RRB Group D Result 2021 will be released most probably within a month from the date of the RRB exam. Candidates who will be appearing for RRB Group D CBT can check the result through the website of the RRB concerned.
RRB Group D Result for the computer-based test conducted for Level-1 Posts of 7th CPC will be released that contain a list of shortlisted candidates for PET. Railway Group D cut off marks and Scorecard and Answer key will also be released on the respective RRB websites.

All RRBs / Railways (Ahmedabad, Secunderabad, Ranchi, Patna, Mumbai, Kolkata, Guwahati, Gorakhpur, Chennai, Chandigarh, Bilaspur, Bhubaneswar, Bhopal, Bangalore, Allahabad, and Ajmer) will announce RRB Group D results at their respective websites. Candidates who want to check the result will have to visit the website of the respective/concerned RRB / Railway. Addresses of RRB(s) websites are given below.
Latest Update
27 July 2021: RRB Group D 2019 exam will be held soon in multiple stages and RRB Group D result 2019 will be announced after a month.
RRB Group D 2021 Result Date
RRB Group D 2019 CBT Stage I Result will be released in July/August 2021.
RRB Group D 2021 CBT result is expected to be released by the end of October 2021. RRB(s) will conduct a computer-based test tentatively in the month of Sept / Oct 2021. Once CBT will be held, RRB(s) will take 30 to 50 days for announcing its result. After announcing the result, Railway Recruitment Boards will publish Candidate QP, Response, Final Keys, and Score Sheet on the websites of participating RRBs.
Where To Check RRB Group D 2021 Result?
Candidates can check the result of the CBT exam from the region-specific official website of RRB according to the region specified by the candidate at the time of application and can also download it for future reference.
Candidates who qualify the computer-based test shall be eligible to appear for the physical efficiency test (PET). Further stages of RRB Group D selection procedure is the document verification process followed by a medical examination. After conducting all the stages of examination successfully, RRB will release the final merit list specifying the list of candidates who have qualified for final recruitment.
RRB Group D Result 2021 Checking Links
Name of RRB and Railway | Website Address |
Gorakhpur (NER) | Click here |
Secunderabad (SCR) | Click here |
Ranchi (SER) | Click here |
Bhubaneswar (ECoR) | Click here |
Patna (ECR) | Click here |
Bhopal (WCR) | Click here |
Mumbai (CR) | Click here |
Ahmedabad (WR) | Click here |
Kolkata (ER) | Click here |
Bangalore (SWR) | Click here |
Bilaspur (SECR) | Click here |
Allahabad (NCR) | Click here |
Chandigarh (NR) | Click here |
Chennai (SR) | Click here |
Ajmer (NWR) | Click here |
Guwahati (NFR) | Click here |
RRB Group D Results
The RRB CBT results are expected to be released anytime in the month of October 2021. All candidates who have appeared for CBT will be able to check their results from the RRB region specific official websites. The RRB will release the list of candidates along with their roll numbers in the form of a PDF file. Candidates can look for their respective roll numbers by clicking on Ctrl + F and can download the PDF for future reference.
Candidates whose name appears on the qualified candidate’s list will be eligible to appear for the physical efficiency test that will be conducted by the Board. The RRB will release a separate call letter inviting all such candidates to appear for the PET on the said date and time.
After the physical efficiency test round, for all those candidates who have qualified the PET round are eligible for document verification and a medical test, the Board releases a separate result list mentioning the roll numbers of the qualified candidates. The candidates who have selected for the document verification round shall receive a separate call letter from the respective RRB which the candidate has mentioned in the application.
Candidates who successfully clear the DV round, as well as the medical fitness round, are then recommended by the Board for appointment in different RRB’s (region wise).
How To Check RRB Group D Results?
The RRB Group D result 2021 is expected to be released in the month of Oct 2021 by the RRB. Candidates can check their results through the following process.
- Candidates first need to visit the RRB region specific website according to the region mentioned by the candidate at the time of application
- A list of uploaded results will be seen. Candidates need to click on the result for CEN RRC-01/2021 link that is given on the website
- Pdf will be downloaded
- The result will be released in the form of a PDF file that will comprise of the roll numbers of those candidates who have been qualified for the next stage
- Candidates can locate their roll numbers using the Ctrl + F option and download the PDF file for future use.
How To Check Score Card?
