the computer-based test through the appropriate Railway Recruitment Board websites.
RRB Paramedical Notification 2021
RRB paramedical categories central employment notification no. CEN -/2021 will be published on RRB regional websites. Interested candidates can visit the website and download the notification to check the eligibility conditions, fees, etc.
Here is the list of RRB websites of different regions along with their appropriate phone numbers. Candidates can find the notification from the links given below for appropriate RRB branches.
RRB Paramedical Notification Pdf
Name of RRB(s) | Website address |
Thiruvananthapuram | Click here |
Gorakhpur | Click here |
Siliguri | Click here |
Chennai | Click here |
Secunderabad | Click here |
Chandigarh | Click here |
Ranchi | Click here |
Bilaspur | Click here |
Patna | Click here |
Bhubaneswar | Click here |
Muzaffarpur | Click here |
Bhopal | Click here |
Mumbai | Click here |
Bangalore | Click here |
Malda | Click here |
Allahabad | Click here |
Kolkata | Click here |
Ajmer | Click here |
Jammu – Srinagar | Click here |
Ahmedabad | Click here |
Guwahati | Click here |
RRB Paramedical Eligibility 2021
RRB paramedical categories post wise eligibility details are given in detail here as per official notification.
- The applicants should either be citizens of India, Bhutan, Nepal or can also be Tibetan refugees, who came to India before the 1st of January 1962 for permanent settlement in India.
- Otherwise, the applicants can also be individuals of Indian origin, migrated from countries like Sri Lanka, Burma, Pakistan, or East African nations like Vietnam, Ethiopia, Zaire, Malawi, Zambia, or the United Republic of Tanzania with the intention of permanent settlement in India.
- However, candidates other than actual Indian citizens should get a certificate of eligibility from the Government of India.
Age Limit
RRB Paramedical categories age limit is an important criterion to check the eligibility. The lower and upper age limits for different positions as on the 1st of July 2021 should be 18 and 40 years respectively. Candidates can get to know the dates between which they should have been born from the official notification.
Age Relaxation
RRB Paramedical age relaxation is applicable for certain categories as mentioned below.
Category | Upper age limit/ Age Relaxation (In Years) |
OBC-NCL | 3 |
SC / ST | 5 |
PwBD | (UR) - 10 (OBC-NCL) - 13 (SC / ST) - 15 |
Women candidates who were divorced, or judicially separated and not remarried or widowed | UR - 35 OBC- NCL (Non Creamy Layer) - 38 SC/ST - 40 |
Ex-servicemen | Upper age limit as per the post + Community wise age relaxation +Number of years of service rendered plus 3 years |
Candidates working in Railway quasi administrative offices such as cooperative societies and institutes and canteens | Length of service rendered or 5 years, whichever is lower + community age relaxation |
Candidates domiciled in J&K between 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 | Upper age limit + Community age relaxation |
Group C and D railway staff with minimum 3 years of service | UR - 40 OBC- NCL (Non Creamy Layer) - 43 SC/ST - 45 |
Educational Qualification
The educational qualification requirement differs based on the position for which a candidate plans to apply. Candidates awaiting their results should not apply. As of the date of closing of online registration (02.04.2021) candidate should have minimum educational qualification.
