LIC ADO Admit card 2021 for the prelim online test will be released on the official website of the Life Insurance Corporation of India under the “Careers” section on 29th June 2021. Candidates should know their registration number, password, or Date of Birth to download the admit card/ Call Letter for the LIC ADO Examination.
Candidates will also get intimation to their registered Email Address and phone number as the call letter is available on the website of LIC for downloading. LIC ADO Prelim admit card/ call letter has been released for open market category candidates, after the announcement of the prelim result, the main exam admit card will be released followed by an Interview call letter.

LIC ADO Admit Card Release Date
Candidates can download the LIC ADO Prelim call letter from 29th July 2021 till the date of the online test. Candidates can download the prelim exam admit card for the prelim exam to be conducted on 6th & 13th July 2021.
The main exam will be conducted on 10th August 2021 and a call letter for qualified candidates for the LIC ADO Main exam will be released by the last week of July 2021. The call letter for the Interview will be released by the last week of August 2021.
LIC ADO Event | Date |
Prelim Call letter release | 29th June 2021 Onwards |
Main Exam Call letter release | last week of July 2021 |
Interview call letter release | last week of August 2021 |
Process To Download LIC ADO 2021 Call Letter
Candidates can follow the process given below to download the call letter for the LIC ADO Online test:
Direct Link to Download LIC ADO Admit Card 2021
- Candidates will have to hit the official website of the LIC as in the address bar of their web browser.
- They will have to look for the tab called “Careers” on the home page of the website.
- When they click on this tab they will head to the following page
- On this page, they will have to look for the link that says Call Letter for LIC ADO 2021 (Prelim/ Main/ Interview).
- When they click on this link, they will be asked to enter their Registration Number, Password, or Date of Birth.
- Once they provide these details and submit them, they will be taken to a page that contains their Call Letter.
- Candidates should make sure that the details given in the call letter for the LIC ADO 2021 Online Test are correct.
- Once they ensure the correctness, they will have to download it and should print it.
- To the exam center, they will have to carry the downloaded call letter after affixing the recent recognizable photograph.
- Candidates are recommended to preferably use a similar copy of the photo that they used when applying for the LIC ADO Recruitment.
Details On Admit Card
Candidates will find the following details in the call letter for LIC ADO 2021:
- Name of the Candidate
- Father’s/Husband’s Name
- Date of Birth
- Registration Number
- Details of the venue of the online test
- Details of the original photo identity to be carried to the test center
Instructions To Follow
- Candidates should invariably carry the call letter to the test center for LIC ADO Exam.
- Along with the call Letter, they will have to carry the original photo identity proof as stated in the call letter.
- In addition to the original ID Proof, candidates will also have to carry a copy of the same proof.
- Candidates are recommended to remember that their name should be written in the same manner as in the call letter and in the photo identity, they carry.
- Women, candidates, who have changed their initial after marriage should take special note of it. In case, there is a mismatch between the name in the photo identity and the call letter, the candidates will not be permitted to take up the test.
- Candidates reporting late to the test center, which means late than the reporting time specified in the call letter will not be permitted to appear for the test. The reporting time will be prior to the starting time of the test.
- The test timing is for two hours. However, candidates will have to be at the venue for about four hours including the time needed for the completion of different formalities like the collection of required documents, verification of documents, receiving instructions for the test, and for logging in to the system to take up the online test.
- Candidates are recommended to regularly check their registered E-Mail as the corporation might send communications to this Email. Candidates are recommended not to share their Email passwords with anyone.
- Candidates should note that the call letters for LIC ADO will not be sent to them by post or via any other mode. They will have to download the call letter within the time specified in the email notification they receive.
- Candidates will have to sign the attendance sheet at the test center. This signature should match the one posted in the call letter. In the case of a mismatch, the candidate might be disqualified.
Documents To Carry To The Test Centre
At the examination hall, the call letter of the candidates will be verified. Along with the call letter, the original and the photocopy of the candidate’s photo identity will also be verified. So, candidates should carry the call letter, along with an original and a copy of the same photo identity. The photo ID permitted can be any of the following:
- Photo identity issued by a Gazetted Officer on the official letterhead
- PAN Card
- Bank Passbook with Photograph
- Driving License
- A valid recent ID card issued by a recognized university/college
- Voter’s Card
- Aadhar Card with the photograph
- Bar Council Identity Card with the photograph
- Employee ID
Candidates should submit these documents to the invigilator for verification at the test center. The identity of the candidates will be verified with this submitted document, call letter, and the attendance list. In case, the identity of a candidate is in doubt, he/she might not be allowed to take up the test. Candidates should remember that Ration Card and E-Aadhar Card are not considered valid ID proofs.
Q. Can I Choose The Centre In Which I Can Take Up The LIC ADO Test?
A. Yes, you will have to do it when applying for LIC ADO. You will find the choice of centers there and you have the option to choose the center that is close to you. Remember that you should choose the test center carefully and once the application is submitted, you cannot change the test center or you cannot request a change.
Q. Will There Be An Apprentice Period if I Am Selected For ADO Position?
A. Yes, there will be an apprentice period. However, you will get a stipend during this period.