SSC CHSL 2021 [Application Form, Apply Online, Exam Date] : SSC CHSL 2021 Notification has been released on 6th November 2020 by Staff Selection Commission on its official website @ SSC will recruit nearly 5134 candidates for the posts of Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant, LDC / JSA, DEO, and DEO, Grade ‘A’.
SSC CHSL Application Form can be submitted from 6th November 2020 and the last date to apply online is 15th December 2020. Interested candidates must check eligibility conditions and apply for the SSC CHSL Recruitment 2021.
- SSC conducts CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary Level/10+2) examination for recruitment of candidates on different posts like lower divisional clerk (LDC), Data entry operator (DEO), Sorting Assistants/Postal Assistants (SA/PA) and Court Clerk, etc.
- SSC CHSL Tier I CBT has been scheduled from 12th – 27th April 2021. The exam was not completed due to Covid 19 and for the leftover candidates, it will be held from 4-12th August 2021.
- SSC CHSL Tier-II exam is a descriptive test and the exam date will be notified in due course.
SSC CHSL recruitment 2021 complete details are explained including date of release of notification, registration dates, post wise eligibility conditions, a number of vacancies, application form, fee, admit card, exam pattern, selection process, result, cut off, etc.
- Notification
- Vacancies
- Important Dates
- Eligibility Criteria
- Age Limit
- Application Fee
- Application Form
- Exam Pattern & Syllabus
- Admit Card
- Results
- Selection Process
- Salary

SSC CHSL Notification 2021
SSC has released CHSL 2021 notification on 6th November 2020 and invited online application forms from the eligible candidates till 15th December 2020. SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) Tier I CBT examination will be held from 12th – 27th April 2021 and the Tier II exam (descriptive paper) date will be notified. Go through the SSC CHSL 2021 notification Pdf for complete details.
Download SSC CHSL Notification 2021
SSC (Staff Selection Commission) is one of the central recruitment organizations in India which recruits on all Group B posts with a pay scale of a maximum of Rs.10,500 or below, and Nontechnical Group C Posts in various Ministries/Departments and their subordinate offices. Every year, SSC conducts several recruitment examinations to fill up the vacant posts in various offices of the Government of India.
SSC CHSL 2021 Vacancies
SC CHSL Vacancies will be notified in due course. SSC will recruit nearly 5134 candidates for the vacancies of Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant, LDC / JSA, DEO, and DEO, Grade ‘A’. However, this number of vacancies is tentative and the exact number will be notified. The post-wise number of vacancies is given below.
S.No. | Post name | Total number of vacancies |
1 | LDC/ JSA | 1856 |
2 | Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant | 3267 |
3 | DEO | 11 [Expected] |
Total | 5134 |
SSC CHSL 2021 Important Events
Exam Name | SSC CHSL (10+2) 2021 |
Recruitment Body | Staff Selection Commission (SSC) |
Notification Release | 6 Nov 2020 |
Start of online application form | 6 Nov 2020 |
Last date for online candidate’s registration | 15 Dec 2020 (23:30) |
Last date to submit online fees | 17 Dec 2020 (23:30) |
Last date for generation of offline Challan | 19 Dec 2020 (23:30) |
Last date for payment through Challan | 21 Dec 2020 |
Tier-I Admit Card | April 2021 |
Tier-I exam (CBT) | 12-27th April 2021 & 4-12th Aug 2021 |
Tier- I result | To be notified |
Tier-II Examination (Descriptive Paper) | To be notified |
Tier- II result | To be notified |
Tier- III (Skill Test/ Typing Test) | To be notified |
Final result | To be notified |
Apply online | SSC’s website @ |
SSC CHSL 2021 Eligibility Criteria
All the candidates are advised to go through the SSC CHSL eligibility criteria before submitting the online application in terms of Nationality, Age Limit, and Educational Qualification.
An applicant must be either
- Indian citizen (or)
- A subject of Nepal (or)
- A subject of Bhutan (or)
- A Tibetan refugee who came to India before 1st Jan 1962 for permanently settling in India (or)
- People of Indian Origin migrated from the countries of Sri Lanka, Burma, Pakistan, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, the United Republic of Tanzania(Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam.
Applicants other than Indian citizens will have to show a certificate of eligibility at the time of appointment.
SSC CHSL Age Limit
As on 01.01.2021, a candidate’s age must be in between 18 to 27 years i.e. candidate should born between 2 Jan 1994 to 01 Jan 2003.
Age Relaxation
Relaxation in the maximum age limit is permitted for candidates belonging to different categories as tabulated below.
