TN Police Constable Syllabus 2021 : In case, you are planning to appear in the TNUSRB Grade II Police Constable, Jail Warder, and Fireman Recruitment, you should be aware of the exam pattern and syllabus before the test. TNUSRB Police Constable syllabus and exam pattern, the selection process has been given here. The thing to remember here is that the board follows a very simple pattern for the written test with just two sections. The syllabus is also not so huge as there are only two sections in the written test.
TNUSRB Police Constable exam date for the written test is expected to fall at the end of July 2021 tentatively. The preparation for this test is all about keeping yourself updated with the latest happenings around you. Of course, you can gain knowledge about the type of questions asked from the past question papers during your preparation for the written test.
TN Police Constable Exam Pattern 2021
TNUSRB Police constable, Jail Warder, and Fireman exam pattern consist of 5 stages.
- Written Test
- Physical Measurement Test
- Endurance Test
- Physical Efficiency Test
- Certificate Verification
The written test exam pattern is explained below. The remaining stages of the exam have been explained in the selection process.
Brief Structure
As mentioned earlier, the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board follows a very simple structure/ exam pattern for the Constable, Jail Warder, and Fireman recruitment. The test is conducted for 80 marks in total both for men and women applicants and for all three positions. There will be questions to test your psychology and there will also be questions to test your general knowledge in the written test.
Detailed View
S. No. | Test | Maximum Marks |
1 | General Knowledge Test | 50 |
2 | Psychology Test | 30 |
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TN Police Constable Syllabus 2021
TNUSRB Police Constable, Fireman, and Jail Warder syllabus 2021 for the written test is given below.

General Knowledge
This section will have questions from the following topics to test your general knowledge:
- Countries and capitals
- India and its neighboring countries
- Indian Constitution
- Geography
- Important Financial & Economic News
- Economy, Banking and Finance
- General Politics
- Current Affairs – National & International
- Science – Inventions & Discoveries
- Sports
- Culture
- Scientific Research
- Knowledge of current events
- Budget and Five Year Plans
- History
Psychology Test
- Statement and argument
- Logical deduction
- Matching definitions
- Verbal Classifications
- Letter and Symbol Series
- Statements and Conclusions
- Number Series
- Analogies
- Theme Detection
- Marking Judgements
- Cause and Effect
- Artificial Language
- Logical Problems
- Essential Part
- Verbal Reasoning
For a detailed syllabus, you can visit the official website of the TNUSRB to gain complete knowledge, so that you can plan your preparation accordingly.
TN Police Constable Exam Date 2021
TNUSRB Police constable date of exam is not yet known. However, it is expected that the written test might be conducted by the end of June 2021. You can regularly check the website for updates on the exact date of the test.
Selection Process
The written test is not the only criteria for the selection of suitable candidates for the Constable, Jail Warder, and Fireman positions. The recruitment happens in multiple stages as follows:
- Written Test
- Physical Measurement Test
- Endurance Test
- Physical Efficiency Test
- Certificate Verification
Physical Measurement Test
The written test is conducted in the format mentioned above. If you get through the written test, you will have to pass the Physical Measurement Test with the following specifications. Candidates will be called in the ratio of 1:5, which means that one candidate for every 5 vacancies will be called for the PMT:
- Height (OC, BC, BC (M) and MBC/DNC) – At least 168 cms.
- Height SC, ST, SC (A) – At least 165 cms
- Chest should be 81 cms in normal position with an expansion of 5 cms – 81-86 cms
- Height (OC, BC, BC (M) and MBC/DNC) – At least 157 cms.
- Height SC, ST, SC (A) – At least 155 cms
Endurance Test
Candidates, qualifying in the PMT will have to undergo the endurance test as the next step of the selection process. Those, failing in this test will be eliminated from the selection process, while those qualifying will have to take up the Physical Efficiency Test. The Endurance Test will encompass the following:
- Men – Candidates will have to run 1500 meters in 7 minutes
- Women – Candidates will have to cover 400 meters in 2 minutes by running
Physical Efficiency Test
Candidates clearing the Endurance Test will have to take up the Physical Efficiency Test that will have three events with a least qualifying mark of 6 and 2 marks per star in each event and the utmost of 15 marks are allotted for 6 stars. The details of the events are as follows:
Events | Event | 1 Star = 2 Marks | 2 Stars = 5 Marks |
Running – 100 Mtrs. Or 400 Mtrs | 400 Mtrs | 80 Seconds | 70 Seconds |
100 Mtrs | 15 Seconds | 13.5 Seconds | |
Long Jump/High Jump | High Jump | 1.20 Mtrs | 1.40 Mtrs |
Long Jump | 3.80 Mtrs | 4.50 Mtrs | |
Rope Climbing | Rope Climbing | 5.0 Mtrs | 6.0 Mtrs |
For women candidates, it is not necessary that they will have to qualify in the PET to move to the next selection phase. However, they should remember that the marks they get in the PET will be considered for the purpose of computing marks for the final selection. Here are the details about the events on PET for women:
Events | Event | 1 Star = 2 Marks | 2 Stars = 5 Marks |
Running – 100 Mtrs. Or 200 Mtrs | 200 Mtrs | 36 Seconds | 33 Seconds |
100 Mtrs | 16.5 Seconds | 15.5 Seconds | |
Throw Ball (or) Shot put | Throw Ball | 17 Mtrs | 21 Mtrs |
Shot Put | 4.5 Mtrs | 5.50 Mtrs | |
Long Jump | Long Jump | 3.25 Mtrs | 3.75 Mtrs |
In addition, a sports quota will be applicable, and also a quota for dependants of serving police personnel and ministerial staff will also be applicable. The final distribution of marks will be as follows for men and women:
General Knowledge | Psychology Test | Physical Efficiency Test | Sp. Marks | Total |
50 | 30 | 15 | 5 | 100 |
The final list of selected candidates will be announced by the board after the verification of original certificates.
Important Dates After TN Police Constable Application Submission
Description | Tentative Dates |
Date of Written Exam | End of July 2021 |
Preliminary Answer Key Release | A day or two after the test |
Final Answer Key Release | Around 10 days after the release of preliminary answer key |
Result for written test | Two months after the written test |
Physical Measurement Test | Date to be announced |
Endurance Test | Date to be announced |
Physical Efficiency Test | Date to be announced |
Final Result | Date to be announced |
TNUSRB Police Constable FAQs
Q. Will I Get Questions Related To Mathematics In The Written Test?
A. Yes, you will probably get one or two questions from mathematics, one from general science, and many other questions that will test your general knowledge in the written test.