Download TNTET 2021 Admit Card : TNTET Hall Ticket 2021 will be made available on the official website of TRB of the Government of Tamil Nadu by the 2nd week of June 2021. If you have applied for TNTET 2021 be it for Paper I or Paper II, you know the importance of TNTET Hall Ticket 2021. Yes, without this document, you will not be permitted to sit in the exam both for paper I and Paper II for which you have applied.
So, you should look for the release of the hall ticket for the TNTET 2021 to happen on the official website of the Teacher Recruitment Board. You should know either your application number or you can use your name and DOB to download the hall ticket for the TNTET 2021 from the website of TRB.
TNTET Hall Tickets Release Date
You can expect the release of the TNTET hall ticket 2021 to happen on the website of TRB around a week before the date of the written test. TNTET written test for Paper I and Paper II will be conducted on 27 June 2021 and 28 June 2021 respectively, hence you can visit the website about the 2nd week of June 2021 to download the hall ticket.
How To Download TNTET Hall Ticket?
To download the TNTET 2021 Hall Ticket, you will have to follow the process given below:
- Go to
- Look for the link to the hall ticket for TNTET 2021
- On the resulting page, click Paper I or Paper II for which you have applied
- If you know your application number, enter it and log in
- If you do not know your application number, enter your name as you have stated in the application and enter your DOB in DD/MM/YYYY format
- Then, enter the security key as given and click “Login”
- Check whether the details showing in the hall ticket are correct
- If everything is correct, click download or print as per your convenience
- If you have downloaded the hall ticket for TNTET 2021, do not forget to take a printout of the hall ticket
- In case, there are errors in the hall ticket, do take it to the notice of the Teacher Recruitment Board.
Details On Hall Ticket For TNTET 2021
Your Hall Ticket for the TNTET 2021 will have the following details. You should ensure the correctness of these details before you download the hall ticket:
- Your name
- Passport size photo that you uploaded along with the application or submitted along with the application
- Complete details about the test centre allotted for you along with the reporting time
- Guidelines to be followed on the date of the test
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Date of test
- Paper for which you have applied (Paper I or II)
- Your father’s name
- Test Centre Code
- Space for the invigilator to sign
- Space for you to sign at the time of the test
Instructions To Be Followed
- In case, you have applied for the TNTET without your photograph, you should find a separate link on the website of TET.
- You will have to click on the link and download the form that shows up.
- Then, you will have to fill up the details in the form and should affix your photo and get the application signed from a gazetted officer. You should carry this form to the test centre and should hand it over to the hall supervisor.
- If you have applied without the photo, your hall ticket will not have your photo.
- Candidates are recommended to remember that the board issues the hall tickets to all the applicants only on a provisional basis.
- Mere issue of hall ticket by the board for an applicant does not confer any acceptance of his/her claim in the application.
- In other words, if you have got the hall ticket and if you are permitted to sit in the exam, it does not mean that the board has accepted your application. The reason is that the board reserves the right to reject the candidature of an applicant at any stage of the recruitment.
- You should not carry any sort of electronic gadgets like calculators, mobile phones to the test centre. In the same way, you should not carry log books and any other bit of papers.
- You should not carry these items on your own interest. Even if you carry, the board will not provide you with any safety locker facility at the test centre and the board will not be responsible for the loss of these items.
- Candidates will have to visit the test centre at their own expense and the board will not pay any TA or DA for the candidates to travel to the test centre. This is why to avoid long travelling the board provides the option to choose the exam centre near them for candidates when they apply for the TNTET.
- Candidates should behave themselves at the test centre. They should not engage in showing any sort misbehaviour to fellow test-takers or the invigilators. If any such thing happens, the board reserves the right to take legal action against the candidate.
Documents To Carry To The Test Centre
Candidates will have to carry the hall ticket for TNTET 2021 that they downloaded from the website of the board along with them to the test centre. They should also bring with them a valid photo identity. In the case of candidates, without a photo on their hall ticket, they will have to bring fill-up the application that they can get from the official website of TNTET when they download the hall ticket.
This application should have their photo and after filling up the details and affixing the photo, they should get the application attested by a gazetted officer and should carry it to the test centre. They will have to submit the form to the exam supervisor. Candidates should not carry any other item to the test centre.
TNTET Hall Ticket FAQs
Q. I Forgot To Upload My Photo When I Applied For The TNTET Test, Will I Get The Hall Ticket?
A. Yes, all those candidates, who have applied will get the provisional hall ticket from the website of the board. In the case of candidates, who have not uploaded the photo, their hall ticket will not have their photo. But, they will have to fill up an application meant for this purpose and should fill up the details including passport size photo and should carry it to the test centre along with the hall ticket.