Check JK Board 10th Class Result 2021 [JKBOSE Class 10th Results 2021] : Jammu and Kashmir Board 10th Results 2021 are going to be released on official website @ Jammu Kashmir Board of Secondary Education will release 10th results 2021. Most of the JKBOSE 10th examinees 2021 out there are excited to check their results. As per media reports and latest news, JKBOSE will announce 10th results in the first week of May 2021. Once results are announced, candidates can check their result through Board’s official website or SMS or IVRS.
JK Board result 10th class 2021 will be declared tentatively in the first week of May 2021. Students who had appeared for the JKBOSE Class 10th exam (Summer Zone) will be able to check and download the result using their roll number and name as mentioned on the admit card. To know more, stay with us as here we are going to explain each method to JKBOSE 10th examinees so that they can easily check their result without any problem.
JK Board 10th Result 2021 By Official Website
Checking 10th result through JKBOSE website will be the easiest way in 2021. For this, a candidate only needs a mobile phone or computer with internet connection. No matter, where a candidate is, s/he can check his 10th result without any problem. JKBOSE’s official website is always available for candidates. Exact way of checking 10th result through Board’s official website is given below:
- Open JKBOSE’s website in your browser @
- Now go to ‘Results’ section
- Find and click on the ‘JKBOSE 10th results 2021’ link
- You will see a new page where you have to enter your ‘Roll No.’
- After typing ‘Roll No’, click ‘Submit’ button
- You will see your 10th result
- Download or save it
- Don’t forget to print your 10th result
- Keep it safe until you will get original mark sheet or passing certificate from JKBOSE.
Details Mentioned on JKBOSE 10th Result 2021
An internet copy of JKBOSE class 10th result 2021 will contain the following details
- Student’s personal details such as roll no., registration no., name, mother’s name, father’s name and date of birth
- Marks details such as names of subjects, subject-wise grade point, average grade point, grade, total marks and qualifying status
JK Board 10th Result 2021 By SMS
Yes, in the year 2021, JKBOSE 10th examinees can also get their results through SMS. SMS lines will be maintained and controlled by JKBOSE. To get your 10th result on SMS, you have to compose a new message and type JKBOSE10 <space> Roll No. and send it to 5676750. Once your SMS delivered to Board, instantly you will receive SMS having your 10th result. Nominal charges are applicable for this service to be paid by students.
JK Board 10th Result 2021 By IVRS
Like SMS, students can also get their 10th result by IVRS. IVRS lines will be opened soon by JKBOSE. Interactive voice response system or IVRS service will be activated by board before 1 or 2 days from the day of result announcement. Stay in touch with us as very soon here we will post IVRS numbers for our JKBOSE 10th examinees. Call to IVRS lines will be chargeable for candidates.
JKBOSE Helpline Numbers
If you will face any problem in getting your 10th result in 2021 then you can get in touch with JKBOSE officials by using any of their helpline numbers. District/tehsil wise helpline numbers are given in a pdf file available on Board’s official website. To download it now.
JKBOSE 10th Result Analysis
Here, we are providing past year’s result data so that candidates can get the appropriate details about a number of students participated in the exam, passing percentage of boys and girls along with overall passing percentage.
Academic session | 2016-17 |
Number of candidates participated | 1,23,450 |
Female passing percentage | 70.28% |
Male passing percentage | 69.50% |
Overall Passing percentage | 70.50% |
Once this year’s 10th result are announced, we will update this piece of writing with JKBOSE 10th 2021 result statistics.
Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education (JKBOSE) was formed on August 28, 1975 with an objective to regulate, control & develop education in the State of J&K up to the higher secondary level. To know more about JKBOSE, you need to pay a visit to board’s official web portal @
JKBOSE 10th Result 2021 FAQs
Q. Which Is The Official Website To Check JKBOSE Class 10th Results 2021?
A. is the official website.
Q. How Many Students Were Appeared For JKBOSE Class 10th Annual Regular Exam 2021?
A. It is expected that more than 50,000 students were appeared for regular annual exam. However, exact number of students will be cleared only after release of JKBOSE class 10th result 2021.
Q. How Can I Check My JKBOSE Class 10th Result 2021?
A. Open the Board’s official website. Then find and click on tab ‘Result’. Select the appropriate link then enter and submit your roll number to get your JKBOSE class 10th result 2021.
Q. How Can I Check My JKBOSE Class 10th Result 2021 via SMS?
A. To check the result via SMS, you will have to type JKBOSE10 ROLLNO and send it to 5676750.
Once and for all, we at Career Adda wishes good luck to all the examinees for the upcoming Jammu 10th board exam results.