Download SBI Clerk 2022 Hall Ticket/Call letter : SBI Clerk Admit Card 2022 will be available to download from the State Bank of India website @ SBI Clerk 2022 Prelim Admit Card will be released on 11th June 2022 and the Prelim exam will be held in the last week of June 2022. SBI will declare the Prelim result and release the SBI Clerk Main admit card 2022 for the shortlisted candidates on the official site.
- SBI Clerk 2022 Prelim Admit Card will be released in the 2nd week of June 2022 and exam will be held by the end of June 2021.
- SBI Clerk 2022 Main exam admit card will be available to download from the Bank’s website tentatively from July 2022.
- SBI Clerk 2022 Main examination will be held on 31 July 2022.
- Candidates can download the SBI Clerk admit cards after entering the necessary details such as Registration Number and Date of Birth.
SBI will not send a hard copy of the admit card by post to the candidates and it will only be issued online on the SBI website. However, candidates will be informed about the same through their registered email ID/or SMS. SBI Clerk admit card is the most important document that all candidates must procure before appearing in the SBI Clerk 2022 exam. No candidate without a valid admit card shall be allowed to sit for the exam.
Important Dates
SBI Clerk Event | Date |
Pre Exam Training Admit Card | May 2022 |
Prelim Admit Card | 11th June 2022 |
Prelim Exam Date | June 2022 |
Main Exam Admit Card | July 2022 |
Main Exam Date | 31 July 2022 |
SBI Clerk Admit Card 2022 Release
SBI Clerk Prelim admit card will be released on 11th June 2022 and the Main exam card will be released in July 2022. To download SBI Clerk admit card, candidate need to visit SBI website @ The candidate requires to enter the Registration Number, Password/Date of Birth to download the admit card.
How To Download SBI Clerk Admit Card?
Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to download the SBI Clerk admit cards.
- Visit the official website of SBI
- Under the latest announcements sections, look for the ‘SBI Junior Associates Admit Card 2022’.
- Click on the link provided
- Once the page is opened, enter the mandatory details such as Registration Number, Password/Date of Birth, and the Security Code
- Then click on submit
- The admit card will be displayed on the screen
- Check the details carefully and take the printout of the admit card.
Download SBI Clerk Prelim Admit Card 2022
SBI Clerk Prelim Admit Card
Candidates who had successfully applied for SBI Clerk 2022 will be called to appear in the SBI Clerk 2022 Preliminary examination held in June 2022. SBI Clerk 2022 Prelim admit card shall be available to download from 11th June 2022. Once admit cards are uploaded on the Bank’s website, eligible candidates will be informed by SBI through SMS/ Email.
SBI Clerk Main Admit Card
After the completion of the SBI Clerk Prelim exam and the result will be declared. The bank will conduct the Main exam for the qualified candidates on 31st July 2022. All such candidates will be able to download the call letter from the official website of the bank after entering the necessary details from July 2022.
Pre Exam Training
The bank will also conduct a pre-examination training for candidates belonging to the SC/ST/PWD/Ex-S categories before the commencement of the actual exam. The admit cards for the same will be made available for the eligible candidates through the Bank’s official website from 28.05.2022.
Candidates who have opted for pre-examination training will have to download their call letters / admit cards through Bank’s website only and no admit card/call letter will be sent by post or courier.
Details On SBI Clerk Admit Card
SBI Clerk admit card contains personal details and exam related details which are as follows.
- Name of the candidate
- Father’s name of the candidate
- Gender of candidate
- Candidate’s category
- Scanned image and photograph
- Registration number
- Exam venue details
- Day, date, time of the exam
- List of instructions/guidelines that are to be followed
Corrections & HelpDesk
All the details that are mentioned in the SBI Clerk admit card must be carefully checked. Any error/discrepancy noticed must be immediately informed to the concerned authority for rectification.
Helpdesk :
Contact No.: 022-2282 0427, 022-2282 0411
Email Id:,
The details mentioned in the admit card of the candidates will be thoroughly checked at the exam centers and once the details have been verified, candidates will be allowed to appear in the examination hall.
No discrepancy that crops up at the exam venue shall be entertained. Hence candidate should verify details on the admit card well before the day of the exam to avoid any inconvenience at the exam hall.
List Of Instructions/ Guidelines
- No electronic device such as phone, pager, calculator, digital watch, or smartwatch, or any other such electronic device is allowed inside the exam hall.
- Candidates must not bring with them any costly item/priced possession such as laptops, jewelry, etc. to the exam venue. The bank is not responsible for the safety of all these items.
- Candidates are advised not to resort to any illegal/unfair means while at the exam hall such as cheating, impersonating someone/asking someone else to impersonate on their behalf. The candidature of all such candidates shall be canceled and the candidate shall be debarred.
- Candidates must not behave in an inappropriate manner/rude manner while at the exam venue. If found guilty, the candidate shall be debarred immediately.
- Candidates for their own convenience must visit their respective exam centers at least a day in advance to avoid any hassle/inconvenience at the last moment.
- Candidates must report to the exam venue at the mentioned reporting time. Any candidate reporting late shall not be given entry.
- Candidate must carry a valid photo identity proof as well as their recently clicked passport-sized photographs to the exam venue.
- Candidates must not apply anything on their hands/fingers such as ink, Mehendi, color, tattoo, etc. to avoid any kind of disruption while carrying out the biometric verification.
- All the details that are mentioned in the admit card must be carefully and properly checked before downloading it. Any error/discrepancy that is noticed must be immediately informed to the bank. No discrepancy that crops up at the exam venue shall be entertained.
Documents for Exam
- SBI Clerk Admit Card
- A valid photo ID proof in Original and Photocopy of the same
Photo Id:
Candidates need to bring any of the below Photo Id to the exam as Identity Proof.
- PAN card
- Driving License
- Passport
- Aadhaar
- Voter Card
- Bank passbook with a duly attested photograph
- Identity card issued by the school/college
- Gazetted Officer issued ID in the official letterhead
Note: The photocopy of the ID proof has to be submitted along with the admit card to the invigilator at the time of verification at the exam venue. Ration Card and Learner’s Driving License will not be considered as valid Id proof.
SBI Clerk Admit Card FAQs
Q. Can The Candidates Request To Change The Allotted Exam Centres?
A. Candidates will be given the choice to select their preference of centers from the list of centers that have been given. The bank however has the right to allot/alter the number of available centers and allot centers according to the number of availability of seats in each center and the total number of candidates appearing for each stage of the exam. The decision of the bank will be binding and final in this case.
Q. What Are The Documents Needed To Carry To The Exam Hall?
A. Candidates for attending the SBI Clerk Prelim/Main exam need to carry an Admit card, Valid Photo ID proof, and a photocopy of the same.
Q.When Will SBI Clerk Admit Card Gets Released?
A.SBI Clerk Prelim exam admit card will be released in June 2022 whereas the admit cards for the SBI Clerk Main examination will be released in July 2022.
Q. Do We Require Admit Card To Attend For Pre-Exam Training?
A. To attend SBI Clerk Pre-Exam Training, a candidate require an admit card. It can be downloaded one or two weeks before the pre-exam training commencement from the SBI careers website. Admit Card for pre-exam training shall be available to download from Bank’s website in May 2022.
Q. How To Contact SBI For Any Query/ To Rectify Discrepancy In Admit Card?
A. Candidates can contact the SBI help desk through telephone numbers – 022-2282 0427.