Check UK Board Class 12th Result 2022 : The Uttarakhand Board of School Education will announce class 12th main examination result 2022 on its official website. However, the Board has not declared the announcement date. But according to the available media reports and news, we can say that result will be declared by end of May 2022.
The Board of School Education, Uttarakhand checks the answer sheets of class 12th students, once all the evaluation work is done, the Board will prepare results and publish them online on the official website @ Candidates who had appeared in the UK Board exams will be able to check their results on entering and submitting roll numbers. For more details on Uttarakhand Board 12th Results 2022, please scroll down and read the entire article.

How To Check Uttarakhand Class 12th Result?
To check intermediate results, candidates need to pay a visit to the Board’s official website but the result fetching page and link will be available only after the announcement of results. To know the complete process of checking Uttarakhand Board 12th Results 2022 on the Board’s website, stay with us as below we are going to explain it:
- Open UK Board’s official website or click here
- On the homepage, you will see a few links, tabs, images, etc.
- Find and click on the ‘Board Results’ tab which will be available on the left-hand side of the homepage
- On clicking the said link, you will see a new page having two result related links i.e. ‘Xth Class Examination Result 2022’ and ‘XIth/XIIth Class Examination Result 2022’
- Now, click on the ‘XIth/XIIth Class Examination Result 2022’ link
- You will see a new page where you have to enter your roll no. and text as given in the image
- You can refresh the image if the text is not shown properly
- Click on the ‘Get Result’ tab
- You will see your UKBSE intermediate result 2022
After fetching your result, the first most essential thing you will need to encounter is to take a printout of your result. This printed copy of your 12th result will be considered as a provisional result until you get the original result copy issued by Board. Generally, the Board takes few days from the date of result announcement in issuing original documents to each candidate.
UK Board Board’s Helpline Numbers
In case, if you will find any problem in fetching your intermediate result then immediately contact at the following contact number: 05947-254275. You can also be aware of your issue by writing an email @
Particulars On UK Board 12th Result 2022
In the first place, all the students of UK Board 12th 2022 will get an internet copy of their result. It is also known as the provisional result. A provisional result will have three sections filled with several details of a student. Section-wise details to be available on an internet copy of UK Board 12th result 2022 are given below
Personal Details
This will be the first section in your UK Board 12th result 2022. It will have your personal details such as your roll no. and full name.
UK Board Class 12th Marks Details
In this section of your result, you will see a detailed structure of marks. This section includes the name of subjects under the ‘Subject’ heading with marks obtained in each paper and total marks obtained. You will also see a Grade column in which you will find grades obtained in each subject.
Final Result
This will be the last section of your result. In this section, you will find total marks obtained along with maximum marks. Also, you will see the status of the result [either PASS or FAIL] along with the division obtained by the student [First / Second / Third division]
Original result documents will be issued by the Board itself after one or 2 months from the date of result announcement.
UK Board Intermediate Result Statistics
Here we are providing last year’s intermediate results stats so that you guys out there can get an idea about this year’s upcoming intermediate results. In 2018, UK Board 12th results were announced on 26 May 2018. Nearly, 1,30,094 students appeared in the 12th examination. The overall pass percentage was 78.97%. Boys and girls passing percentage was 75.03% and 82.83% respectively.
Results Statistics
Year | Total number of students appeared in examinations | Number of students passed | Passing % [Boys] | Passing % [Girls] | Overall Passing % |
2019 | - | - | - | - | - |
2018 | 130094 | - | 75.03 | 82.83 | - |
2017 | 131190 | 103505 | - | - | - |
Divyanshi Raj of Jaspur was the topper in UK Board 12th 2018 who scored 98.40%.
About UK Board
UK Board is officially known as the Uttarakhand Board of School Education. The board was founded on 22 September 2001 and has its head office in Ramnagar. In the state of the UK, the Board is responsible for conducting examinations and prescribing courses of instructions and textbooks for secondary school students.
In the present scenario, more than ten thousand schools are affiliated with the Board. Every year, the Uttarakhand Board of School Education installs nearly 1,300 examination centers for about three lakh examinees. To know more about UK Board, please pay a visit to its official website.
UK Board 12th Class FAQs
Q. Which Organization Will Release Uttarakhand 12th Results 2022?
A. Uttarakhand 12th results 2022 will be released by the Board of School Education, Uttarakhand.
Q. By When I Can Check My Uttarakhand 12th Results 2022?
A. Uttarakhand’s 12th results 2022 will be available to check by the end of May 2022.
Q. How Can I Check My Result Online?
A. Firstly open the official result webpage in your web browser. Then click on the link ‘XI / XII Class Examination Result 2022’. Enter your roll number and text as provided in the image. Then click on the tab ‘Get Result’. Your Uttarakhand 12th result 2022 will appear on your screen.