Assam TET Syllabus 2021 : Assam TET Exam Pattern differs based on whether an applicant plans to apply for Graduate Teacher Position in Secondary School or Post Graduate Teaching Position in secondary/senior secondary schools in the state of Assam. ATET syllabus and selection process for both the tests is decided by the convening authority Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhijan (RMSA).
It is expected that the ATET Exam will be conducted tentatively in the month of July 2021. Assam TET Exam for both graduate and postgraduate teaching positions is conducted for 200 marks in total in Multiple Choice Questions format. A clear understanding of the pattern and the syllabus of the test is important before a candidate starts preparing for the Assam Teacher Eligibility Test.
Assam TET Exam Pattern 2021
Brief Structure
Both for Graduate and Post Graduate Teaching positions, Assam TET is conducted for 200 marks with 200 questions and each question carries one mark. For graduate teachers, the subjects are general studies & Current Affairs and Pedagogy & General English, while for the Post Graduate Teachers, the first paper is Pedagogy, English, Basic Numerical and Assam, and its people and for the second paper, candidates are provided with the option to choose either option A, B or C as per their choice.
Detailed View
For Graduate Teachers In Secondary Schools
S. No. | Subject | No. of Questions | Marks |
1 | General Studies & Current Affairs | 100 | 100 |
2 | Pedagogy & General English | 100 | 100 |
Total | 200 | 200 |
For Post Graduate Teachers In Secondary/Senior Secondary Schools
S. No. | Subject | No. of Questions | Marks |
1 | Pedagogy, English, b asic numerical and Assam and its people (common for all candidates) | 100 | 100 |
2 | There will be three options and candidates can choose any one of the three subjects | 100 | 100 |
Total | 200 | 200 |
The three options for the second paper from which the postgraduate teachers will have to choose one are:
- Option A – Business Studies, Accountancy, Sales & Advertising, Banking & Insurance
- Option B – Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Mathematics
- Option C – General Studies & Current Affairs
Assam TET Syllabus 2021
Assam TET syllabus for both the posts is described below.

For Graduate Teachers in Secondary Schools
Paper I – General Studies & Current Affairs
General Studies – 80 Marks
- Culture and History of India with special emphasis on Assam History
- Secondary education in India and Management of Schools
- Constitution of India and Indian Polity System
- Environment
- General Science and Technology
- Mental Ability & Reasoning
- Geography of India with a special emphasis on Assam
- The economy of India with a special emphasis on Assam
Current Affairs (20 Marks)
- Culture
- Matters of national, international, and state importance
- Art
- Economic and political developments
- Literature
- Technological and scientific advancements
- Sports
- Games
Paper-II – Pedagogy & General English
Pedagogy (75 Marks)
- Teaching-Learning Process and Pedagogy
- Psychology of Adolescence
- Educational Psychology
General English (25 Marks)
- Remedial Grammar
- Composition
For Post Graduate Teachers in Secondary/Senior Secondary Schools
Paper I – Pedagogy, English, Basic numerical and Assam and its people (common for all candidates):
Pedagogy (20 Marks)
- Teaching-Learning Process and Pedagogy
- Psychology of Adolescence
- Educational Psychology
General English (40 Marks)
- Remedial Grammar
- Composition
Basic Numerical (20 Marks)
- Algebra
- Mensuration
- Geometry
- Probability & Statistics
- Commercial Arithmetic
- Trigonometry
Assam and its People (20 Marks)
- History of Assam
- Geography of Assam
Paper II
Option A – Business Studies, Accountancy, Sales & Advertising, Banking & Insurance
Business Studies (20 Marks)
- Functions and Principles of Management
- Business Finance and Marketing
Accountancy (30 Marks)
- Accounting for Partnership Firms
- Accounting for Non-Profit Organisations
Salesmanship & Advertising (20 Marks)
- Publicity and Advertising
- Sales Organisation
Banking (15 Marks)
- Commercial Banking in India
- Employment of fund
- Reserve Bank of India and Financial Markets
- Negotiable Instruments
- Meaning and Types of Financial Markets
- Non-Bank Financial Institutions
Insurance (15 Marks)
- Miscellaneous Insurance
- General Insurance
Option B – Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Mathematics
(Of these four, candidates can choose any two)
Physics (50 Marks)
- Units of Measurement
- Energy bands in solids
- Motion in a Straight Line
- Alpha – Particle Scattering Experiment
- Concept of Force
- Photoelectric Effect
- Work done by a constant force and a variable force
- Wave Optics
- Centre of mass of a two-particle system
- Reflection of light
- Kepler’s Law of Planetary motion
- Elastic Behaviour
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Electromagnetic induction
- Heat, temperature, thermal expansion
- Concept of Magnetic Field
- Kinetic Theory of Gases
- Electric Current
- Periodic Motion
- Electric Charges and their conservation
Chemistry (50 Marks)
- Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
- Chemistry in Everyday life
- Atomic Structure
- Biomolecules
- Periodic Classification of Elements and Periodicity in properties
- IUPAC Nomenclature
- Chemical Bonding
- s-,p- & d-block elements & their compounds
- Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics
- Basic Concepts of Chemical Kinetics
- Equilibrium
- Basic Concepts of Electrochemistry
- Basic Concepts of States of Matter
Biology (50 Marks)
- Reproduction
- Human Physiology
- Biotechnology
- Plant Physiology
- Biology in human welfare
- Cell Structures and Functions
- Ecology
- Structural Organisation in plants and animals
- Diversity of Living World
Mathematics (50 Marks)
- Quadratic Equations and Complex Numbers
- Probability, Sample Space, and Related Terms
- Arithmetic Progression, combination, permutation, and Geometric Progression
- First Order Derivatives
- Trigonometric Ratios of Compound angle
- Equations of a line in different forms in two-dimensional coordinate geometry
Option C – General Studies & Current Affairs
- India’s Freedom Movement
- Events of Current Importance
- National Symbols
- Major Tribes Of North-Eastern India
- Constitution of India
- International Institutions
- Right Issues
- National Institutions of India
- Economic Planning in India
- Music, Dances, festivals, and Fairs of India
- Climate Change
- Physical Geography of India
- Economic Geography of India
- Bio-Diversity
Assam TET Exam Date 2021
As the exact date for the Assam TET 2021 is not yet known, candidates can expect the test to be conducted in the month of July 2021 tentatively.
Assam TET Selection Process
Candidates securing more than 60% of marks in any of the two TET tests they take will get an Assam TET Certificate. The 60% is relaxed by 5% for reserved category candidates and physically challenged candidates. Candidates can apply to teaching positions once a separate advertisement for the same is published with a TET certificate.
The certificate will be valid for a lifetime. The selection of TET Certified candidates as teachers will be done after considering their TET Score and also their educational qualification and other eligibility requirements for the appropriate position advertised. Then, an interview will be conducted for them.
Important Dates After Application Submission
As the exact dates are not known, here are some Assam TET tentative dates:
Event | Tentative Date |
Last Date for Payment of Application fee | May 2021 |
Announcement For Document Verification | May 2021 |
Date of Document Verification | June 2021 |
Date to download Admit Card | June 2021 |
Date of Assam TET for both | July 2021 |
Result for Assam TET for both | August 2021 |