LIC AAO 2021 Recruitment [Notification, Exam Date, Apply Online Application form] : LIC AAO 2021 Notification will be released in the 1st week of March 2021 on the LIC official website. The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) will recruit candidates for the post of AAO (Generalist / IT / Actuarial / Rajbhasha / Chartered Accountant). Eligible candidates can apply online before the last date i.e. March 22, 2021.
Check the LIC AAO 2021 article below for information including important dates, eligibility criteria, application fee & process, admit card, result, cut-off, etc.
- Important Dates
- Notification
- Eligibility Criteria
- Application Fee
- Application Form
- Apply Online
- Exam Pattern
- Syllabus
- Admit Card
- Result
LIC AAO 2021 Important Dates
Exam Name | LIC AAO 2021 |
Exam conducted by | The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) |
Vacancies | 590 |
Mode of Application | Online |
Start and last date for Online Registration | 02 to 22 March 2021 |
Admit cards available from | 22 to 30 April, 2021 |
Prelim Exam | 04 & 05 May, 2021 (tentative) |
Main Exam | 28 June 2021 (tentative) |
Final result | To be notified |
Apply online at | |
- LIC ADO 2021
- LIC ADO Syllabus 2021
- LIC ADO Apply Online 2021
- LIC ADO Admit Card 2021
- LIC ADO Result 2021
The Life Insurance Corporation of India familiar as LIC is one of the most prestigious insurance companies in India which operates under the government of India and its main objective is to serve Indian citizens by offering the best insurance schemes across all niches.
LIC AAO Notification 2021 & Vacancies
LIC AAO 2021 official notification will be been released by Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) on 02 March 2021. LIC will shortlist 590 candidates for appointment to the post of AAO (Generalist / IT / Actuarial / Rajbhasha / Chartered Accountant). Further details of vacancies are given below.
AAO Post name | UR | EWS | OBC | ST | SC | Total |
Rajbhasha | 5 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 10 |
Actuarial | 12 | 3 | 8 | 3 | 4 | 30 |
CA | 20 | 5 | 13 | 5 | 7 | 50 |
IT | 60 | 15 | 36 | 14 | 25 | 150 |
Generalist | 140 | 35 | 85 | 35 | 55 | 350 |
Total | 237 | 59 | 144 | 58 | 92 | 590 |
LIC AAO 2021 Eligibility Criteria (As on 01 March 2021)
Age limit and Relaxation
The candidates who want to apply for LIC AAO 2021 should be not less than 21 years and not more than 30 years Or Applicants should be born between 02 March 1990 to 01 March 1999 (both dates inclusive). However, relaxation in upper age limit for candidates of special categories shall be given, it is tabulated below.
S.No. | Category Name | Age relaxation in years |
1 | Confirmed LIC employees | Further Relaxation of 5-yrs |
2 | ECO/SSCO (OBC) | 8 years |
3 | ECO/SSCO (SC/ST) | 10 years |
4 | ECO/SSCO (GEN) | 5 years |
5 | PwD(OBC) | 13 years |
6 | PwD(SC/ST) | 15 years |
7 | PwD(Gen) | 10 years |
8 | OBC | 3 years |
9 | SC/ST | 5 years |
Note – Abbreviations used in the table are- PwD- Persons with Disabilities, ST- Scheduled Tribe, SC- Scheduled Caste, OBC- Other Backward Community, ECO- Emergency Commissioned Officers, SSCO- Short Service Commissioned Officers
Minimum Educational Qualifications
As per the recruitment notification, LIC AAO 2021 interested candidates must have the following educational qualification.
AAO Post wise Educational Qualification | |
Name of the AAO post | Educational Qualification |
Rajbhasha | PG Master’s degree in Sanskrit and passed graduation (bachelor’s degree) with Hindi and English as subjects OR PG Master’s degree in English and passed graduation (bachelor’s degree) with Hindi as one of the subjects OR PG Master’s degree in Hindi translation / Hindi and passed graduation (bachelor’s degree) with English as one of the subjects |
Actuarial | Passed graduation course in any stream Passed CT5 and CT1 papers along with any 4 or more other papers from either Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK or Institute of Actuaries of India. Moreover, candidates will be asked to produce their membership number for verification purpose |
Chartered Accountant | Bachelor’s degree Passed CA final exams Should be an Associate member of ICAI; candidates will be asked to produce their membership number for verification purpose |
IT | An Engineering Degree in Electronics or IT or Computer Science OR M.Sc. (Computer Science) OR MCA |
Generalist | Bachelor’s degree |
LIC AAO 2021 Application Fee and Mode Of Payment
Candidates going to apply for LIC AAO 2021 examination need to pay application Fee-cum-Intimation Charges of Rs. 600/- along with applicable bank/transaction charges. However, SC/ST/PwBD candidates need to pay only intimation Charges of Rs. 100/- along with applicable bank charges.
