LIC ADO 2021 [Exam Pattern, Date, Vacancies] : LIC ADO notification 2021 for the recruitment of 8581 Apprentice Development Officers will be released on the official website of the Life Insurance Corporation. The Life Insurance Corporation of India recruit’s eligible Indian citizens for the post of Apprentice Development Officer. LIC has invited application forms from the eligible candidates and the recruitment for this position is commonly called LIC ADO Recruitment.
LIC ADO application form submission will start from 20.05.2021 and the last date of registration is 09.06.2021. Admit Card for the online written exam can be downloaded from 29th June onwards and the online preliminary exam will be conducted on the 6th and 13th of July 2021. The Main exam will be held on 10th August 2021. LIC ADO selected candidates will be posted in various division offices under different zonal offices.
- Important Dates
- Notification
- Vacancies
- Eligibility
- Age Limit
- Application Form
- Apply Online
- Fee
- Exam Pattern & Syllabus
- Selection Process
- Admit Card
- Result
- Cut Off
- Salary
LIC ADO Important Dates
As the official notification will be released by the Life Insurance Corporation for the ADO Recruitment 2021, here are tentative dates to help candidates:
Description | Tentative Dates |
Release of Official Notification for LIC ADO Recruitment | 20th May 2021 |
Starting date to apply online and pay application fee | 20th May 2021 |
Last Date for submission of online application and payment of application fee | 9th June 2021 |
Last Date for printing application form | 24.06.2021 |
Downloading call letters for online test | 29th June 2021 Onwards |
Date of Preliminary online test for LIC ADO Recruitment | 6th & 13th July 2021 |
Release of Results for Preliminary Online Test | 3rd/4th week of July 2021 |
Date of Main Exam | 10th August 2021 |
Release of Results for Main Online Test | 3rd/4th week of August 2021 |
Interview of qualified candidates | September 2021 |
Candidates are recommended to check this page or the official website of LIC Under the careers section to get the latest updates on the exact dates for LIC ADO 2021.
LIC ADO Notification 2021
LIC ADO Notification 2021 will be released for 8581 posts, candidates can check the LIC ADO notification on the official website of LIC at On this website, they can check for updates under the “Career” Section. Divisional office and category wise vacancies are mentioned in the notification. Candidates can check the website for notification pdf and the same has been provided below.
Download LIC ADO Notification PDF
LIC ADO Vacancies
LIC will release 8581 vacancies of Apprentice Development Officer through LIC ADO Notification 2021. Division wise vacancies list has been tabulated below. For category wise vacancies, check the notification.
Name of the Zone | Vacancies |
Western Zonal Office, Mumbai | 1753 |
Eastern Zonal Office, Kolkata | 922 |
East Central Zonal Office, Patna | 701 |
Northern Zonal Office, New Delhi | 1130 |
North Central Zonal Office, Kanpur | 1042 |
Southern Zonal Office, Chennai | 1257 |
South Central Zonal Office, Hyderabad | 1251 |
Central Zonal Office, Bhopal | 525 |
Total | 8581 |
LIC ADO Eligibility 2021
To become eligible to apply for the LIC ADO Position 2021, candidates are recommended to ensure that they meet the following eligibility requirements:
To apply for the LIC ADO Position for the year 2021, it is compulsory that the applicants must be Indian Nationals.
Educational Qualification
LIC Recruits both open candidates and candidates, who have been previously serving as agents or employees of the Life Insurance Corporation. In the case of candidates falling under the latter category, they should have their Bachelor’s Degree.
In the case of candidates, who are not previously employees of LIC or agents, they should be graduates in any discipline.
For both categories above, the degree must have been obtained from a recognized university established under a statute in India. Otherwise, the degree can also be from a foreign university that is approved for this purpose. Candidates with the fellowship of Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai are also eligible to apply under both categories.
When recruiting candidates under both categories, the corporation might give preference to candidates with a Master’s in Business Administration with specialization in Marketing. Even, candidates with PG Diploma in Marketing from a university or institute approved by the AICTE might get preference. Here, a recognized institution means that one that is recognized either by the central or by the state government.
LIC ADO Age Limit
To apply for the ADO Position of LIC, candidates must have completed 21 years of age and should not be more than 30 years of age as of the 1st of June 2021 (01.05.2021). It means that the applicants must have been born not earlier than 02nd June 1991 and not later than 01st of June 2000 both days inclusive as on 01.05.2021.