S.No. | Category | Permissible relaxation in maximum age limit |
1 | SC/ST | 5 years |
2 | OBC | 3 years |
3 | PwD | 10 years (UR) 13 years (OBC) 15 years (SC/ST) |
4 | Ex-Servicemen | 3 years |
5 | Applicants who were living in J&K while 01 Jan 1980 to 31 Dec 1989 | 5 years |
Essential Qualifications (As on 01 Jan 2021)
For LDC/ JSA, PA/ SA, DEO Posts
- Candidates interested to apply for SSC CHSL 2021 must possess Intermediate or equivalent qualification from a recognized board/university.
For DEO Grade A post in C&AG
- If a candidate is applying for a DEO post in C&AG, s/he should have passed in 12th Science stream with Mathematics subject from a recognized Board.
SSC CHSL 2021 Application Fee
- SSC CHSL Application Fee for Male General/OBC candidates is Rs. 100/-
- Female and candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH/Ex-servicemen categories will be exempted from payment of application fee.
The last date for making an online fee payment is 17 Dec 2020 (23:30). Candidates can pay the fee through challan of SBI and the last date for the generation of offline challan is 19 Dec 2020 (23:30) and the last date to make payment through challan is 21st Dec 2020.
SSC CHSL Online Application Form 2021
SSC CHSL application form should be submitted online only. SSC CHSL Application is divided into two parts – In Part-I Candidates have to complete the OTR by providing basic details and in Part-II, candidates should fill the online application form. The online application process is explained below:
- Part I – Candidate’s One-Time Registration
- Part II – Fill Application Form & Payment of Application Fee (if applicable)
How To Fill SSC CHSL 2021 Online Application?
Part I: Candidate’s One-time Registration
- Open SSC’s official website
- Find and click on ‘New User? Register Now’ link available in the ‘Login’ section
- A new web page will open up where you have to enter basic details

- If you have ‘Aadhaar No’ then enter it otherwise select option ‘No’ available against ‘Do you have Aadhaar’
- If you have selected the option ‘No’ then you’ll have to select a type of ID; then enter the ID number
- Enter and verify your name (should be same as printed in class X certificate)
- Enter and verify your father’s & mother’s name
- Enter and verify your ‘Date of Birth’
- Enter and verify the details of class 10th examination such as education board, roll number, and year of passing
- Select and verify gender
- Select your level of educational qualification
- Enter and verify your mobile number & email ID
- Select the UT/state of permanent address
- Click on tab ‘Save’
- Instantly, a message will pop-up
- To confirm pop-up / mobile number & email ID, click on the tab ‘Confirm’
- A new page will open up having a statement of registration confirmation along with your registration number
- Click on tab ‘OK’ available on the same webpage
- Instantly, you will receive your SSC registration number and password to your registered email ID and mobile number
- Once again, go to the homepage and enter your registration number and password to log in and complete the online application process
- Once you enter and submit your login credentials, your first login screen will appear where you can change the password
- Enter your old password
- Enter and confirm your new password
- Click on tab ‘Submit’
- Now, your password has been changed, log in again
- After login again, your dashboard will open up with a page having your basic details which you have entered at first place to complete a one-time registration
- If you want to make changes then click on tab ‘Edit’ available on the same page otherwise proceed further by hitting the cursor on the ‘Next’ tab
- A new sub-page will open up where you have to enter your additional and contact details

- Select and verify your category
- Select nationality then enter identification marks
- Enter your permanent and present address
- Click on tab Save or next to complete the last part of the registration process
- In the last part, you’ll have to upload digital files of your photo and signature

- You can save and print a draft
- Read and accept declaration statement
- Then click on tab ‘Final Submit’
- Confirm your uploaded files by clicking on the ‘Confirm’ button
- Meanwhile, you’ll get different OTPs on your registered mobile number and email ID
- Enter and submit any 1 OTP
- Now your one-time registration is completed; please note down your registration number to use in future
- Proceed further to complete Part II (online application form)
SSC CHSL Part II (Online Application Form)
- Now, log in again using your ‘Registration number’ and ‘Password’
- You will see the latest notifications
- Click on the ‘Apply’ tab available under ‘Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination, 2020’
- An application form will open up; few fields are already filled from your one-time registration data
- Select examination centers and medium for typing test (English or Hindi)
- Select other details

- Select your highest ‘Educational Qualification’
- If you belong to EWS then select option ‘Yes’ otherwise ‘No’
- Read and accept the declaration
- Enter text then click on tab ‘Preview’
- Check all the information filled in by you then click on the tab ‘Submit’
- Proceed further to make payment online otherwise generate challan of SBI so that you can submit the application fee in any SBI branch.
SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2021
SSC CHSL exam will be held in three stages (tiers). The tier-I exam will be online whereas the Tier II exam will be conducted in ‘Pen and Paper’ mode. Tier III will be a skill test/typing test.
The applicants need to qualify each Tier examination in order to get finally selected for the SSC CHSL posts. Complete stage-wise examination details are given below:
SSC CHSL Stages | Mode | Nature of Questions | Qualifying/ Merit | Total Questions | Total Marks | Time |
Tier I | CBT | MCQs | Considered for Merit | 100 | 100 | 60 Min |
Tier II | Pen & Paper Based | Descriptive (Essay/Application/Letter) | Qualifying and Considered for Merit | - | 100 | 60 Min |
Tier III | Computer Based | Typing | Qualifying Only | - | - | 15 Min |
Tier I Examination
- Tier I examination will be a computer-based test having 100 MCQs to be solved in a total of 60 minutes.
- MCQs will be equally distributed in 4 sections and each section will have 25 MCQs, each of 2 marks.
- English Language (Basic Knowledge)
- Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill)
- General Intelligence and
- General Awareness
- A candidate needs to qualify Tier-I to be shortlisted for the Tier-II exam.
- There is a provision of negative marking in the Tier I Exam, selecting the wrong answer will attract a penalty of 0.5 marks.
- For visually handicapped candidates, the exam duration will be 80 minutes.
Sections | No. of Questions | No. of Marks | Time |
English Language (Basic Knowledge) | 25 | 50 | 60 Minutes |
General Intelligence | 25 | 50 | |
Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) | 25 | 50 | |
General Awareness | 25 | 50 | |
Total | 100 | 200 |
Tier-II Examination
SSC CHSL Tier-II will be a descriptive paper either in English or Hindi language of 100 marks to be held in ‘Pen and Paper’ mode and the marks scored will be considered for final merit. The minimum qualifying marks in the Tier-II examination would be 33%.
Tier-II examination will be conducted by SSC to check the candidate’s writing skills. The candidate needs to write an Essay in between 200 to 250 words and an Application or Letter in between 150 to 200 words.
- Tier-II exam’s time duration is 60 minutes and carries 100 marks
- Tier-II exam’s questions are based on high school standard
- The Tier-II exam is qualifying in nature and will also be considered in the final merit
- The paper must be written in one language either English or Hindi
- For visually handicapped and cerebral palsy affected candidates, the exam duration will be 80 minutes.
The applicants need to score a minimum of 33 percent to qualify the tier-II exam and the candidate’s performance of Tier I + Tier II will be considered to shortlist for Tier III.
Tier III Examination
Tier III will be either a typing test or a skill test depending on the post for which a candidate has applied. It will be of qualifying nature.
- Skill test for DEO
- Typing Test for Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant and LDC / JSA
Tier-III Skill Test For Data Entry Operator (DEO) Posts
- Minimum 8,000 (eight thousand) Key Depressions per hour data entry speed is needed on Computer
- Time duration is 15 minutes
Typing Test For Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant and LDC / JSA
- A candidate needs to give a typing test either in Hindi or in English as per their choice selection while filling application form.
- The candidate’s typing test will be monitored by an authorized agency or by the commission
- The minimum speed for English typing is 35 words per minute and Hindi typing is 30 words per minute
SSC CHSL Syllabus 2021
SSC CHSL Syllabus is given below.
SSC CHSL Tier I Syllabus
Tier I Subjects-wise syllabus is given below
Subjects names | Important topics |
General Intelligence | This section will include both verbal and non-verbal type MCQs along with MCQs on Coding and de-coding, Word Building, , Figural Analogy, Space Orientation , Social Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Semantic Classification, Embedded figures, Number/Figural/Semantic Series, Figural Pattern – folding & completion, Symbolic/ Number Classification, Drawing inferences, Figural Classification, Venn Diagrams, Punched hole/ pattern-folding & unfolding , Semantic Analogy, Symbolic operations, Symbolic/ Number Analogy etc. |
English Language | This section will have MCQs on shuffling of sentences in a passage, cloze/comprehension passage, idioms & phrases, improvement of sentences, active/passive voice of verbs, error spotting, fill in the blanks, spellings/detecting mis-spelt words, synonyms/homonyms, antonyms, one word substitution etc. |
Quantitative Aptitude | This section will have MCQs from arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, mensuration, statistical charts etc. |
General Awareness | This section will have MCQs on national/international current events, Indian culture, geography, general policy, history, economic scene & scientific research etc. |
Download SSC CHSL Tier I Syllabus 2021 Pdf
SSC CHSL Selection Process
- Candidates who appeared in the SSC CHSL Tier I will be shortlisted for the Tier-II exam based on merit.