All the candidates need to pay application Fees/intimation charges (if applicable) through the on-line mode only by using any national debit(Master Card/ Maestro/ Visa/ RuPay)/credit card or net banking/ Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets.
- Application fees/ intimation charges are non-refundable under any circumstances
- Take a print out of e-receipt of payment on the successful transaction as there is a facility for the same
- If e receipt is not generated, it indicates payment failure, hence you need to pay the payment by login using a provisional registration number and password
LIC AAO 2021 Application Form and Process
All the interested candidates are required to know that they can apply online only for LIC AAO 2021 examination and applications made/submitted in other modes will not be accepted by the authorities.
How To Apply For LIC AAO 2021?
- Eligible candidates have to go to the LIC’s website
- Find and click the ‘Careers’ link/section at the bottom of the page
- Find and click the ‘Recruitment of Assistant Administrative Officer 2021’ link
- Find and click on ‘Click here for Apply online’
- On clicking the above-mentioned link you will be redirected to the online registration page
- Since you are new therefore you need to register yourself on LIC’s apply online page i.e., by clicking on the “Click here for New Registration” link
- Then Click on ‘Continue’ after reading ‘Important points to be noted’
Basic Info

- Enter your First Name, Confirm the same and then Middle Name and confirm the same, and enter the Last Name and confirm the same. The full name will be displayed
- Enter mobile number and confirm the same and enter an alternate number which is optional
- Enter valid & working email address and confirm the same
- Enter security code and click on ‘Save and Next’
- It will show a pop-up asking for entered details or correct. If yes click on ‘OK’ or else on ‘Cancel’
- Now, you will see an auto-generated provisional registration number as well as password on your computer screen
- Note it down carefully
- You will also receive SMS & email indicating the provisional registration number and password at your given mobile number and email ID
- Now login into your account if closed the page and fill other details of the Application Form
- Use the facility of ‘Save and Next’ to verify the details and modify the same. Visually impaired candidates should enter the details carefully and verify/ get the details verified to make sure the correct details in the application form prior to final submission
- No changes will be allowed after final submission, so ensure the correctness of the details prior to the submission
- Name of the Candidate/ Father name/ husband name etc. should be spelled as per the certificates/ mark sheet/ Identity proof. The discrepancy in the details will disqualify the candidature
- Validate your details by clicking on the Validate your details option and click on Save & Next Button
Photo and Signature

- Upload Photo & Signature in the prescribed format by using the ‘choose file’ option
- Then click on ‘Next’
- Enter the other required details such as basic and Qualification/ Experience/ Languages
Basic Details

- Select Post Applied for
- Select Category
- Enter Subcategory
- Select Yes/ NO for Persons with benchmark disability of 40% and above
- Select Yes/ No for the type of disability, need compensatory time, cerebral palsy, dominant writing hand is affected, intended to use a scribe, etc.
- Select Religion you belong to
- Select Yes/ No for you belong to the religious minority community
- Select Yes/ No for Ex-servicemen, If yes enter the period of service
- Yes/ No for confirmed employee of LIC, If yes enter SR NO., Designation, Place of Posting
- Select State and Centre for Preliminary and then Main exam
Personal Details
- Enter Date of Birth
- Select Gender, Martial Status
- Enter Fathers and Mother’s Name and the Spouse name
- Enter Address for correspondence and Permanent Address
- Choose Address for GSTInvoicing
Application Fee/ Intimation Charges
- The amount will be shown as per the category
- Click on ‘Validate details’ and then on ‘Save & Next’
Qualification/ Experience/ Languages

- Enter Graduation detail such as a stream, Date of Passing, and % of Marks
- Enter Post Graduation details, Professional Qualification details, and Work experience details (Optional)
Other Details
- Enter Languages Known and select Read/ Write/ Speak
- Validate your details and then click on Save & Next
- Before clicking the ‘FINAL SUBMIT’ button click the ‘Preview’ button and check all the filled details in the preview of your application
- In Preview Confirm Photo, select I Agree for declaration and confirm Signature
- Make changes if needed
- After verifying all the details including signature & photo, now click the ‘FINAL SUBMIT’ button
- Pop up will be shown stating no changes are allowed once submitted. Click on ‘Ok’ or else ‘Cancel’
- Upload thumb Impression and Handwritten Declaration using choose file option
- Enter Security code
- Click on ‘Save and Next’
- Make an online payment by clicking on the ‘Payment’ Tab

- Enter security code and Click on the button ‘Submit’
- Click on ‘Ok’ to submit
- Pay the fee using Net Banking/ Debit/ Credit card
- Take a print out of the payment receipt and application
- It should be a recent colored photograph
- Photo background should be light preferably white
- Make sure there is no red-eye
- There should not be a reflection of light due to the glasses
- Dark glasses/ hat/ cap is not acceptable, religious headgear is allowed but it should not cover the face
- 200 x 230 dimension should be preferred, 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm
- File size should be between 20-50kb
- Face should be clearly visible
- Signature should be in .jpg format
- The dimension of the signature should be 140 x 60 pixels
- File size must be between 10 – 20 kb
- The sign should be on white paper with a black pen
- Signature should not be in Capital Letters
Left Thumb Impression
- Put left thumb impression on white paper with black/ blue ink
- Format – Jpg/ Jpeg
- The dimension should be 240 x 240 pixels in 200 DPI and 3cm x 3 cm width and height
- File size – 20 – 50 kb
Hand Written Declaration
- Should not be written in Capital letters
- Write in English clearly on white paper with black/ blue ink
- The application should write with his own writing
- Jpg/ Jpeg
- 800 x 400 pixels in 200 DPI i.e., 10 cm x 5 cm width and height
- Fie size – 50 – 100 kb
I —– (Candidate Name), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true, and valid. I will present supporting documents as and when required.