The upper age limit for reserved category candidates shall not exceed the corresponding ages as given below:
Category | Upper age limit |
Member of SC/ST | 35 Years |
OBCs (Other than those from the creamy layer) | 33 Years |
LIC Employees, who are not SCs, STs or OBCs | 42 Years |
LIC Employees, who belong to OBC Category (Other than those in the creamy layer) | 45 Years |
LIC Employees from SC/ST Category | 47 Years |
LIC Agents and other than agents (DSE/FSE), who do not belong to SC/ST Category | 40 Years |
LIC Agents and other than agents (DSE/FSE), who are members of OBCs (Other than those in the creamy layer) | 43 Years |
LIC Agent and other than agents (DSE/FSE), who is a member of SC/ST Category | 45 Years |
Ex-Servicemen | 30, increased by the number of years of service in the armed forces subject to the utmost 45 years for candidates from OBC Category. In the case of SC/ST, the age limit is a maximum of 47 years. In the case of candidates other than SC/ST/OBC category, the maximum age should not be more than 42 years. |
All others | 30 Years |
As of the 1st of June 2021, candidates should have the following experience:
Category of Applicant | For Recruitment in Urban Areas | For Recruitment in Rural Areas |
LIC Employees | Not lower than three years of service after they got confirmed in a class III Position. | |
LIC Agents | Not lower than five years as agents and has brought a net first-year premium income of not lower than Rs. 5 lakhs during the closely former 5 agency years and a net first-year premium income of not less than Rs.1 lakh on 50 lives in each of any three of these agency years. | Not lower than four years as an agent and has brought a net first-year premium income of not less than Rs.1 Lakh on 50 lives per year in any three of the immediately preceding 4 agency years. |
Others | Preference would be given to candidates with at least two years of experience in the life insurance industry. |
Candidates can gather details about the “Net First Year Premium” from the notification.
LIC ADO Application Form 2021
The application form for LIC ADO should be submitted online from the website of LIC. Candidates should make sure that they submit the application before the last date specified in the notification i.e., 9th June 2021. Application form submission starts from 20th May 2021.
LIC ADO 2021 – How To Apply Online?
Applicants will have to first head to the website of LIC at and they will have to then click on the option called “Careers” to open the link “Online Application for LIC ADO’s Recruitment Exam 2021-21”. Then, they will have to open the recruitment notification and should take a print of the same. Then, Candidates will have to apply as per the procedure given below:
Step 1: Registration
- Open the ‘Careers’ page on LIC’s website or click here
- Find and click on the ‘Recruitment of Apprentice Development Officers 2019-20’ link available under ‘Job Description’
- Find and click on ‘Click here for Apply Online’
- Click on ‘Click here for New Registration’
- Read all the ‘Important Points to be noted’ then click on tab ‘Continue’
- Enter and confirm your ‘First name’, ‘Middle name’ and ‘Last name’
- Enter and confirm your ‘Mobile No.’ and ‘Email ID’
- Enter ‘Security Code’ as shown in the image then click on the tab ‘Save & Next’
Step 2: Photo & Signature
- Upload your scanned photograph
- Upload your scanned signature
- Both scanned files should be as per the guidelines mentioned by LIC in the notification
- After uploading scanned files, click on tab ‘Next’
Step 3: Additional Details
- Provide your basic details such as ‘Category’, ‘Type of Applicant’, ‘Religion’ etc.