- A separate cut off will be decided by SSC category wise for each post at each stage.
- A minimum of 33% marks should be scored by a candidate to qualify in Tier-II and the aggregate performance in Tier I + Tier II will be considered to shortlist candidates for Tier III which is qualifying in nature.
- The final merit will be based on the performance in Tier I + Tier II subject to securing 33% marks in Tier II and qualifying in the Tier III exam.
In the case of Tie of marks, the following factors in the given order will be followed to resolve the tie.
- Tier I and tier II total marks
- Total Marks of Tier I
- DOB with older age (will get preference)
- Alphabetical order of First Name
SSC CHSL Admit Card 2021
SSC will issue a separate CHSL admit card for each stage of examination including Tier I, II & III. However, SSC will not send call letters to candidates by post or any other mode. Candidates themselves have to download their admit cards from SSC’s website.
SSC CHSL Tier I admit card will be released in 1st week of April 2021.
How To Download SSC CHSL 2021 Admit Card?
- Go to the concerned regional SSC’s official website
- Now, find and click on admit cards
- Click on download ‘CHSL 2021’ admit card
- Now, log into your account by using registration number and password
- Find and click on the ‘Download Admit Card’ tab
- Print it and close the website
SSC CHSL 2021 Result
SSC CHSL Result 2021 will be announced by the Staff Selection Commission. Tier I, II & III examination results will be announced stage wise. Once results are announced, candidates can check the results from the SSC official website.
How To Check SSC CHSL 2021 Results
- Visit SSC official website @
- Click on the result tab
- Click on the CHSL tab
- Click on either Write Up or Result or Marks link
- Pdf will be opened
- Check your roll number/ Name for results or marks among the list.
SSC CHSL 2021 Cut off will be released by SSC for Tier I and Tier II separately and the Tier III will be of qualifying in nature. A separate cut off will be announced for each post category wise in each stage.
Candidates securing the Tier I cut-off will be eligible to attend Tier II and upon securing 33% and scoring the decided cutoff will be eligible for Tier III. The final cut off will be based on the performance in Tier I and Tier II exams only.
SSC CHSL Cut Off 2019-20
Category/Post Name | LDC/JSA & PA/SA | DEO (Except C&AG) | DEO (C&AG) |
UR | 135.6 | 181.47 | 165.93 |
OBC | 133.74 | 178.45 | 161.72 |
SC | 110.09 | – | 145.52 |
ST | 99.09 | – | 136.74 |
EWS | 127.25 | – | 163.75 |
ESM | 56.11 | – | 117.13 |
OH | 102.75 | – | 129.42 |
HH | 58.43 | – | 98.86 |
VH | 84.87 | – | – |
Other PWD | 50 | – | – |
Total Qualified Candidates | 45101 | 175 | 2330 |
A post wise SC CHSL salary has been tabulated below.
S.No | Post Name | Basic Salary (Pay Band I) | Pay Grade |
1 | LDC/JSA | Rs. 5200-20200 | 1900 |
2 | PA/SA | Rs. 5200-20200 | 2400 |
3 | DEO | Rs. 5200-20200 | 2400 |
4 | DEO Grade ‘A’ | Rs. 5200-20200 | 2400 |
Q. What Is SSC CHSL 2021 Application Closing Date?
A. SSC CHSL last date to submit an application is 15th December 2020.
Q. What Is A Total Number Of Vacancies To Be Filled Through SSC CHSL Recruitment 2021?
A. 5134. However, this number of vacancies is provisional and can be changed as per the requirement of the Commission.
Q. What Are The Types Of Questions To Be Asked In SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam 2021?
A. SSC CHSL 2021 tier 1 exam will have objective type questions.
Q. How Can I Get My SSC CHSL Admit Card?
A. You can get SSC CHSL admit card from the Commission’s website by using the registration number and password.
Q. What Is The Date Of the SSC CHSL 2021 Tier 1 Exam?
A. SSC CHSL 2021 tier 1 exam will be conducted between 12th -27th April 2021 and kept on hold due to covid and revised scheduled is 4-12th July 2021 for the remaining candidates.
Q. When Will SSC Conduct the Tier-II Examination (Descriptive Paper)?
A. SSC CHSL Tier-II examination date will be announced in due course.
Q. What Is Educational Qualification Needed To Apply For The Post Of DEO in C&AG?
A. To apply for the post of DEO in C&AG, the applicant must have passed class 12th examination in Science stream with Maths as a compulsory subject.
Q. Is It Possible To Pay Fee Online Through BHIM Android Application?
A. Yes, fees can be paid online via BHIM UPI.