- Visit the Respective RRB website
- Click on CEN RRC. 01/2021 CBT Normalized Marks link
- The link will take candidates to a new page wherein after entering the necessary details the result will be flashed on the screen
- Check the score obtained by the candidate
- Take a printout for further reference
Note : In case of a tie, where two candidates score the same marks, the older candidate (in terms of age) will be given the first preference. Alphabetical order of name of the candidate will be considered after age factor.
RRB Group D Answer Key
It is expected that due to the large volume of candidates, RRB shall release and publish the candidate wise Question Paper, Responses, Final Keys, and Score sheets on the websites of participating RRBs in Nov 2021 (after announcing RRB Group D result). With these, candidates can evaluate details like no. of questions attempted, no. of correct answers, no. of wrong answers, normalized marks, etc.
How To Check Candidate QP, Response, Final Keys, and Score Sheet?
Candidates can check their respective Candidate QP, Response, Final Keys and Score Sheet through the following steps.
- Log in to the official region-specific RRB website.
- Search for section ‘CBT Result – CEN RRC-01/2021 (Level-I Posts of 7th CPC)’
- Under this section, you will several tabs
- Find and click on the tab ‘Link to View Normalized score, Candidate QP, Response, Final Keys, Score sheet, Short-listing status for PET’
- The candidate login screen will appear
- Enter User ID then select date of birth as ‘User Password’
- Click on tab ‘Login’
- Candidate QP, Response, Final Keys and Score Sheet will be flashed on the screen.
Minimum Qualifying Marks
The minimum qualifying marks for RRB Group D CBT are as follows
- For SC / ST & OBC– 30%
- For UR- 40%
RRB Group D Cut Off 2021
It is expected that more than 1 crore applicants will appear for the available 103769 vacancies in the RRB Group D category. Due to this very reason, the cut off for RRB Group D is expected to be very high.
Along with RRB Group D CBT cut off mark, RRB(s) will also release a list having names of shortlisted candidates for PET. The cut off shall be released region wise according to different RRB regional vacancies on the specific website of that region.
The overall expected cut off this year is as follows –
Category | ST | SC | OBC | UR |
Community | 55.32 | 61.56 | 68.63 | 71.53 |
Ex-servicemen | 32.63 | 30.13 | 30 | 40.14 |
CCAA in Railways | 30.71 | 30.33 | 30.34 | 41.54 |
How To Check Cut Off Mark?
- Open the official website of concerned RRB(s)
- Search for section CBT Result
- Under this section, you will find several links/tabs
- Find and click on the tab ‘Cut off mark’
- A PDF file will be downloaded; open it
- The PDF file will have category wise normalized cut off marks of candidates shortlisted for PET
- As per your category, check cut off marks then close the file
RRB Group D Result 2021 Important Dates
RRB Group D CBT result will be announced on | - |
Link to check Candidate QP, Response, Final Keys and Score Sheet will be published on the websites of participating RRBs on | - |
RRB Group D PET will be on | - |
RRB Group D PET results will be announced on | - |
Document Verification | - |
About RRB Group D 2021 Exam
RRB Group D 2021 recruitment is one of the biggest competitive exams in India because it is organized for nearly 103769 vacancies of Assistant Pointsman, Assistant Bridge, Track Maintainer Grade IV etc. available in the following RRB(s) and Railways
- Ranchi (SER)
- Mumbai (CR)
- Patna (ECR)
- Kolkata (ER)
- Guwahati (NFR)
- Gorakhpur (NER)
- Chennai (SR)
- Secunderabad ( SCR)
- Chandigarh (NR)
- Bilaspur (SECR)
- Bhubaneswar (ECoR)
- Bhopal (WCR)
- Bangalore (SWR)
- Allahabad (NCR)
- Ajmer (NWR)
- Ahmedabad (WR)
RRB Group D 2021 selection procedure includes a computer-based test, physical efficiency tests, document verification followed by a medical examination.
RRB Group D Result FAQs
Q. Who Will Announce RRB Group D Result 2021?
A. RRB Group D result 2021 will be announced by the Railway Recruitment Boards.
Q. What Will Happen After Announcement Of RRB Group D 2021 Result For CBT?
A. After announcing CBT results, RRB(s) will call candidates to appear for Physical Efficiency Tests which will be qualifying in nature.
Q. By When I Will Be Able To Check Final Answer Keys?
A. Candidate QP, Response, Final Keys and Score Sheet will be published within a week from the date of RRB D group D result announcement for CBT.