TSPSC Group 1 exam pattern and syllabus 2021 has been released by Telangana Public Service Commission. The Preliminary exam pattern for the TSPSC Group 1 recruitment includes objective type questions. For the Main Examination, the question paper will be the conventional type. The syllabus for both Prelim and Main exams is decided by the commission.
TSPSC Group 1 Syllabus 2021 and exam pattern are explained in detail here. Candidates interested in taking up the TSPSC Group 1 Recruitment can go through the syllabus from the official website. Even, they can find the past question papers on the website of the commission that will help them with their preparation.
TSPSC Group 1 Exam Pattern 2021
TSPSC Group 1 exam pattern 2021 of Prelim, Main exam and Interview is explained below.
Prelim Exam Pattern
- The structure for the preliminary test encompasses objective type questions.
- The test will be conducted for two-and-half hours and for maximum marks of 150.
- The Prelim exam will have questions from General Studies & Mental Ability.
- For the objective type test, there will be a deduction of the 1/3rd mark for every wrong answer in TSPSC.
Main Exam Pattern
- Candidates, who get through this preliminary test, will have to take up the main examination that will have general English as the qualifying test conducted for 150 marks for the duration of three hours.
- The main examination will have six other papers as well.
- The total marks in a combination of all the papers in the main examination except the English qualifying paper will be 900.
An interview will be conducted for shortlisted candidates for 100 marks, thereby making a total of 1000 marks.

To help candidates gain a better understanding of the structure of Telangana Group 1 preliminary and main examination, here is a table:
Subject | Duration (Hours) | Maximum Marks |
Preliminary Test General Studies & Mental Ability (Objective Type) | 2 Hours and 30 Minutes | 150 |
(A) Written Examination (Main) General English (Qualifying Test) | 3 | 150 |
Paper-I General Essay | 3 | 150 |
Paper II – History, Cultural & Geography | 3 | 150 |
Paper III – Indian Society, Constitution and Governance | 3 | 150 |
Paper IV – Economy and Development | 3 | 150 |
Paper V – Science & Technology & Data Interpretation | 3 | 150 |
Paper VI – Telangana Movement and State Formation | 3 | 150 |
Total (A) | - | 900 |
(B)Interview | - | 100 |
Grand Total (A+B) | - | 1000 |
TSPSC Group 1 Syllabus 2021
TSPSC Group 1 syllabus 2021 of both prelim and main exam is given below.
Preliminary Test
General Studies & Mental Ability
- Social Exclusions: Rights issues like Disability, Tribe, Caste, gender, etc. and inclusive policies
- Data interpretation, Analytical Ability, and Logical Reasoning
- Policies of Telangana States
- Literature of Telangana, arts, heritage, culture, and society
- Indian Constitution and Polity
- Governance and Public Policy of India
- Cultural Heritage and History of India
- Social and economic development of India
- Geography of Telangana State, India and World
- General Science: Achievement of India in Science and Technology
- Environmental Issues: Disaster Management – Mitigation and Prevention Strategies
- Current Affairs – International, National, and Regional
- International Relations and Event

Main Examination
General English (Qualifying Test) : Class X Standard Qualifying For Interview
- Expansion
- Letter Writing
- Comprehension
- Precise Writing
- Rewriting Sentences – Usage of Vocabulary, Direct & Reported Speech, Active and Passive Voice
- Jumbled Sentences
- Spotting Errors – Punctuation and Spelling
- Fill in the blanks – Verb tenses, conjunctions, and prepositions
Paper I
General Essay
Candidates will have to write three essays by selecting one from each section compulsorily. There will be three questions in each section with each carrying 50 marks.
Section I
- Issues of Economic Justice and Growth
- Contemporary Social Issues and Social Problems
Section II
- Cultural and Historical Heritage of India
- Dynamics of Indian Politics
Section III
- Human Resource and Education Development
- Developments in Technology and Science
Paper II – History, Culture, and Geography
- Geography of India and Telangana
- History and Cultural Heritage of Telangana
- History and Culture of India with special reference to Modern Period (1757 to 1947 AD)
Paper III – Indian Society, Constitution and Governance
- Governance
- Constitution of India
- Indian Society, Structure, Issues and Social Movements
Paper IV – Economy and Development
- Development and Environmental Problems
- Telangana Society
- Indian Economy and Development
Paper V – Science & Technology & Data Interpretation
- Data Interpretation & Problem Solving
- Modern Trends in Application of Knowledge and Science
- The Role and Impact of Science and Technology
Paper VI – Telangana Movement and State Formation
- Towards Formation of Telangana State
- Mobilization Phase
- The Idea of Telangana
Candidates are recommended to download the complete syllabus by clicking here. It has a detailed syllabus for the Group I Recruitment test of both prelims and main.
TSPSC Group 1 Exam Date 2021
It is expected that the preliminary test for the TSPSC Group I Recruitment will be conducted two months after the notification date, while the main examination is expected to be conducted three months after the Prelim exam. The updates are posted by the commission on the official website for the aspiring candidates to know. Even, candidates, who have already registered for the One-Time Registration with TSPSC, will get a notification about exams to their registered Email ID.
TSPSC Group 1 Selection Process
The first step in the process of selecting candidates for the Group I Positions is that the preliminary objective type test will be conducted. Candidates will be shortlisted from this test for the main examination, which is a conventional type of test. After this test, candidates will be shortlisted for the interview or oral test. For the final selection of the candidates, the marks secured both in the interview and the main examination will be considered.
The preliminary exam is like a screening test and the marks from this test will not be counted for the final selection. In the case of positions that are open in multiple zones, the preference exercised by the shortlisted candidates will be considered for the final allotment of positions.
Important Dates After Application Submission
Once candidates submit their application for the TSPSC Group I Recruitment before the last date, they should be aware of the important dates that follow the application submission. Here is a table to show the tentative dates for the TSPSC 2021 after the submission of the application:
Description | Tentative Dates |
Date to download Hall Ticket for the preliminary test | 7 days before the test |
Preliminary Test Date | To be notified |
Preliminary Test Result Date | To be notified |
Applying for the Main examination for candidates shortlisted from preliminary test | To be notified |
Date to download Hall Ticket for the main test | 7 Days before the test date |
Main Examination Date | To be notified |
Main Examination Result Date | To be notified |
Shortlisted candidates interview | To be notified |
Publishing of final list of selected candidates | To be notified |