Name of the Post | Minimum Educational Qualifications |
Extension Educator | Graduation in Social Work / Sociology / Community Education + dip. in Health Education of minimum 2 years' duration |
Radiographer | 10+2 (Physics & Chemistry) + dip. in Radiography / X Ray Technician / Radiodiagnosis Technology of at least 2 years' duration Science graduates with dip. in Radiography / X Ray Technician / Radiodiagnosis Technology of at least 2 years' duration shall be preferred |
Staff Nurse | Registered nurse certificate with Midwife should have passed 3 year general nursing and midwifery Or B.Sc Nursing |
Optometrist | B.Sc in Optometry or Dip. in Ophthalmic Technician (the course should be of 3 to 4 years duration) + applicant should be registered with the respective council / licensing authority |
Perfusionist | B.Sc + perfusion tech diploma OR B.Sc + 3 yrs experience in Cardio Pulmonary Pump Technician |
Physiotherapist | Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy +2 yrs practical experience in Physiotherapy |
ECG Technician | 10+2 / Graduation in Science with dip. or certificate or degree in Cardiology / ECG Laboratory Technology / Cardiology Techniques |
Dental Hygienist | Degree in science (Biology) And 2 yr certificate/ diploma in dental hygiene And Dental Council of India registered dental hygienist And 2 yrs of experience as dental hygienist |
Speech Therapist | B.Sc & dip. in audio & speech therapy + 2 years experience in the respective industry |
Dialysis Technician | B.Sc + Haemodialysis diploma or 2 yr in house training or experience in haemodialysis |
Pharmacist Grade III | 10+2 Science or its equivalent + dip. in Pharmacy and registered as Pharmacist OR B.Pharma or equivalent and registered as a Pharmacist |
Health and Malaria Inspector Grade III | B.Sc. Chemistry as Main or Optional subject in any branch of Chemistry + 1-year dip. of Health / Sanitary Inspector OR 1-year National Trade Certificate in Health Sanitary Inspector awarded by NCVT, New Delhi |
Dietician | Must have B.Sc Science along with PG diploma of 1 year in Dietetics + 3 months internship in hospital Or B.Sc Home Science + M.Sc Home Science (Food and Nutrition) |
Lab Superintendent Grade III | B.Sc in Medical Technology (Laboratory) from a recognized institution OR B.Sc with Micro Biology / Life science / Bio-Chemistry / B.Sc with Chemistry and Biology as main or as optional / subsidiary subjects or equivalent plus Diploma in Medical Lab technology (DMLT) or equivalent |
Lady Health Visitor | 12th (+2 stage) from a recognized Board/University with multipurpose workers course |
Lab Assistant Grade II | 12th (10 + 2 stage) in Science plus (a) Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT) (OR) (b) Certificate Course in Medical Lab. Technology at par with |
Medical Standards
In addition to the age, nationality, and educational qualification requirement, candidates will also have to meet the medical standards for different positions. It will differ based on the position they opt for. Candidates found medically unfit for the opted position shall not get any alternative appointment.
RRB Paramedical 2021 Application Form
Candidates can apply for the notified positions of any one RRB only based on meeting the eligibility requirement stated for the position. They will have to apply online mode only by visiting the appropriate website of RRB. They are recommended to read all the instructions before they start filling up the online application. To prevent any mistakes in form filling, candidates are recommended to go through the instructions thoroughly.
RRB Paramedical : How To Apply Online?
- Before they start applying, candidates are recommended to go through the instructions by clicking on the link that shows the “CEN-/2021 link” on the RRB Website.
- Candidates are also recommended to ensure their eligibility before applying for any position by all means.
- The first step is the registration process before you can apply.
- The first step in the registration process is to select the RRB for which you wish to apply. Here, you are recommended to remember that the RRB once selected cannot be changed once you complete the preliminary registration and once you get the registration number.
- You will have to confirm that you have read and understood the instructions clearly before you can proceed with the application submission by clicking on a checkbox.
- Now, click on the new registration, where you will have to enter your name, DOB, and Father’s name. In addition, you should provide other details like your mother’s name, your DOB, your Aadhar number, professional/technical/diploma/degree/Class X/Matric or SSLC roll number, year of passing, mobile number, and your Email Id. All these details should be submitted for registration.
- Also, the details entered cannot be changed once you submit them. So, before you click on the submit button make sure that the details are correct. Also, make sure that a unique Email ID is provided during the registration and the mobile number should also be yours. These details will be verified during the One-Time Registration process and during the online application process.
- The verification will be done by sending an OTP to your mobile number and your Email address.
- Once you submit the basic details, your registration number and password will show up on the screen. Even, you will get an OTP to your registered Email and mobile numbers along with your registration details.
- You should enter the OTPs to proceed with the filling up of the online application and for making payment of the examination and application fee. The registration number and password should be preserved and RRB will not entertain any request if you lose your registration number.
- Now, you have your registration details. So, you can proceed by clicking on the “Already registered” option that you will find on the home page of RRB and can log in using your registration number and password. The password is nothing, but your DOB is in DDMMYYYY format.
- In the first part of the application, you will have to provide your details pertaining to educational qualification, community, religion, gender, and other basic details.
- The next step is the payment of the application, where you can choose to pay either in online mode or offline using post office challan or bank challan. Here, you should know the last date to pay the fee in both online and offline mode and accordingly complete the payment process.
- Then, you will have to provide scribe details if applicable, detailed educational qualification and choice of exam language, and complete the remaining fields as per the instruction that you read before you started the online application process.
- Then, you will have to provide your bank account details for the refund of the examination fee if you belong to the reserved category. You can gather complete details about the eligibility to qualify for a refund from the official notification page.
