RRB NTPC Syllabus 2021 : RRB NTPC Exam Pattern consists of 1st Stage and 2nd stage CBT exam followed by Computer Based Aptitude Test/ Typing Skill Test (as applicable) and document verification / medical examination. RRB NTPC Syllabus of CBT for various posts is explained here. RRB NTPC selection process as per the notification is given in this article. RRB NTPC recruitment is conducted by the RRBs to fill in the following posts under the Non-Technical Popular Categories.
Graduate Posts
- Goods Guard
- Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk
- Senior Time Keeper
- Commercial Apprentice
- Traffic Assistant
- Station Master
- Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist
- Senior Clerk cum Typist
- Traffic assistant
Under Graduate Posts
- Commercial cum Ticket Clerk
- Trains Clerk
- Junior Time Keeper
- Accounts Clerk cum Typist
- Junior Clerk cum Typist
Through RRB NTPC 2021 recruitment, RRBs will recruit approx. 35,277 candidates for the above-mentioned posts. The selection process will consist of
- Stage 1 CBT
- Stage 2 CBT
- TST / CBAT (as applicable)
- Document verification / medical examination
Further details on RRB NTPC exam pattern and syllabus have been provided here.
RRB NTPC 2021 Important Dates
The tentative dates for RRB NTPC recruitment have been mentioned below.
Event | Date |
RRB NTPC Date of CBT Stage I Exam | Nov 2021 |
Admit Card Download Date for CBT Stage I Exam | 10 days before the date of Stage 1 CBT |
RRB NTPC Result of Stage I CBT | Will be notified soon |
RRB NTPC Stage II Exam Date | Will be notified soon |
RRB NTPC Stage II Admit Card Date | Will be notified soon |
RRB NTPC Stage II Result Date | Will be notified soon |
RRB NTPC CBAT / TST | Will be notified soon |
Document verification / medical examination | Will be notified soon |
RRB NTPC final result | Will be notified soon |
RRB NTPC Exam Date
RRB NTPC 2019 Stage I exam will be conducted on 23, 24, 26th, and 31st July 2021.
RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2021
RRB NTPC 2021 online exam will be conducted in two stages i.e. Stage 1 CBT and Stage 2 CBT. Candidates who have successfully qualify both these stages are then called further for TST / CBAT (as applicable) and document verification / medical examination. Each stage of the RRB NTPC selection process has been described below.

Stage 1st CBT
RRB NTPC Stage 1st CBT is common for all notified posts of centralized employment notice. Stage 1st CBT will be an objective test having 100 MCQs to be solved in 90 minutes (120 minutes for eligible PwBDs). RRB NTPC Stage 1st CBT/Prelim exam pattern is described below.
Subject | Total questions | Total marks |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
General Intelligence and Reasoning | 30 | 30 |
General Awareness | 40 | 40 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
- Each question of each subject will be of 1 mark each and there will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
- Candidates will be given a total time of 90 minutes to finish this exam.
- Candidates qualifying this stage will be called to appear for Stage 2nd CBT.
Stage 2nd CBT
Candidates qualified in RRB NTPC Stage 1st CBT will be called to write Stage 2nd computer-based test. RRB Stage 2nd CBT exam pattern is described below.
Subject | Total questions | Total marks |
Mathematics | 35 | 35 |
General Intelligence and Reasoning | 35 | 35 |
General Awareness | 50 | 50 |
Total | 120 | 120 |
- Each question from each subject will be of 1 mark and there will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer.
- Candidates will have to complete their exam within 90 minutes only (120 minutes for eligible PwBDs)
- There will be a separate test for a few posts and a common test for a few posts. Further details have been provided below
Name of the post | Stage 2nd CBT |
Commercial Apprentice / Station Master | Common CBT |
Goods Guard / Senior Time Keeper / Junior Account Assistant cum Typist / Senior Clerk cum Typist / Senior Commercial cum ticket clerk | Common CBT |
Traffic Assistant | Separate CBT |
Commercial cum Ticket Clerk | Separate CBT |
Trains Clerk / Junior Time Keeper / Accounts Clerk cum Typist / Junior Clerk cum Typist | Common CBT |
After Stage 2nd CBT
Those who clear Stage 2nd CBT will be eligible to appear for TST / CBAT (as applicable) followed by document verification / medical test. Further details of TST / CBAT and DV / medical test are given below.
