Download SRMJEEE 2023 Admit Card : SRMJEEE Hall ticket 2023 is an important document that must be carried by the candidates for the examination. Only candidates, who have completed their registration process along with the payment of the application fee, will be able to download it. Candidates will get their admit card through online mode only. The officials will release the SRMJEEE hall ticket on the official website of SRM University @
After the process of filing an application form, the candidates are also required to book the slot. On booking the slot, one will be able to get the admit card as after the slot booking only admit card will be generated. To get more details about SRMJEE admit card 2023, get through this article.
SRMJEEE Admit Card 2023 Release Date
As soon as SRM University releases SRMJEEE 2023 Hall ticket, the candidates will be able to download the same from the website of the university. It is a document that must have with the candidate during the exam. Here, the expected schedule is presented for the convenience of interested candidates:
Important Dates
- The beginning of slot booking – Second week of April 2023
- The release of SRMJEE admit card – The second week of April 2023
- Exam date of SRMJEEE 2023 – 15th – 25th April 2023
Download SRMJEEE Admit Card
SRMJEEE 2023 admit card will be available online only. Therefore, the applicants will have to download the admit card for the exam through online mode. To download the SRMJEEE admit card, the applicants need to follow a few steps:
- Visit the official website @
- Log in to the website with your email id as well as a password
- Complete the slot booking process by selecting the exam date, timings, and day from the available options
- The applicant must ensure that he must have completed the process of slot booking. Before completing the process of slot booking, no applicant will be able to download the admit card
- As soon as the slot booking process is completed, the applicant will get the option of downloading the SRMJEEE admit card on the screen
- By using this option of downloading, the candidate will get the admit card on the screen
- It is advisable to check all the details available on the admit card
- If there is any discrepancy, then in such case, the applicant must contact the concerned authority to resolve the issue
- Take the print out of admit card
Details On SRMJEEE 2023 Admit Card
The details present on SRMJEEE Admit Card are as follows
- Application number
- Register Number
- Examination centre
- Venue of the examination
- Name of the candidate as per the board and university
- Programme
- Address of the applicant
- Date of examination
- Time of examination
- Reporting time
- Photograph of the candidate
- Signature of the candidate
Instructions To Be Followed
The applicant must take care of certain important points during the exams. These are examination guidelines and must be followed by the candidates in order to save themselves from any conspiracies. These guidelines as stated by the university are as follows:
- Admit card is like an identity proof and it is like an entry pass which permits the candidate to sit in the exam. If any of the candidates do not have the admit card during the exam, then he will not be allowed to attend the exam.
- Admit card must be in good condition. It should not be torn off and tampered. Failure to do so will not be allowed to sit in the exam. The candidates will be debarred from the examination immediately.
- The candidate must reach to exam venue at the time mentioned in the admit card i.e., reporting time. Therefore, candidates must report to the exam venue at the reporting time. The reporting time is at least one hour before the beginning of the exam. If the exam slot is 09:30 am then the candidate must report to the venue at 08:30 am.
- The candidates will not have permission to enter the exam hall after the reporting time.
- Impersonation is not allowed and it is punishable too. So, it will be better if the candidates avoid such kinds of activities.
- As the exam will be held in online mode, no candidate will be allowed to carry any kind of writing material with them.
- No electronic items are allowed to carry to the exams. Therefore, it is advisable not to carry pagers, mobile, or calculators. Finding any of these things will result in being debarred from the exam.
- The admit card must be kept safely till the end of admission as it is required during the process of counseling.
- The candidates need to fill in name and other important details in their OMR sheets.
Documents Needed To Carry To Exam
There are some documents that must be carried in the exam hall of SRMJEEE 2023. In addition, to admit card, the candidate must carry his identity proof with him to the exam hall. The candidates also need to carry a photo ID proof with them. It is required to validate the authenticity of the available individual. Candidates can carry Aadhaar card, passport, pan card, driving license, and voter card ID.
Address proof is another essential requirement that is verified during the exam. To support address proof, one can present the Aadhar card, passport, ration card, and voter card id.
Read : SRMJEEE Syllabus 2023
Q. I Am In Class 12th. Can I Apply For SRMJEEE 2023?
A. Yes, you can apply for the same as the minimum age requirement is 16 years. The candidates who have completed the age of 16 years are eligible to apply for SRMJEEE 2023.
Q. When I Can Download The Admit Card?
A. Once the admit card is released, the link will become active on the official website. Then you will be able to download the admit card. For the year 2023, it will be available in the second week of April.
Read : SRMJEEE Result 2023