- Now, you will have to upload your photograph and signature. Make sure that the photo is a color photograph with a light or white background. The size of the photo should be 35 mm x 45 mm or 320 x 240 pixels. Make sure that the photo is in JPEG/JPG format and make sure to scan it with a resolution of 100 DPI. Also, ensure that the photograph should be between the size of 20 and 50 KB.
- As far as signature uploading is concerned, you should sign on white paper with a black ink pen in a rectangular space in the size 50 mm x 20 mm. Also, the signature should be in running letters and not in block letters. The image should be in JPEG/JPG format scanned with 100 DPI Resolutions. The preferred dimension is 50 mm x 20 mm or 140 x 60 Pixels. The size should be between 10 and 40 KB.
- SC/ST candidates will have to upload their caste certificate as the next step.
- Finally, submit the application after ensuring the correctness of all the details entered.
RRB Paramedical 2021 Fee
RRB Paramedical application fee differs based on the category to which an applicant belongs. For the general category candidates, the fee is Rs.500 and out of this fee, Rs.400 will be refunded to them after duly deducting the bank charges when they appear for the computer-based test.
In the same way, the fee for the reserved category candidates is Rs.250. This fee will be refunded to them after duly deducting the bank charges when they appear for CBT.
Documents Needed
To ensure speedy filling up of the RRB Paramedical application, candidates are recommended to keep the following documents ready in digital form before they log in to the application page:
- Photograph as per the specification
- Signature as per the specification in JPEG/JPG format
- Scribe photo (if applicable)
RRB Paramedical Exam Pattern
- RRB Paramedical exam pattern Candidates will get 90 minutes duration to complete the 100 questions and PWBD candidates using the scribe facility will get 120 minutes for the same number of questions.
- The question paper will be in objective type with four options for each question.
- The standard of the test will be in conformity with the education standards and/or at least professional/technical qualifications as prescribed for the positions.
The format will be as follows:
Subject | Number of Questions | Marks Allotted |
Professional Ability | 70 | 70 |
General Awareness | 10 | 10 |
General Arithmetic, General Intelligence & Reasoning | 10 | 10 |
General Science | 10 | 10 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
RRB Paramedical Syllabus
RRB Paramedical syllabus differs for the professional ability section based on the position for which candidates apply. They can gather complete details from the notification page by clicking here.
RRB Paramedical Selection Process
Candidates will be shortlisted from the CBT for document verification and for empanelment. The shortlisting will happen strictly on a merit basis based on the performance of the test-takers in the written test. Shortlisted candidates will be finalized after document verification and after the medical tests for some positions.
RRB Paramedical Admit Card
Candidates will be notified by SMS and Email to download the e-call letter from the website of the RRB. Candidates should download and carry their e-call letters to the test center without fail.
How To Download e-call letter?
- Open RRB Website @ http://www.rrbcdg.gov.in/
- Click on RRB Paramedical categories CEN No. -/2021 e- call letter under notices
- Enter required details
- Download and print the admit card/ e-call letter
RRB Paramedical Result 2021
RRB Paramedical categories exam results will be published on the regional website of the RRB and candidates will be notified about the same on their registered Email ID and phone number via SMS.
How To Check RRB Paramedical Result?
- Open the RRB website and hover the mouse over other links. click on other RRBs
- Click on the regional website link
- Click on the Results tab
- Find and click on RRB Paramedical categories CEN No. -/2021 result
- Download the written result or enter the registration number to get marks
RRB Paramedical Cut Off
RRB Paramedical staff minimum qualifying mark for unreserved candidates is 40%, while for SC candidates, it is 30% and for STs, it is 25%. In case, sufficient candidates are not available for the PwBD category, 2 marks relaxation in the minimum qualifying marks will be given.
How To Check RRB Paramedical Cut Off?
- Open regional website of RRB
- Click on the Result tab
- Click on written exam/ Final Result
- Click on Cut Off against RRB Paramedical categories CEN No. -/2021
- Check the cutoff
RRB Paramedical Salary
RRB Paramedical Categories post-wise salary details are mentioned below.
Post Name | Initial pay in Rs. |
STAFF NURSE | 44900 |
DIETICIAN | 44900 |
RRB Paramedical FAQs
Q. What Is The Total No. Of Vacancies?
A. 1937.
Q. What Are The Modes Available For Payment Of Fee?
A. Fee can be paid online through debit/credit cards / UPI / internet banking or offline through bank challan of SBI / Post Office