Typing Skill Test (TST)
Typing Skill Test (TST) of qualifying nature will be conducted for the following posts
- Junior Time Keeper
- Accounts Clerk cum Typist
- Junior Clerk cum Typist
- Senior Time Keeper
- Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist
- Senior Clerk cum Typist
Candidates who will be appearing for TST must type 25 words per minute in Hindi or 30 words per minute in English on PC only.
Computer Based Aptitude Test (CBAT)
Candidates who have opted for Traffic Assistant or Station Master will have to qualify 2nd stage CBT followed by a CBAT. To qualify for CBAT, such candidates will have to score at least a T-score of 42 marks in every test. The Computer Based Aptitude Test will have QnA only in Hindi and English. However, there shall be no provision of negative marking in CBAT.
Document Verification / Medical test
Candidates will be called for document verification if they will be able to qualify for the respective stages/examinations of RRB NTPC 2021 recruitment. Merit and options selected by candidates will be considered at the time of shortlisting for DV.
Candidates shortlisted for DV will be able to download e-call letters through the website of the concerned RRB in due course.
RRB NTPC Syllabus 2021
As already mentioned, both the online exams of Stage I CBT/ Stage II CBT will have four subjects viz. quantitative aptitude, reasoning, general science and general awareness. The syllabus for each subject has been mentioned below.

Quantitative Aptitude
- Mensuration
- Pipes and cistern
- Boats and Streams
- Profit and Loss
- Simple and Compound Interest
- Volume and Surface Area
- Time, Speed and Distance
- Allegation and Mixture
- Ratio and Proportion
- Square Root and Cube Root
- Height and Distance
- Time and Work
- Problems on Ages
- DI
- Trigonometry
- Cubes and dice
- Analogy
- Syllogism
- Alphabet series
- Non-verbal series
- Number series
- Statement conclusions and Statement arguments
- Mirror image
- Embedded figures
- Blood relations
- Ranking
- Seating arrangement
- Clocks and calendars
- Coding-decoding
- Directions
General Awareness
- Indian history
- Indian economy
- Polity and constitution
- Indian geography
- Culture and heritage
- Indian railways
- Current affairs
- Static GK
General Science
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Environmental studies
Selection Process
RRB NTPC Selection Process 2021 involves a two stage online exam followed by a typing test/skill test/aptitude test, medical test, and document verification. The entire selection process is listed below.
RRB NTPC Preliminary examination (CBT) will be of 90 minutes and candidates qualifying this stage are called for the next stage i.e. the mains exam.
Mains Examination (CBT) RRB NTPC Main exam will also be of 90 minutes. Shortlisted candidates who clear this stage are then called for the Typing Test/Skill test/Aptitude test.
Typing Test
Candidates who have applied for the post of RB NTPC Senior clerk cum typist and Junior accountant cum typist have to undergo a computer based typing test which will be qualifying in nature. The marks of this test will not be added to the final merit list.
Candidates should have a typing speed of 300 words per minute in the English language and 250 words per minute in the Hindi language as per the language opted by the candidate while filling the application form.
Aptitude/Skill Test
Candidates who wish to secure the post of RRB NTPC Assistant Station Master or Traffic Assistant will have to undergo this test. This test will also be a computer based test and aims to test the skill and aptitude of candidates. The marks of this test and the online mains examination will be calculated together in the 30:70 ratio while formulating the final score.
Medical Test
The RRB conducts a medical examination for all the shortlisted candidates with a view to make sure that all prospective employees and medically fit and sound.
Document Verification
After the successful completion of all the stages, candidates are then called on for document verification by the RRB. The following documents need to be carried for verification.
- Certificate of proof of education qualifications
- A government approved valid photo ID proof
- Proof of residence
- Date of birth certificate
- Passport size photographs
- Caste certificate (if applicable)
- Disability certificate (if applicable)
- Domicile certificate (Jammu and Kashmir)
- NOC from an employer in case of Ex-Servicemen
- Declaration of the minority in a judicial stamp paper