- If you are a child/family member of those who died in the 1984 riots, select the ‘Yes’ option otherwise ‘No’
- If you are a Person ordinarily domiciled in J&K during the period from 1 Jan 1980 to 31 Dec 1989, select the ‘Yes’ option otherwise ‘No’
- If you are an ‘Ex-servicemen’, select option ‘Yes’ otherwise ‘No’
- Select ‘Zone’
- Enter your ‘Choice of Division’
- Enter your ‘Choice of Centre Phase-I: Preliminary Examination’
- Enter your ‘Choice of Centre Phase-II: Main Examination
- Select either ‘Urban’ or ‘Rural’
- Provide your ‘Personal Details’ such as ‘Date of Birth’, ‘Gender’, ‘Marital Status’, ‘Father’s / Mother’s name’
- Enter your address for Correspondence
- Enter your ‘Permanent Address’
- Select the address for ‘GST invoicing’
- Click on the tab ‘Validate your details’
- Click on the tab ‘Save & Next’
- Provide your educational qualification details as on 01 May 2021 (graduation & master or PG degree, name of the college / institution / date of passing / % of marks / class)
- If you have any sales experience, then enter the details otherwise skip the ‘Sales Experience details’ section
- Provide other details then click on the tab ‘Validate your details’
- Click on the tab ‘Save & Next’
Step 4: Preview
- You will see a preview of your registration details
- Check all the details entered by you then read and accept the declaration statement
- Click on tab ‘Final Submit’
Step 5: Uploads
- Upload scanned file of your thumb impression
- Upload scanned file of ‘Handwritten declaration’
- Enter security code
- Click on the tab ‘Save & Next’
Step 6: Payment
- A page having payment details will open up
- Enter security code then click on the tab ‘Submit’
- Select any of the available options to make payment online
- After making the payment successfully, print the e-receipt and your application
Applicants will have to pay the application fee/intimation charges that are non-refundable through online mode. The fee applicable for SC/ST candidates is Rs.50, which is the intimation charge along plus candidates will have to bear the transaction charges. For candidates other than SC/ST candidates, the application fee-cum-intimation charge is Rs.600 plus transaction charges.
Documents Needed
To apply, candidates should have a scanned copy of their signature and photograph and they should also have their educational certificates to fill up the application online.
- Scanned copy of Photograph (4.5cm × 3.5cm & 20kb–50 kb)
- Scanned copy of Signature (With black ink, 10kb-20kb, 140 x 60 pixels preferred), Not in capital letters
- Scanned copy of Left-hand thumb impression (on white paper with black/ blue ink, 20 KB – 50 KB, 240 x 240 pixels in 200 DPI )
- Handwritten declaration (on white paper with black ink, 50 KB – 100 KB, 800 x 400 pixels in 200 DPI )
Declaration: “I, _______ (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true, and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”
LIC ADO 2021 – Exam Pattern & Syllabus
The online test for LIC ADO will be conducted separately for the open market category, Agents & employees category. Candidates can get the details about the exam pattern and LIC ADO syllabus from the pattern mentioned below:
Open Market Category (2 Phases)
- Prelim
Section | Test Name | No. of questions | Max Marks | Medium of exam | Duration |
1 | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | English & Hindi | 20 min |
2 | Numerical Ability | 35 | 35 | English & Hindi | 20 min |
3 | English | 30 | 30 (Qualifying) | English | 20 min |
Total | 100 | 70 | 1 hour |
- Main
Section | Test Name | No. of questions | Max Marks | Medium of exam | Duration |
1 | Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability | 50 | 50 | English & Hindi | 120 min (composite time) |
2 | GK & Current Affairs, English Language emphasis on Grammar and Vocabulary | 50 | 50 | English & Hindi | |
3 | Insurance & Financial marketing awareness emphasis on knowledge of Life Insurance and Financial Sector | 50 | 50 | English & Hindi | |
Total | 150 | 150 |
Agents Category & Employees Category (Single Phase – Main exam)
Agents Category
Section | Test Name | No. of questions | Max Marks | Medium of exam | Duration |
1 | Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability | 25 | 10 | English & Hindi | 120 min (composite time) |
2 | GK & Current Affairs, English Language emphasis on Grammar and Vocabulary | 25 | 15 | English & Hindi | |
3 | Elements of insurance & marketing of insurance | 50 | 125 | English & Hindi | |
Total | 150 | 150 |
Employees Category
Section | Name of the Test | No. of Questions | Marks | Medium | Duration |
1 | Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability | 25 | 25 | English & Hindi | 120 min (composite time) |
2 | GK & Current Affairs, English Language emphasis on Grammar and Vocabulary | 25 | 25 | English & Hindi | 25 |
3 | Practice and Principle of Insurance Marketing | 50 | 100 | English & Hindi | 100 |
Total | 150 | 150 | 150 | 150 |
- There will be no negative marking
- Sectional cut off is present and overall cut off should be scored in aggregate along with sectional cut off as decided by LIC
- The prelim exam is of qualifying in nature, marks obtained in the main exam and interview will be considered for the ranking
- Maximum interview marks are 37
- Pre-exam training will be provided for SC/ST candidates at selected centers
LIC ADO Selection Process
Based on the performance of candidates in the online test, they will be shortlisted for the interview. Finally, selected candidates will have to get through the medical test for final placement as ADOs.