List Of Documents Needed
- Valid email address and working mobile number
- Scanned copies of photo & signature as per the specifications
- A national debit/credit card to pay the fee online
- 10th/12th/graduation/post-graduation mark sheets & certificates to fill in personal and academic details
LIC AAO 2021 Exam Pattern/ Selection Procedure
Selection of candidates for AAOs will be done via a 3 tiered process as follows
Phase-I: Preliminary Examination
LIC AAO 2021 Preliminary Examination will be conducted in online mode only i.e. CBT (computer-based test). The question paper will contain 100 MCQs (multiple choice questions) to be solved in 1-hour duration. The question paper will be divided into the following sections
Section | Name of the tests | Number of MCQs | Maximum Marks | Minimum Qualifying Marks | Duration (in minutes) | |
SC / ST | Others | |||||
1 | English Language Test with Special emphasis on Grammar, Vocabulary and Comprehension | 30 | 30 (Qualifying Nature) | 9 | 10 | 20 |
2 | Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 35 | 16 | 18 | 20 |
3 | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 16 | 18 | 20 |
Total | 100 | 70 | 1 hour |
Phase-II: Main Examination
LIC AAO Phase II main examination will consist of objective tests and descriptive tests. Both objective and descriptive tests will be held in online mode. Further details of LIC AAO Phase II main examination pattern are as follows
For LIC AAO Generalist
Section | Name of the tests | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Minimum Qualifying Marks | Duration (in minutes) | |
SC / ST | Others | |||||
1 | Insurance and Financial Market Awareness | 30 | 60 | 27 | 30 | 20 |
2 | Data Analysis & Interpretation | 30 | 90 | 40 | 45 | 40 |
3 | General Knowledge, current affairs | 30 | 60 | 27 | 30 | 20 |
4 | Reasoning Ability | 30 | 90 | 40 | 45 | 40 |
Total | 120 | 300 | 120 | |||
5 | English Language (Letter writing & Essay) | 2 | 25 | 9 | 10 | 30 |
For LIC AAO IT / Chartered Accountant / Actuarial
Section | Name of the tests | No. of ques. | Max. Marks | Minimum qualifying marks | Duration (Overall 120 minutes) | |
SC / ST | others | |||||
1 | Insurance and Financial Market Awareness | 30 | 60 | 27 | 30 | 20 min |
2 | Professional knowledge | 30 | 90 | 40 | 45 | 40 min |
3 | General Knowledge, Current Affairs | 30 | 60 | 27 | 30 | 20 min |
4 | Reasoning Ability | 30 | 90 | 40 | 45 | 40 |
Total | 120 | 300 | 120 min (2 hours) | |||
5 | English Language (Letter writing & Essay) | 2 | 25 | 9 | 10 | 30 min |
For LIC AAO Rajbhasha
Section | Name of the tests | No. of ques. | Max. marks | Minimum qualifying marks | Duration (in min) | |
SC / ST | others | |||||
1 | Insurance and Financial Market Awareness | 30 | 60 | 27 | 30 | 20 |
2 | Professional Knowledge | 30 | 90 | 40 | 45 | 40 |
3 | General Knowledge, Current Affairs | 30 | 60 | 27 | 30 | 20 |
4 | Reasoning Ability | 30 | 90 | 40 | 45 | 40 |
Total | 120 | 300 | 120 min (2 hours) | |||
5 | Knowledge of Language (Descriptive) | 2 | 25 | 9 | 10 | 30 min |
Phase-III: Interview
Based on marks obtained in the main examination, candidates will be shortlisted and called for a Phase III interview. The final merit list will be prepared after considering marks obtained in the main examination and interview.
Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination
Candidates who have their names on the final merit list will be required to go through a pre-recruitment medical examination and if found physically / medically fit, they will be appointed as AAO.
LIC AAO Syllabus 2021 : Subject-wise (Phase I: Preliminary Exam)
- English Language – Synonyms & antonyms, double blanks in a sentence, commonly misspelled words, para jumbles, sentence correction/paragraph completion, phrase substitution, cloze test, reading comprehension etc.
- Quantitative Aptitude – Data interpretation, profit & loss, S.I. & C.I., work, time & distance, problems on ages, allegation & mixture, average, mensuration, ratio & proportions, simplification, decimal & fractions, number system, number theory etc.
- Reasoning Ability – Coded inequalities, blood relation, seating arrangement, syllogism, clocks & calendars, streams & boast, coding, decoding, number series, etc.
LIC AAO 2021 Call Letter
All the candidates applied for LIC AAO 2021 examination need to download their Call letters/admit card online from LIC’s website. Each candidate will receive an intimation to download the call letter through email or SMS. LIC will issue a separate call letter for Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III. To download your call letter/admit card, you need to follow the below-mentioned steps
- Open LIC’s website in your browser @
- Find and click the “Careers” section/heading/link
- Enter your “Registration Number” and “Password/Date of Birth”
- Click the “Submit” button
- Save, download or print your admit card/call letter
All the candidates must note down that they need to bring a printed copy of their admit card along with a Photo Identity Proof to the examination center.
LIC AAO 2021 Proposed Examination Centres
The Life Insurance Corporation of India is supposed to conduct LIC AAO 2021 Phase I preliminary examination in the following cities across India- Siliguri, Kolkata, Vijayawada, Tirupati, Kalyani, Madurai, Howrah, Roorkee, Haridwar, Haldwani, Pune, Guwahati, Dehradun, Varanasi, Unnao, Sultanpur, Sitapur, Noida, Itanagar, Erode North, Udaipur, Muzaffarnagar, Sambalpur.
Meerut, Lucknow, Kanpur, Ghaziabad, Jhansi, Faizabad, Imphal, Indore, Jammu, Delhi, Hyderabad, Greater Noida, Kota, Ujjain, Rourkela, Peddapalli, Jharsuguda, Bhubaneswar, Visakhapatnam, Allahabad, Agra, Aligarh, Nizamabad, Chirala, Karimnagar, Thiruchirapalli, Namakkal, Khurda, Huzurabad, Tiruvannamalai, Chittorgarh, Bhilwara, Sangrur, Pathankot, Amritsar, Bhatinda, Puducherry Etc.
LIC AAO 2021 Result
The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) will declare the result after few weeks from the date of the examination on its official website. LIC will post result declaration notice on its website “Careers” section. Therefore, candidates are advised to check the “Careers” section after a few weeks from the examination.
How To Check Result/ Score?
- Open LIC Website
- Click on Careers Section
- Find and Click on LIC AAO Result
- Download pdf/ Enter Registration number and password to check the score
- Take print out
LIC AAO 2021 Cut Off
After written examination, LIC declares cut-off marks along with a list of qualified candidates. Cut-off marks are the minimum marks a candidate required to qualify in LIC AAO 2021 examination.
Q. What Is A Total Number Of Vacancies Of LIC Assistant Administrative Officers?
A. As per LIC AAO official notification, a total number of vacancies to be filled through LIC AAO 2021 is 590.
Q. What Is The Last Date For Payment Of Application Fee / Intimation Charges?
A. March 22, 2021.
Q. Can I Apply For More Than One Post?
A. No, you cannot apply for more than 1 post. If you have submitted applications for more than 1 post then all submitted applications will be considered invalid.
Q. Which Is The Authorized Website Of LIC?
Q. What Are Application Fees For PwBD Candidates?
A. PwBD candidates are required to pay an amount of Rs. 100/- plus applicable charges.
Q. What Are The Documents To Be Bring While Appearing For The Online Examinations (Phase I & Phase II)?
A. While appearing for the LIC AAO online examinations, you must bring your valid call letter, photo ID proof in original, and 1 xerox copy of the same.
Q. What Is The Date Of LIC AAO Phase I Preliminary Examination?
A. 04 & 05 May, 2021 (tentative).
Q. What Is The Date Of LIC AAO Phase-II Main Examination?
A. June 28, 2021 (tentative).