TSPSC AE Application Form 2021 : TSPSC AE Eligibility must be checked to apply online for the posts of Assistant Engineer. TSPSC AE notification 2021 has not yet been officially released and is expected to be released in the month of September 2021.
Once the official notification is released, the TSPSC will open up the application portal and candidates can submit AE application form from the start date of the online application form and it should be submitted on or before the last date of registration.

The Telangana State Public Service Commission will conduct the competitive exam for the selection and recruitment of candidates for the post of Assistant Engineers in various fields of the Telangana state government.
TSPSC AE Eligibility Criteria 2021
Telangana State Public Service Commission sets the eligibility criteria for the TSPSC AE exam and candidates to have to check the AE exam educational qualification as well as the minimum and upper age limit required to apply for the examination.
Minimum Academic Qualification
The educational qualification required is different for the post of Assistant Engineer and Municipal Assistant Engineer/Technical Officer which is mentioned as under.
Assistant Engineer
To be considered eligible for this post, candidates must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil/Mechanical Engineering from a UGC recognized University/Institute accepted by the Telangana State. Candidates will also have to possess an LCE/LSE/LME Diploma degree issued by the State Board of Technical Education and Training or any other such qualification that is equivalent and is recognized by the SBTET.
Municipal Assistant Engineer and Technical Officers
To be eligible for these posts, candidates must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil/Mechanical Engineering or any equivalent degree from a UGC recognized University/Institute.
Age Limit and Relaxation
Candidates applying to the post of TSPSC AE must have age limit between 18 and 44 years as reckoned on the date of the release of the official notification.
No candidate who is less than 18 years of age and more than 44 years shall be considered eligible. However, the TSPSC provides relaxation in the upper age limit to candidates of the following categories.
Category | Relaxation in Upper age limit (in years) |
Retrenched temporary employees working in the State Census Dept. with a service period of minimum 6 months | 3 yrs |
Telangana State Government employees | 5 yrs |
Ex-Servicemen | 3 yrs and the length of service rendered |
NCC (worked as instructors) | 3 yrs and the length of service rendered in NCC |
SC/ST and OBC | 5 yrs |
PWD | 10 yrs |
Note: No candidate shall be considered eligible if he/she has crossed 58 years of age (Superannuation age).
TSPSC AE Application Form 2021
After the TSPSC AE official notification is released, the commission will open up the application portal for the candidates. Candidates can fill the TSPSC AE online application form within the stipulated time given. The application form has to be filled only in the online mode and no other mode is allowed.
Candidates will also have to pay the application fee in the online mode only through the SBI ePay gateway.
TSPSC AE 2021 : How To Apply Online?
The step by step procedure for the TSPSC AE apply online is mentioned below in detail.
Step 1: One-time Registration
- Candidates will have to visit the official website of the TSPSC @ www.tspsc.gov.in
- Once the website is opened, click on the link mentioned to fill in the online application and go through all the ‘User Guidelines’
- Then click on the OTR to obtain the TSPSC ID
- Candidates will have to fill in the mandatory details required for registration such as name, gender, date of birth, mobile number, email ID, etc.
- After submitting these details, the registration process is completed and candidates will obtain their TSPSC ID
Step 2 : Filling Of Details
- After completing the registration process, candidates will once again have to visit the official website and enter the TSPSC ID and date of birth as password
- In case candidates want to edit any detail in the registration details, they will have to click on the ‘Edit OTR’ link and then make the necessary changes
- Apart from these details, candidates will have to enter other important details such as examination centre preference details, educational qualification details, eligibility details, declarations, etc.
- Candidates will also have to upload their scanned photograph and signature in the JPEG format as per the required dimensions
- Candidates are presented with ‘Preview and Edit’ options to make any changes, if necessary before submitting
Step 3 : Fee Payment
- On entering all the above-mentioned details, candidates can proceed towards the fee payment
- Candidates will be able to pay the fee through the SBI payment gateway in the online mode only. No other offline mode will be available
Step 4 : Submission and Downloading Application PDF
- After all, details are entered, the payment is to be made and then candidates can finally submit the duly filled in application form
- Candidates can obtain the PDF of the filled-in application form and keep it for further reference.
Note :
- Candidates must fill in all the relevant and mandatory details mentioned in the application form properly and carefully. Once the application form is submitted, no change shall be accepted.
- Any incomplete/incorrect application shall be immediately rejected. Candidates must be very careful while filling their details. Any error/discrepancy that comes up during the scrutiny stage shall not be accepted and the candidature of the candidate shall immediately be cancelled.
Application Fee
TSPSC AE candidates will have to pay Rs 100 as application processing fees. Apart from this amount, candidates will also have to pay Rs 80 as examination fee. The following candidates are, however, exempted from fee payment.
- SC, ST, OBC, PWD, Ex-S candidates
- Unemployed candidates between the age group of 18 to 44 years of age. These candidates will, however, have to submit a declaration to the commission stating that they are unemployed.
- SC, ST and OBC candidates belonging to states other than Telangana are not exempted from fee payment.
Mode Of Fee Payment
Candidates will have to fill in the TSPSC AE application form in the online mode only. TSPSC AE examination fee, as well as the processing fee, also has to be paid in the online mode only. No other mode will be allowed.
Candidates can pay the required amount through the SBI gateway by using Netbanking/credit card/debit card. The fee once paid shall not be refunded/adjusted in any case. Candidates failing to pay the application fee shall not be allowed to appear for the written exam and any further stage of selection.