LIC ADO Admit Card 2021
Admit cards/ call letters for the LIC ADO prelim exam will be available tentatively from 29th June 2021. Candidates will get the intimation about the availability of admit cards to their phone and Email Address. The main exam admit cards will be available in the Last week of July/the first week of August 2021.
How To Download LIC ADO Admit Card?
- Candidates will have to look for the admit card under the career page at the website of LIC.
- When they click on the appropriate link, they will have to enter their registration number, password, and DOB.
- On the submission of these details, they will see their admit card on the screen.
- They will have to ensure the correctness of the details and should download it and carry the call letter to the online test center.
LIC ADO Result 2021
The result for LIC ADO 2021 will be published on the official website of the LIC under the “careers” section. Once they find the link, candidates will have to provide their login credentials to download the results. Online Prelim exam results will be declared by the last week of July and Main exam results by the last week of August and final results can be expected by September 2021.
- Visit the official website of LIC
- Check and click on careers sections
- Click on the LIC ADO result 2021 link
- Enter login credentials and submit
- Download the result and take a printout for further reference
The cut-off for the LIC ADO will be decided by the Life Insurance Corporation of India by considering different criteria and candidates will be shortlisted accordingly for the interview.
Guarantee Bond
Selected candidates should give the undertaking to serve a minimum period of four years from the date of joining failing which they are liable to pay liquidated damages of 25,000/-. Candidates have to submit an Indemnity Bond of 25,000/- duly stamped and executed by the surety of sound financial standing.
Remuneration & Stipend/ Salary
Apprentice Development Officers during the period of the apprenticeship will be paid a fixed stipend of 34,503/- per month that includes basic pay and dearness allowance. Probationary Development Officer will be placed on a scale of pay of 21865-1340(2)-24545-1580(2)-27705-1610(17)-55075 plus allowances and other benefits. Probationary Development Officer will get a basic pay of Rs. 21865 per month plus HRA, City Compensatory Allowance, etc. will be approximately 37,345/- in ‘A’ Class City.
Other benefits such as Gratuity, LTC, Medical Benefit, Defined Contributory Pension Scheme, Group Insurance, vehicle advance (2-wheeler/4-wheeler), Group Personal Accident Insurance, reimbursement towards the cost of a leather bag, mobile handset, Brief Case/supply of dailies as per rules will be applicable on confirmation in service along with attractive performance-linked Incentives.
Apprentice Period and Probation
ADO has to go through Theoretical & Field Sales Training and after the apprentice period, they will be placed under probation for a period of 1 year as Development officers.
Q.When Will LIC ADO Notification 2021 Gets Released?
A. LIC ADO notification 2021 will be released on 20th May 2021.
Q.What Are The Registration Dates Of LIC ADO?
A.Candidates can submit an online application for LIC ADO between 20.05.2021 to 09.05.2021.
Q.What Is The Age Limit For Applying LIC ADO 2021?
A.Minimum 21 years and maximum age limit are 30 years for applying to the post of LIC ADO.
Q.Is Experience Must For Applying To LIC ADO Posts?
A.No, the experience is not necessary to apply for LIC AD posts. However, 25% of seats are reserved for agents, 15% of seats are reserved for employees of LIC. Rest 60% of posts are reserved for freshers.
Q.B.Tech Freshers Are Eligible To Apply For LIC ADO?
A.Yes, B.Tech freshers, or any candidate possessing a University degree are eligible to apply.
Q.What Is The Full Form Of LIC ADO?
A.LIC ADO full form is Life Insurance Corporation of India Apprentice Development Officer.
Q.LIC ADO Exam Will Be Different For Employees, Agents, and Freshers?
A.Yes, There will be a separate exam for freshers, agents, and employees category candidates.
Q.Is There Negative Marking In LIC ADO Exam?
A.No, There will be no negative marking in the LIC ADO exam. However, candidates are requested not to answer based on a random guess.
Q.What Is The Application Fee For LIC ADO?
A.SC/ST candidates have to pay 50 rs/- as intimation charges and other candidates have to pay Rs. 600/- as application fee cum intimation charges. Along with fee and intimation charges transaction charges are to be borne by the candidate.
Q.When Will LIC ADO Prelim Exam Be Held?
A. LIC ADO prelim exam will be held on 6th and 13th July 2021.
Q.When Will LIC ADO Admit Card be Released?
A.LIC ADO Online prelim exam admit card will be released on 19th June 2021.
Q.When Will LIC ADO Main Exam Will Be Held?
A. LIC ADO Main exam will be held on 10th August 2021.